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In less than thirty minutes, Tasha and Anna walked into a somewhat packed Dirty Arrow. It was a popular bar in Portland and one that notable townies visited. "There's your man." Tasha pointed at Ethan who had a busty blond in his face. It was apparent he wasn't picking up what she was putting down, but Anna couldn't help but find herself feeling a little jealous. Ethan noticed her as soon as she walked in. Her thick thighs were exposed in a flared out leather skirt, while her ample breasts poked out of the cream-colored sweater. He wanted to just watch her, but the blond in front of him was persistent.

"I can't believe you don't remember me, Ethan. It's Sabrina." She whined oblivious to the dark-skinned beauty headed their way. "There you are, babe." Anna smiled before pulling Ethan into a passionate kiss. This was a kiss with purpose and everyone around them knew it. Ethan didn't ever want to stop, but he knew they needed to come up for air. They looked into one another's eyes and smiled. "Oh, I'm sorry, how rude of me. I'm Anna, Ethan's girlfriend." The blond stood there, eyes wide open and mouth slightly agape. "This is Samantha." Ethan offered drunkenly. "My name is Sabrina!" Ethan shrugged. "I knew it was a witch." Anna laughed as Sabrina marched off angrily.

"You're a dick," a blond man laughed as he handed Ethan another beer. "You must be the illustrious Anna." He smiled and Anna knew he was a heartbreaker. "You must be Lars." She shook his hand and smiled. "This is my best friend, Tasha." Tasha and Lars weren't even trying to be subtle with the way they eye fucked one another. "How long have you guys been here?" Anna asked over the music. "Going on two hours." She nodded and then giggled as Ethan sucked on her neck. "Now that your here my babysitting shift is complete." Lars smiled lifting his beer to me. "What are you going to do now that your off?" Tasha flirted causing him to smile. "That's totally up to you now isn't it?"

Anna rolled her eyes as she ordered them a drink. Ethan was perfectly content nibbling on her ear and neck. "You're so pretty, you know that." He said in her ear causing her to shiver. "You're drunk." Ethan tilted her face towards him. "You're beautiful." There was something in his eyes that was too serious for the moment. She leaned forward and gave him a quick kiss before pecking his nose. He went back to nuzzling her neck and she took great interest in watching the flirting unfold between Tasha and Lars.

"What's your sign?" Tasha asked taking a sip of her rum and coke. "Why?" Lars questioned suspiciously. "I want to know if I'm wasting my time flirting with you or not." He laughed loudly. "You must be a Scorpio." Tasha looked at him startled. "You care about horoscopes too?" He shrugged absentmindedly. "I know a little something. Since you didn't correct me, I can assume you're a Scorpio which pairs perfectly with my Virgo self." Tasha clapped gleefully. "Thank goodness, because you are too damn cute to not spend time with." He smiled at her and Tasha felt her core clench. "You keep looking at me like that Scorpio and we're going to have some problems." Tasha leaned forward looking deeply into his eyes before rubbing her plump lips against his pouty ones. "Don't tempt me with a good time."

Anna watched as Lars and Tasha disappeared to the bathroom and shook her head. Her best friend was a man eater. She saw what she liked and went after it, but never for a relationship. Tasha had gotten her heart broken a few too many times starting with her father and realized quite early that she wasn't a fan. Lars was in for a ride getting involved with her and Anna hoped it didn't blow up in their faces.

"It seems our friends like each other." Ethan smiled lazily at her. "How many drinks have you had?" Anna asked shaking her head. "Not enough." Ethan intended to stay in and enjoy boys' night with Lars, but his mind couldn't stop replaying his father's words. He wanted to forget that night when his whole world changed, so he drank. He convinced Lars to go to Dirty Arrow knowing that his best friend already had an idea of what he was doing, but he didn't care. He wanted to forget.

Anna watched as Ethan drunkenly ordered another drink. She scowled at the bartender who just shrugged. She knew no one would say no to a Crane. She grabbed the shots that were placed in front of him and downed them all. Anna regretted it instantly. "What'd you do that for?" Ethan scolded but she shook off the burning sensation and looked back at him.

"What happened today? Something happened to make you drink like this. I know it. You're not getting wasted tonight. I don't want you to and deep down you know it's not a good idea." Ethan scowled at her. "You don't know what I need Anna so quit pretending." He went to move, but she blocked him forcing him to sit back down. "We're not pretending anymore, remember? This is 100% real. You and me. I don't want to see you spiral."

He wouldn't look at her. He didn't want her to see him so fragile and broken. Anna could tell Ethan was shutting down so she shook her head and grabbed his hand. "Come here." He eyed her suspiciously and followed her over to where the dart boards were. Anna placed her hands on his shoulder and forced him to face her, while she looked into his eyes. "This is where we had our first kiss." Ethan's eyes bugged out. "What? What are you talking about?" Anna chuckled at his expression. "The real first night I met you and Ezra we were here at Dirty Arrow. I was by myself because I got stood up on a blind date. You wouldn't leave me alone, so I dared you to a game of darts. If I got closer to the bullseye you would leave me alone, but you dared..." Ethan smiled. "...if I got closer then I'd get a kiss."

Anna smiled at him that he remembered. "I remember. I remember you." Ethan couldn't describe the feeling he had. It was as if a part of his brain had been unlocked. He remembered seeing Anna for the first time and feeling like his breath was stolen. Ezra had immediately seen it and told him to go shoot his shot. "You somehow managed to hit it right in the bullseye and I had to oblige cause a promise is a promise."

Ethan pulled Anna close and smiled down at her. He leaned down and captured her lips in a perfect kiss. He traced her lip with his tongue begging for entrance, which she granted. Anna moaned as their tongues danced and sighed happily the moment Ethan palmed her ass. He couldn't help but squeeze both cheeks in his greedy hands.

Anna pulled away breathless and smiled. "Has anyone ever told you that you're really good at that?" Ethan chuckled as he gave her ass a parting squeeze. "I'm only as good as my partner."

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