• rise of a jedi •

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requested by New_Orleans0v0 x

events purposely do not fit in to the established star wars timeline

part one


From the day you were born, you were labelled as different.

You weren't the same as other children your age. When you were allowed to go out into public, they would stare at you as though you were an otherworldly creature. They would spectate, observing you from afar instead of actually seeing you.

"That's the Princess," One of them would gush to their mother, tugging on her tunic while she rolled her eyes.

"There ain't a damn thing that makes her any different to us. Nothing that explains why they get to live up in that fancy castle while we struggle at their feet," She bitterly spat back to him, pulling him away.

You yearned to be able to go to the nearby public school, but your parents laughed at your request.

"Don't be foolish," Your father said with a chuckle. "They'd eat you alive."

It wasn't until you turned 6 years old that you began to understand why your people weren't supportive of your family. Eavesdropping onto important conversations, you heard terms such as "alliance" and "betrayal", which your older sister told you meant that your parents had made an agreement with a group of people that the rest of Naboo didn't agree with.

"You're too young to understand," She spat harshly. She was always harsh on you.

And she only grew more cruel after she saw you doing your tricks for the first time.

"What was that?" Berlee asked you with wide eyes as she stood in the doorway.

You looked back at her, the hairbrush in your outstretched hand, the look of getting caught doing something you shouldn't have plastered all over your face. "I, I was just-"

"You freak!" She screamed, terror and disgust on her face. "How did you do that?"

The truth was, you didn't know. All you knew was that you could call objects to yourself with just your mind, and you were likely the only person in the whole galaxy who could.

After that, things got worse.

Berlee tormented you to no end, constantly reminding you that you were a freak of nature. She made your life a living hell, causing you to hate yourself. Your parents did little to assure you; their neglect of you and doting affection towards Berlee only proving her words to be true.

Then came the night of a thousand thuds.

At first, the King's advisor deemed it to be an earthquake, but something told you that it was more than a naturally occurring event. You could sense that something was wrong, but it was difficult to put into words. You hardly understood it yourself, being only eight years old.

Your father's smug disregard of the thuds quickly turned to sheer terror once the walls of the palace began to shake. A few guards came to lock you and Berlee in a safe room, while your father sent his advisor and soldiers to investigate. Within minutes, you could hear yells and screams, even from the tall tower you were in. Berlee sat in the corner, crying for your mother, while you unlocked the door with your mind and snuck out. Something was drawing you to the main palace, something was drawing you to the action.

"You betrayed us," You overheard a large man yelling at your father. "Align Naboo with the Sith and you may survive. Continue with your wretched support of the Jedi, and you, your wife, and your daughters, will all meet their grisly end."

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