Season 3 Episode 7: I Kissed A Girl

Start from the beginning

"And I also kind of feel bad for you. Look, I know we've been at each other a lot over these past couple of years, but the truth is I think you're awesome. And when you hide who you are, I feel like you hide part of that awesomeness with it. And that's why you act out because you hurt inside... everyday." He finished his little rant and then I say

"That's sweet... but if you think that I'm exchange for keeping me from getting suspended, I'm gonna come..." I start then Finn finishes it for me.

"...back to the Glee Club? Exactly. You and all the Troubletones. I have an idea for a lesson but it won't work out if you're not there." Finn says and I get confused.

"Did Ms. Corcoran and Mr. Shue already agree to this?" I asked.

"Look, it's up to you. Either you can come back to the choir room and embrace your awesome or take a two-week vacation and enjoy your seat in the audience for Sectionals." Finn says and walks away.
Shawn's POV:

We were in the choir room and the New Directions and Troubletones were on opposite sides of it.

"Can someone tell us what's going on, please?" Mercedes yells.

"This week, the Troubletones and New Directions will both be singing music created by ladies and for ladies." Finn states. I was still mad at him for outing Santana.

"Oh hell no." Santana says shaking her head.

"Next week, all of us will be going to Sectionals, and one of us is probably gonna win." Finn takes a short pause before continuing "But, Santana, we're worried about you."

"Worry about yourself, fetus face." She claps back and I silently chuckle.

"Glee's about leading how to accept yourself for who you are, no matter what other people think. And that's what this music is all about." Finn says.

"So wait, I don't even get a say in this? Not cool." Santana states.

"Everyone in this room knows who you are Santana. And we don't judge you for it. We celebrate it because it's who you are." Finn states. I'm glad he didn't say we were dating cause we wanted to tell everyone on our own. "Look, I know not everybody outside of this room is as accepting and cool, but we're doing this assignment this week so that you know in this rotten, stinking mean world that you at least have a group of people who will support your choice to be whoever you want to be. That's it. That's what we're doing here." Finn finish's his rant. "Blaine? Kurt?"

"Santana, Kurt and I have a song we like to sing to each other in the car. And we want to sing that for you right now." Blaine tells her.

"While there's nothing I'd love more than having two pretty ponies serenade me, I think we'd get further staging a 'gel-ervention' for Blaine than singing lady music." Santana states. She's having a hard time right now so I get her anger.

"I know it's hard. It was hard for me too. But you can get through this." Kurt tells her encouragingly.

"If you could just stop being so defensive." Blaine adds on.

"I'm trying, but your hideous bow ties are provoking me." Santana mentions.

"Wait, are we talking lady on lady or girl on girl?" Puck asked. "Cause there's a big difference." I roll my eyes.

"Puck, focus, okay?" Mr. Shue says before getting back on track "Kurt, Blaine, why don't you kick us off with what you got?"

(Shawn is next to Quinn)

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