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Being secretly married to Anakin Skywalker was exhilarating, to say the least. At first, you were both extremely secretive about it, and anxious to ensure nobody found out. In public, you'd do your best to clear your mind of him in case Obi-Wan or any other Jedi knight would notice your mutual love. 

But after five years, you stopped caring as much. Even if someone was to confront you about it, you'd most likely admit to it happily. Anakin was now one of the most important people on the Jedi council, and not even his being married could jeopardise that position. Most people were aware of your closeness, and some may have even guessed that you were in a relationship, but they were too afraid to ask either of you. 

You were an assistant to the Jedi council, offering them advice on political issues and conducting the meetings. There had been a gang causing havoc; robbing small businesses, mugging people in the streets and burgling homes. They weren't exactly Jedi priority, but they had recently popped up on your radar when they resorted to murdering shop-owners.

"They go by 'The Vultures', and they need to be stopped," You explained as the others around the table watched you. "The police force don't have the resources to stop them; I propose we send a Jedi or two to properly rid Coruscant of them."

Windu nodded slowly, "I agree; the issue of this gang has grown aggressively. Miss Y/L/N is right, and we should definitely intervene."

As they discussed the matter, you locked eyes with your husband who was sitting opposite you. Anakin had a glint in his eye as he stared you down, and you couldn't help but think of how attractive he looked in his uniform. He always looked his best in black, and it was almost impossible for you to take your eyes off him.

You tried to centre your focus on what Yoda was saying, but suddenly felt a sensation on your body. You cleared your throat and sat up straight, assuming it was just a shiver. But then it zeroed in on a specific area and intensified. You almost jumped as you felt a pressure on your nether regions, leaving you extremely confused. Your confusion dissipated as you made eye contact with Anakin again, and you saw the smug whisper of a smirk playing at his lips. You glanced down to his hand which you could see under the table, as he held it out to you.

He was using the Force against you. How dare he?

You glared at him but he just winked, making you let out a slight scoff. Windu next to you raised an eyebrow, but you just smiled and nodded as though you were agreeing with whatever was being said. 

You bit down hard on your lip as you felt the pressure rebuild on your clit, making you squirm in your chair. You could tell he was enjoying driving you crazy when you had no way of stopping him, your heartbeat speeding up. A few frustrating moments later, you felt your nipples being stimulated, further shocking you. You couldn't believe he was taking it this far in a council meeting, the inappropriate setting adding to your excitement. 

Somehow, none of the others were aware of what was going on, seeing as Yoda was using the Force to demonstrate his plan using holograms and a small model of the city streets. Anything they sensed would be pegged down to Yoda's exhibition, which protected your dark secret.

Your eyes locked back onto your husband's, who had never once looked away from you. He loved seeing you bite your lip and slowly blink as you held back your moans, your breathing quickening. 

"Anakin?" Obi-Wan asked suddenly, getting both yours and Anakin's attention. "What do you think?"

Anakin raised his eyebrows, but never once stopped stimulating you. "Uh, what do I think about what?"

Obi-Wan rolled his eyes, "About going down there with a couple of the Padawans to sort out the Vultures. I'm sure you can be trusted to carry out this mission?"

"Of course," Anakin replied with a nod, his eyes landing right back onto you. "Y/N, do you think that's the best course of action?"

He further intensified the pressure on your clit as all the others looked at you, expecting your answer. You cleared your throat and nodded, "Yeah, sounds good."

"You're sure?" Anakin pressed, purposely putting the spotlight on you. "Don't feel forced to agree- if you'd rather I go alone, seeing as it may be risky to take the Padawans-"

"No, take them," You insisted, clenching your legs together. "They'll gain a lot of- uh, a lot of valuable experience, you know, seeing you do- do your thing."

"Are you alright, Miss Y/L/N?" Windu asked, a look of concern on his face.

You quickly nodded, smiling slightly. "I'm fine, thank you Master Windu." 

"Settled then, it is," Yoda announced. "See to the Vulture issue, Master Skywalker will. Anything else to discuss?"

Obi-Wan began to speak when a shock-wave funneled through your body. You felt yourself reaching orgasm as you looked at Anakin who was smirking at you. You shook your head slightly as your legs clenched even tighter, your nails digging into the chair. You held your breath as your orgasm finally overtook you, pleasure coursing through your veins. Letting out a sigh, you caught your breath and sat up straight, just as the meeting came to an end.

"I expect not to hear of these Vultures after tomorrow, Master Skywalker," Windu said as everyone stood up. 

"Of course, Master Windu," Anakin said as he nodded. 

With that, Windu and Yoda left the room. You opened your mouth to tell Anakin you wanted to speak to him, but he just winked and walked out of the room, leaving you there with an agape mouth. You couldn't believe his audacity, but you weren't surprised at his cocky attitude after all the years you spent with him. 

"Are you sure you're alright, Y/N?" Obi-Wan said, an unreadable look on his face.

You nodded and gave him a soft laugh, "Yes, Obi-Wan, I'm just fine."

After some silence, he shook his head. "I've been a Jedi knight for over a decade, and I have an understanding of the Force so deep that even the slightest wavelength stands out to me."

Your eyes widened as you avoided looking at him, shuffling through some papers. "Uh, good to know, Obi. I'm proud of you."

"You aren't slick, and neither is that husband of yours," He said with a smug smile. You were shocked for a second that he knew about the marriage, but it soon disappeared after you remember how perceptive of a man he was. "Keep your... relations, in your chambers."

"It wasn't my fault, he-" You stopped halfway through, unable to say out loud what had just happened. "My husband is uncontrollable sometimes."

"Sometimes?" Obi-Wan let out a snort as he stepped towards you. "You're a patient woman. Good night, Y/N, I trust you'll sleep well."

You didn't say anything as your face flushed, Obi-Wan letting out a chuckle and walking out of the room. 


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