• the watcher •

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"You're so fucking gorgeous," Anakin whispered, his hands cupping your face. "How did I get so lucky?"

"Stop," You giggled, looking up and down the hall. "Someone might see us."

"I don't care; let them watch," He replied, before kissing you. It was a loving, passionate kiss, telling the both of you that you meant everything to one another. You and Anakin were a perfect fit.

But there was someone else present. 

Standing at the end of the hall, a lone girl stood. Her eyes were on the two of you, studying and curious. And envious

She scanned your bodies, watching how they moved against each other. Watching how he touched you. How you touched him. Taking a mental note of what made his eyes light up, and what made him let out those secret groans only you could hear. 

Only you, and her.

She had special abilities, the watcher. She could blend into any background, so well that even those most highly attuned with the Force could barely sense her there. There were a hundred things more useful for the Jedi she could have been doing, but she wasted her talents watching him. Watching Anakin. 

She didn't mean to take it this far.

It started out innocently. Anakin had entered an empty room, taking a break from the stress of his job. Once there, he began to touch himself, needing a release. 

But the room wasn't empty.

She was there, shocked and in awe at what he was doing. But shock and awe soon turned to adoration, and an awareness that he hadn't noticed her. He never noticed her. Her eyes watched his hand move up and down, droplets of sweat forming on his forehead as his head fell back. When he orgasmed, his cum shooting out in quick spurts and landing on his bare chest, she knew she loved him. She waited until he left before creeping over and tasting the droplets he had left behind.

Since that day, Anakin Skywalker was rarely ever truly alone. 

She'd follow him through long corridors, matching each of her steps with his. They were so in sync. 

She'd take note of what he ate and drank, adopting his diet as her own. Their habits were so alike.

She'd watch what he'd do to you, late at night in your bedroom, and go back to her lonely home before doing it to herself. Their fingers were so mirrored. 

But one night, she slipped up. 

"Who's that girl?" You asked Anakin as the two of you sat opposite each other at a small table. Though it was date night, neither of you had had time to book a nice restaurant, so you made do with your favourite bar. 

"Which one?" He asked with a mumble, frowning as he glanced around.

You kept your eyes on your drink, not wanting the girl to know you had seen her. "She's to the left of us- don't look now."

"Too late," Anakin said with a chuckle, looking directly over at her.

You sighed at his impatience before taking a sip of your drink, trying to remain casual. "You recognise her?"

"No, do you?" He questioned, his eyes narrowing as he looked back at you. 

You shook your head, "I am so sure of it. She seems so familiar. Are you sure you don't recognise her?"

"I've never seen her before in my life," Anakin insisted, finishing off his drink. "You want another?"

Growing uncomfortable with the unknown girl you were sure you had seen before, you took one last sip and put down your glass. "No, let's go home."

𝙖𝙣𝙖𝙠𝙞𝙣 𝙨𝙠𝙮𝙬𝙖𝙡𝙠𝙚𝙧 𝙞𝙢𝙖𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙨Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin