Season 3 Episode 14: On My Way

Start from the beginning

"I'm to be married to you. Don't you think I'm going to suffer the consequences as well? I mean, I just... I don't care about stuff like that. I love you, and we'll... we'll manage this together. Okay, the important thing right now is that we win."Rachel admitted to him.

"So you wouldn't care if I Photoshopped a photo of you like this on the internet?" Finn shows Rachel the photoshopped picture.

"Look, our future depends on us winning Regionals. It'll help me towards my NYADA application." Rachel tells him.

"Hmm. Hope you get in." Finn says and leaves.

"Finn." Mr. Shue tells him but he continues walking.

"Wow. That is so messed up. You would actually let your fiancé get humiliated just so you can perform in a singing competition? That's crazy to me." I say shaking my head.

"Shawn this is a big thing for me. This will help me get into NYADA." Rachel tells me. I shake my head. That is just crazy.
Me and Santana decided to join the God Squad for the day. We just heard the news about Karofsky attempting suicide. I don't like the guy but I don't want him to die. Plus he's trying to change. So we are praying for him right now.

"We should start today's meeting by praying for Karofsky. That he finds peace and that he feels better." Mercedes says sadly.

"I think we should start today's meeting by praying for his family. They could use comfort more than he could." Quinn states.

"I just don't understand how he could get it such a horrible, dark place." Sam says quietly.

"Well as someone who has been outed, it's not a good feeling. I didn't attempt suicide, but I understand how he got to such a dark place." Santana states.

"Yeah, it's the worst feeling in the world. I feel bad for him." I say quietly.

"Plus, it's all over Facebook. A couple of kids from Karofsky's new school saw him at Breadstix with Kurt on Valentine's Day. They posted mean stuff on his page and texted everyone that he was gay. He couldn't take it." Mercedes sadly adds on to me and Santana.

"How is he? Is he going to live?" Joe asked. I hope me does.

"Well, he's in the hospital, but thank god his dad found him in time." Mercedes answers.

"I feel sorry for Karofsky, but what he did was selfish. He didn't just want to hurt himself; he wanted to hurt everyone around him. I went through the wringer, but I never got to that place." Quinn says and I can't believe what she's saying.

"Quinn please. Sure you had a baby when you were 16 and it had a bad dye job for two weeks, but seriously? The world never stopped loving you. And your going to Yale. You have no idea what Karofsky was struggling with." Kurt says.

"Yeah, you weren't bullied or publicly humiliated. You didn't have a secret you didn't want everyone to know. Being outed affects you for the rest of your life. It leaves a mark in you that can't be erased." I said and Santana puts her head on my shoulder.

"You guys really want to try to compare..." Quinn starts but Kurt cuts her off.

"The despair, the self-loathing."

"It doesn't matter. I just can't imagine things getting so messed-up that you would consider taking your own life." Quinn states. Wow. That's insensitive.

"That is so harsh and reductive. Have some compassion. Do you know what they're still writing on his Facebook? 'Better luck next time' and 'Try, try again'." Kurt shoots back.

"Why are you even here, Kurt? Thought you didn't believe in God." Quinn crosses her arms, voice low.

"He asked me if he could come, and I invited him. Just like I invited Shawn and Santana." Joe told her.

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