• take care of you •

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continuation ofteach you a lesson

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It had been six months since the Red Hands' failed attempt at robbing the Jedi Council building. You had completed several successful missions since then, but the others never forgot about how you messed up what could've been the greatest heist ever pulled off in the galaxy, and they never let you forget.

It had been two months since you traded the location device that Anakin Skywalker had arrogantly placed on your shirt. You doubted he would ever go through with his threat, but kept it for four months just to make sure. You managed to trade it for a ruby necklace when you told the man who bought it that it once belonged to a Jedi Master.

Your boyfriend, Keeva, had caught wind that there was going to be a big meeting held at the embassy on Coruscant. Royals and politicians from all over the galaxy were going to attend, which meant expensive jewellery and accessories were just begging to be stolen.

"So, how are we gonna do this?" Polla, the manager of operations for the Red Hands, asked.

Keeva shot him a smirk, "I stayed up all night and came up with a fool-proof plan. We infiltrate the meeting, and take their shit from right under their nose."

Hana let out a scoff as she leaned back in her chair, her eyebrow raised. "Are you dumb? The security at this thing is gonna be insane. To get anywhere near it, we'd have to-"

"Go undercover," Keeva interrupted her, a smug look on his face that made you roll your eyes. "Tez got into the embassy's system and we are now officially part of the hospitality team. We'll be the guys taking their coats, parking their ships, and looking after their valuables. It couldn't be any easier."

A pit of dread grew in your stomach. If Skywalker saw you, he'd most likely recognise you. Sitting up in your seat, you cleared your throat, "Uh, how undercover is undercover? Like, masks and costumes?"

Keeva shrugged, "I mean, we'll be wearing the uniform. They don't know our faces, so it isn't a big deal."

"But they'll know our faces afterwards," You argued. "Shouldn't we try and protect our identities? There'll be warrants out for our arrests before the next morning; we'll have bounty hunters on our ass."

"We're running to Byss after this mission, anyway," Keeva revealed, making your eyes widen. "The Dark Side pretty much rules all there, and we can build our empire."

"Um... what?" You uttered, having not heard any such plans before. "Why has nobody told me about this? Byss?"

"It's a relatively recent development in our plan," Tez explained, a nervous look on his face. "We, uh, we were gonna tell you soon."

You knew exactly why they hadn't told you. It was because you weren't involved. For months now, you knew they were planning on kicking you out of the gang - and the only way anyone ever left the Red Hands was in a body bag.

"Right," You said, before looking back to Keeva. "Anakin Skywalker saw me last time. If he recognises me, I'm fucked."

"Even if you aren't lying about that," Keeva began, making you roll your eyes, "The most he would've caught is a fleeting glance at you- I highly doubt he'd remember you, babe."

"Just to be safe, maybe you should change something about your appearance," Hana suggested with a shrug. "That way, it's less likely that he'll be reminded of last time."

That was how you ended up walking down the halls of the embassy with rich blue hair. In a black shirt and pants and brown boots, you had a fake smile plastered on your lips for all the important people you walked past. It was your job to keep a lookout while Hana and Keeva looted the place.

𝙖𝙣𝙖𝙠𝙞𝙣 𝙨𝙠𝙮𝙬𝙖𝙡𝙠𝙚𝙧 𝙞𝙢𝙖𝙜𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙨Where stories live. Discover now