Love Story

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She looked down at the red form fitting dress she wore in the mirror. It was the night of the Valentine's Day Fundraiser and she was looking forward to being a part of something that raised so much money for battered women in the US. Ethan was right on time as she made her way down the stairs to open the door for him. "You look beautiful, babe." He pulled her in for a gentle kiss.

Anna pulled back and quirked an eyebrow. "You being a gentleman? Who are you and what have you done with my boyfriend?" Ethan pinched her sides before laughing sarcastically. "If I kiss you how I want you'll be bent over that counter and I'll be balls deep inside of you." The visual made Anna shiver and Ethan smirked at his effect on her.

They got to their destination in time to see the various executives and partners associated with Crane Industries already mingling with their spouses. Anna smiled as she saw her parents at a nearby table. They walked over to them and smiled. "You look amazing, baby girl." Her mother beamed pulling her in for a hug. "Thanks, Mom. You look gorgeous." Adaline smiled widely as she struck a pose.

"How are you doing Andrew?" Ethan asked her father as he shook his hand. "I can't complain, Ethan. I'm glad we're able to contribute to this fine event." Anna wasn't shocked to see her parents there, but it did trip her up seeing them mingle with the rich like it was nothing.

They found Ethan's family and talked and laughed together as the night went on. There was a huge auction going on and Anna jokingly bid on a painting that caught her eye. She knew she wasn't going to get it, but she was hopeful. "You having fun," Ethan pulled her into him and kissed her temple. "I am. Are you?" He looked at her with a ravishing glint and Anna swallowed slowly. "Nowhere near as much fun as we're going to have the moment I get you in bed." Anna rolled her eyes at him and wiggled out of his embrace. "I'll be right back," she said, heading to the bathroom.

She washed her hands after using the restroom and checked herself out to make sure her hair was still cooperating. She went to throw away the paper towel and turned back around to be met with a familiar brunette scowling at her. "If it isn't the help." Anna rolled her eyes and made her way to leave but Tiffany blocked her. "You are the help though. I can see you sitting on your high horse trying to change Ethan, but you could never do that. He's as wild as a stallion and only I am able to rein him in." Anna scoffed loudly. "Ethan has moved on, meanwhile you're still pining for the guy you cheated on two years ago. You sound delusional at best and psychotic at worse." Tiffany narrowed her eyes at her.

"You think what you have will last. It never does. He goes out and finds girls that pique his interests for a while, but it only takes a matter of months before he's begging me to ride him like I used to. You think the last time we were intimate was 2 years ago?" She let out a harsh laugh. "I was in his fancy penthouse in September experiencing the best orgasms of my life as he pounded into me. You're not special. He will get bored of you like he does every other girl. I'm the only one who sees him for who he really is. Fucked up and without a care and I love him anyway."

Anna looked at her head on. "Is that what you think you had with him? Love. If you loved him you wouldn't have bounced on the dick of your personal trainer." Tiffany huffed. "That was a mistake!" Anna shrugged. "One that cost you a great man. I don't care about your trysts with Ethan, because they were before me. I'm his present...his one and only. There's nothing you can do or say that will change that."

Anna pushed past her and exited the restroom. She took in deep breaths as Tiffany's words followed her. "You're not special. He will get bored of you." Anna looked up to see Ethan smiling at her before his eyes connected with hers. His smile faded as she turned and made her way towards the exit. He saw Tiffany walking out the same direction Anna had just come from and cursed. The night was almost over, so no one would miss them. He followed Anna running to catch up with her. He grabbed her arm but she pulled away. "Can we go home? Please." Her voice sounded broken. Ethan nodded his head as they walked to valet. The entire ride back was silent and tense. He racked his brain for what Tiffany could have possibly said to destabilize her like this.

He hated her, but on some level, he felt like he deserved Tiffany. A woman that didn't really love him, but rather what he could do for her. He felt as though it was karmic destiny to have the miserable life he deserved with her than a happy one with Anna. He shook the thought away and looked over at her silhouette. Anna all but jumped out of the car and ran into her townhouse. Ethan didn't rush after her. He let her have some time to herself while he fed Garth. By the time he made his way upstairs he could hear her crying and sighed. Ethan sat in front of a crying Anna and laid his hand on her hip. "Tell me what's wrong, pretty girl."

The expression on Anna's face wrecked him. She seemed so small and dejected. "When was the last time you slept with Tiffany?" The question was not one he was expecting nor what Anna really wanted to know, but it was out there. Ethan was going to choke Tiffany out the next time he saw her. "Do you care about me or am I like the other girls who are just stops on the Tiffany train?"

Anna sat up and moved off the bed to the dresser across from him. "You are not like any girl I've ever been with and I love that. I want that. I want you. Going back to Tiffany those times were mistakes. Stupid mistakes that I made when I was..." Anna looked at him as his eyebrows furrowed. "I do stupid things when I go dark, Anna. Tiffany didn't judge the darkness."

Anna looked at him and saw a man who was lost. "I don't judge you, Ethan. I've never judged you regardless of what your family, friends or tabloids have said. I see you. I see a man who is searching for something and has yet to find it, but is sabotaging himself in the process. I don't want to lose you, Ethan, but I won't stand by and let you disrespect me or yourself. No more Tiffany. No more shutting me out."

Ethan stared at her in all her glory. Arms crossed over her ample chest. Head held high to further relay her point. She was a vision of strength and grace. He stood up in front of her and held her tightly around the waist. "Thank you for seeing me. I know I'm not perfect and have a lot of work to do, but you make it worthwhile. You're worthwhile."

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