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"Where to next, babe?" Ethan smiled as he pulled off. He took Anna to all of his old hangout spots and laughed with her as he told stories from his past. He couldn't help but think about Tiffany. She never wanted to know who he was before he was the famous Ethan Crane. Tiffany cared more about herself and what his status did for her than anything else and he hated that it took him so long to see it.

"Where'd you go?" Anna asked as they sat on the swings at the neighborhood park. "Just thinking about how things are different with you." Anna looked at him as she rested her head on the chains. "You just care about me. I can tell and it's different. It's nice." Anna reached for his hand and kissed it. "Come on, we got one last stop." Anna smiled happily thoroughly enjoying her day. She loved seeing the various layers to Ethan Crane. She knew it was both an honor and privilege to see him so relaxed and carefree.

They pulled into a drive-in theatre and Anna couldn't help but giggle. "Is this where you brought all your little girlfriends?" Ethan chuckled as he parked the car. "No, that was Eliza. I just came here to enjoy my favorite blockbuster. Like the one we're going to watch tonight." Anna looked at the screen and saw the cover for Back to the Future and smiled. "I love this movie." He kissed her hand and squeezed it. "I'm going to get us popcorn. You want anything else?" Anna nodded. "M&Ms."

He kissed her lips before leaving to buy their refreshments. Anna took this time to return her sister's texts. She filled her in on meeting the Cranes and how much she's looking forward to spending Christmas with both families. Arielle seemed genuinely happy for her, which she was glad about. She seemed to do a full 180 and she appreciated it. Ethan returned minutes later with a large tub of popcorn, drinks and her candy.

They laughed and talked during their favorite scenes of the movie and end up cuddling towards the end. When the Back to the Future theme song began playing Anna lost it. "So, take me away, I don't mind...but you better promise me, I'll be back in time!" Anna belted as she danced goofily. She grabbed Ethan's hand and forced him to dance with her. "This was my jam!" She smiled widely causing his heart to speed up. She was the most beautiful when she was carefree and smiling. Ethan couldn't stop himself. He knew they hadn't talked in detail about their redefined relationship, but in that moment he just wanted to kiss her so he did. It caught her off guard for just a second before she was giving in.

Anna leaned into the kiss and moaned in his mouth. It drove him wild as he pulled her closer. The honking of a horn brought them out of their lust induced fog. She looked up at him with those big brown eyes and smiled. "What was that for?" He stroked her cheek and smiled happily. "I just really wanted to kiss my girlfriend." Anna leaned in and pecked his lips before sitting back. "Ready to go home?"

She looked over at him liking that he referred to her townhouse as home and nodded. They made it back in time to an angry Garth who had knocked over his empty food bowl. "I'm coming! I'm coming!" Anna grumbled as she went into the pantry to grab his food. "Sorry, bud. Mommy and Daddy had a fun-filled date night." Ethan cooed as he carried Garth in his arms and twirled around.

Anna couldn't help but smile at the sight. She gave Garth his food before pulling Ethan into a hug. "I really liked today." She whispered into him. "I did too, pretty girl. And as much as I want to stay the night I need to go back to my place." Anna couldn't help but pout, causing Ethan to trace her bottom lip with his thumb. "I have meetings in town tomorrow and my place is closer. Plus, I've been neglecting my best friend Lars and need some guy time." Anna nodded in understanding. "Okay. I should have a girls' night tomorrow with Tasha. Catch up on some Real Housewives." Ethan shook his head before giving her a kiss that started off gentle and ended searing.

They were breathless by the end of it and Ethan knew he had to get out of there if he knew what was good for him. He got his things and loaded up his car before saying goodbye again with a kiss. "Text me when you get home." Anna instructed leaning in the doorway. "Will do, babe." Ethan made his way home with only thoughts of Anna on his brain.

It felt weird being happy. Ethan had succumbed to the negative thoughts and self-loathing, but when he was with Anna, he couldn't help but let that all go. He made it to his penthouse and sent Anna a quick text. He let Lars know he'd be down for a guys' night tomorrow night after his meetings. He showered and prepped for bed already missing snuggles with Anna.

Anna heard her phone ringing beside her and smiled. She accepted the FaceTime request and grinned at a sleepy Ethan. "If I don't get an ounce of sleep tonight I'm blaming you," he grumbled. "I can't sleep without you. You've gone and got me addicted to you." Anna laughed heartily as she shook her head. "My saving grace is that my sheets smell like you or else I'd be in the same predicament."

He studied her face and smiled. "We're really doing this." Anna nodded knowing what he was referring to. "We are and I'm happy about it. We may have started unconventionally, but this is real to me and I know it is to you too." He nodded his head while rearranging his position. "I think the rules should still apply." She chuckled. "Absolutely."

They spent thirty minutes on the phone talking. The other not wanting to get off, before Anna called it. "Sleep tight, babe." Ethan smirked sleepily. "You too, pretty girl." She disconnected the call and placed her phone back on the charger. She fell asleep to thoughts of her first real boyfriend who just happened to be the most handsome man in all of Oregon.

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