Season 3 Episode 13: Heart

Start from the beginning

"What is it?" I ask scratching my head.

"If I told you it wouldn't be much of a surprise anymore, now would it?" She says.

"Oh yeah." I say.

"Quinn, what did Sam get you for pre Valentine's Day?" I asked her.

"Some Chocolates and a tape of him doing all kinds of impressions." She says shaking her head with a smile.

"Classic Sam." I say and look over at Sam talking to Puck.

"How about you Brittany? What you get for pre Valentine's Day?" I asked her.

"Nobody got me anything. Probably because I'm single. But it's okay because I bought myself bags of candy!" She says happily.

"That's nice Britt." I tell her.

I open the chocolates and see that there is a mixture of milk chocolate and dark chocolate.

"You remembered I like the mixture. Thank you." I say as I hug her and she hugs me back.

"Okay everybody, let's hear it for love!" Mr. Shue says and drags out the love. He circles something he wrote on the board earlier.

"Your assignment for Valentine's week is to find and perform the worlds greatest love songs." Mr. Shue says and I get an idea of what I want to sing to Santana.

"Now, Regionals is next week, and we still need to raise $250 for costumes and hair spray." Mr. Shue says and some people groan.

"Oh god, not another bake sale." I heard Kurt groan from the piano.

"If any student gives ten dollars, we will sing these 'world's greatest love songs' to their Valentine. We will serenade each classroom..." Mr. Shue says and we cut him off.

"No!" We yell. Nobody wants to do that on Valentine's Day.

"Yes!" Rachel argues. Of course.

"Two years ago, we went room-to-room Christmas caroling, and they threw food." Tina states.

"And shoes." Mike added. I remember that. The teacher threw a freaking shoe at my head.

"Yes Sugar?" Sugar raises her hand and Mr. Shue calls on her.

"Here's a spoonful of Sugar for you all." Sugar takes off her sunglasses. Why does she even have those on? We're indoors. "Don't sweat the small stuff. And it's all small stuff when you're rich. So, here you go." Sugar stands up and gives Mr. Shue a stack of money.

"Uh, Sugar, I can't take that." Mr. Shue says.

"Take it!" Kurt quickly states, more like demands.

"Okay." Mr. Shue says and takes the money from Sugar. "Everyone, give it up for Sugar for paying for for our FinalNet and cumberbunds!" Mr. Shue states and we all applaud her.

"I love the sound of applause, even if I have to buy it." She says looking at Mr. Shue. "Okay, everyone, look under your chairs." She says and I pull out a box. I open it and see it's full of candy. "Expect you Artie. Your chair kept moving, so I hid your surprise in the wastebasket." She says and Artie smiles. I eat a sour patch kid that was in there.

"I found mine ten minutes ago." Puck says as his mouth was covered in chocolate.

"V-Day is my fave day ever. And to help mr celebrate, my daddy's throwing me a huge, ridic party at Breadstix. And I'm naming it the Sugar Shack. And—drumroll Rachel..." Rachel does the drumroll then Sugar continues "...your all invited!!" She announces and we cheer.

"But you have to bring a date." Well I already have one so I'm good. "No single people allowed. They're sad and boring and they don't exist in my world." Sugar puts her glasses back on.

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