"Sorry, I'm such a downer.", he laughed humorlessly.

"Tell me about your missions.", he said, sitting up, resting his hand on his chin, as he looked at the three of them.

"Er-- I went to this village, and the Death Eaters were waiting there. I snuck down to the village, and I met this Squib. She helped evacuate the village, and I took her kid. Battled a Death Eater, went back to the village. His parents-- the kids parents were dead, and a house fell on me.", James said, looking down.

"Oh my god, Prongs.", Remus said, pressing his hand to his mouth.

"I'm fine. Promise.", James said, putting a comforting hand on Lily's knee, rubbing it.

"They were planning to burn down a-- an orphanage. A Muggle one. We got there just in time, we helped all the kids out. Or we thought we did. I heard someone cry and I went back in. I helped the kid out, but the flaming beam fell on me, and I don't remember anything after that.", Sirius said, as Remus grabbed his hand, squeezing it, as Peter and Lily recapped their missions.

"Well, I, for one, think we should have a special meal. Emily can help", Peter announced.

"Sounds good, Peter, you're an amazing cook.", Remus smiled at him.

"I think I'm going to take a quick nap before dinner. Wake me up?", he asked, walking towards the room he and Lily shared.

"Want me to come?", Lily asked, from behind him.

"Please.", James said, his eyes pleading. "C'mere.", she said softly, climbing into the bed next to him.

"I didn't get to tell you before, but you look gorgeous today."

"I'm wearing slacks, Potter, stop joking around.", she blushed. "I'm not.", James said, looking into her eyes, kissing her

a few minutes later

Lily was half asleep next to James, until she heard a terrified whimper come out from beside her. "Sweetheart, you're dreaming.", she whispered, shaking him. James' eyes popped open, his eyes darting from side to side.

"Lily-- it was horrible- he was just-", James stuttered, sweating as he stared at Lily. "Sorry. I just-- I'm sorry.", he said, ducking down. "Shh, I'm here, James. I'm here.", Lily whispered comfortingly, hugging him tight to her chest, "I'm here.".

"Can you-- can you get Sirius? He knows what to do when--", James said softly. "Of course, James. I love you.", she said, kissing his forehead.

"Hey, Sirius?", she asked, stepping into the kitchen, where he was twirling Remus around, laughing as Emily and Peter cooked together in the kitchen.

"Red!", he smiled at her. She tilted her head to their room, motioning him over.

"Hey, Prongs.", Sirius said hesitantly, closing the door to his room. "You heard about it, then?", James asked quietly.

"It happens, James. It helps if you have someone. Lucky enough, you do.", Sirius said.

"Do you want to talk to me about it?"

"I-- It was him. He killed everyone and-- I was the only one left, it was horrible.", he paused, "I- It felt so real, I just-- I felt so weak."

"I know."

"How do you deal with it?", James whispered. "Honestly? I don't.", Sirius admitted, "You, Moony, Peter, and Evans? You help, so much, but it-- they don't go away."

"Oh.", he said, "Then-- you've gone through so much more than I have. God, I feel like such a wuss.", he muttered, putting his head in his hands.

"You are not a wuss, Prongs.", Sirius said firmly. "Now, whatever Pete and Em are cooking smells amazing, let's eat."


"Pete, Em, this tastes amazing!", Lily gushed, her cheeks flushed.

"Evans, letter for you?", James said, looking through the piles of mail.

Lily grabbed the letter, opening it, her eyes darting across. She put her hand on her forehead, letting out a sigh.

"Tuney's wedding. It's tomorrow.", she groaned. "Tomorrow?", Peter asked.

"She said I can bring James, not the rest.", she said, her mouth twisting into a grimace.

"My best friend Petunia didn't invite me?", Sirius asked, mock offended. "Have fun with her and walrus.", Peter snorted, making Remus and Emily laugh.

"Pretty sure she was jealous of you, Remus.", Peter snorted.

"The look on her face when Sirius kissed you was hilarious.", Lily laughed, her eyes sparkling.

next day

James was using his wand to tie up his tie, fixing his hair as he looked in the mirror, pushing his glasses up his nose.

"You look nice.", Remus smiled, his face still pale and looking weak as he leaned on the wall for support.

"Thanks, Moony", James said, "You really should be in bed, Sirius will murder me.".

"He's asleep. He didn't sleep all last night.", Remus sighed, wincing as he sat down on the edge of James' bed. "He's worried about you, we all are.", James said softly.

"Don't. I'm fine, Prongs.", Remus said tiredly. "Sure?", he asked.

"Yeah. I'm sure."

"Evans, you ready?", James called, knocking on the bathroom door. "Hold on, Potter, you can't rush me.", Alice called, laughing from inside of the bathroom.

"Al? When did you get here?"

"I've been here since six."

"To do what?"

"Help Lily with her hair and makeup.", she yelled back. "Okay, we're done!", she said, stepping out.

Lily stepped out of the bathroom, smiling. Her hair was curled into ringlets around her face, her makeup done, and she was dressed in a pastel green dress.

"Whoa, Evans.", James breathed. "You look handsome.", Lily whispered, kissing him.


Mary took Alex's hand in hers, ducking her head. "The nurses say you might not wake up. That it's stupid for me to try and talk to you-- but I can't just- I can't just give up on you.", she whispered.

She shook her head, wiping away a tear as she looked down, 

 "Mary?", a voice came from the bed, "Where am I?".

"Alex-- oh my god, Alex.", Mary sobbed, smiling at him through the tears streaming down her face.

"Healer!", she called, into the hallway, and a young man came rushing in.

"He's awake?", the Healer blanched, surprised. "Okay, Mr. Alex. I'm Healer Sloan. Where does it hurt?"

"Er, my- my chest.", Alex said weakly. Sloan nodded, writing something down. "Good news, you're ready to be discharged. You can go home. We're going to need you to use a wheelchair for a while, though."

a few minutes later

Mary pushed Alex out of the hospital in a wheelchair, in silence.

"Mary, I- about what I said-", Alex said quietly. "It was true, all of it."


"I know-- you went through so much with my parents, and I- I should've fought for you. You probably moved on to someone new, but-", he stuttered.

"I love you, Alex, I love you, I love you. I love you.", Mary sobbed, running to the front of the wheelchair, kissing his lips, her tears mixing with his.

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