Time Today

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Ethan made his way into his father's study and smirked as he watched his old man review slides on his projector. "Hasn't anyone ever told you all work and no play makes for a dull old man?" Jefferson snickered as he looked at his son. "Who you calling old man?" Ethan patted his father on the shoulder before taking the seat next to him. "Colgate ad?" Jefferson nodded. "They want something that will appeal to the younger crowd as if the teens are the ones buying their own toothpaste. It's moronic." Ethan laughed. "A wise OLD man told me it didn't matter if we believed in the ad, but that the client did."

"Keep calling me old and see what happens to you." Jefferson chuckled lightly. "How you doing, Dad?" Jefferson sighed as he got up to refill his glass. "I've been good. Work is good. Your Mom is good. How are you doing? I know you like working from your home office and the work you've been doing is great, but I miss my son being in the office with me." Ethan wasn't in the mood for one of his father's famous guilt trips. "I'm doing good. I wanted to tell you before you heard it from Mom, but I have a girlfriend. Her name is Anna and she's great. She actually works for us." He decided to load him with all the key information and sidestep the whole office talk altogether. "Anna..." Jefferson thought. "Wait, do you mean Anna Anderson?"

Ethan didn't like the look on his father's face. It was too chipper. "Yes. Why?" Jefferson laughed loudly. "How did you manage to snag her?" Ethan looked offended. "I'm your kid! You would think you could see how handsome I am." Jefferson waved his hand and laughed. "Anna Anderson, well according to my assistant Matthew, is the coveted girl of the office. All the guys have tried to woo her, but she's oblivious of her looks and their advances. Her default mode is to friend zone herself, so she doesn't see any of their moves for what they are."

Ethan didn't like the idea of a bunch of men going after his woman. She's not your woman. His subconscious offered up to which he shook off. "First of all, who the heck taught you about the friend zone? Second of all, why are you letting a bunch of men flirt with her when they should be working?"

Jefferson laughed loudly. "I know a thing or two about what you kids say nowadays." Ethan shook his head in his hands. "Anna is an amazing graphic designer. Most of our designed ads in Q2 were by her. She's quick to, so she finds herself done with her work before others. The guys take advantage of this and ask for help. It doesn't help that she's my only female graphic designer now that Priscilla is on maternity leave." Ethan furrowed his eyebrows. Maybe it's time I make an appearance at the office. I'll just use it as an opportunity to let my staff know I'm in a happy relationship with a woman that's off limits.

Ethan smiled to himself before looking at his father who was smiling at him. "Brunch is ready, so come on old man. You know it's going to take those old bones of yours extra time to get to the table." Jefferson was on Ethan in a flash holding him in a lose headlock. "I'll show you old man."

They walked over to the kitchen table just like that causing Eliza to laugh, while Ivy scolded them for being childish. They enjoyed brunch together talking about the topic of the moment, which was Ethan's relationship status. Ivy drilled Jefferson about details about Anna. When she found out she was Black, Ethan swore his mother almost fainted from pure joy. "I need to start watching those YouTube videos on how to do protective styles." Ivy said with a smile.

"One, how do you know about protective styles? Two, why would you need to know how to do a protective style?" Eliza asked her mother curiously. "First of all, I am well-versed in many topics, types of people and cultures, Eliza. Second of all, the moment Ethan brings me his biracial daughter I will be in Mimi heaven." Ethan almost choked on his waffle. "Mimi?!" Lars, Jo and Eliza were full on cackling. Ivy shrugged and winked at her son.

Ethan made Ivy promise not to bring up her delusions of grandeur when Anna was around. He reiterated that though they really cared for one another the relationship was still new. They all promised to be respectful, but most importantly not embarrassing. He knew they were probably all crossing their fingers under the table. Sundays were family days. They spent the whole day at the house just catching up and relaxing. He took the moment after brunch to text Anna. He wondered what she did on Sundays and if she was resting and relaxing like he was.

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