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Ethan felt like his heart had exploded. He moved to speak, but she covered his lips with a finger. "No...I don't want us just to be together. I want us to be a family." She smiled up at him. He searched her eyes for any sign of change or trickery before crashing his lips onto hers. He kissed her passionately as his tears fell. "It's okay, babe." Anna said wiping his eyes. "I've seen the work you've been doing and I'm so proud of you," she smiled but he saw the sadness lingering in her eyes.

"Ethan if you try this shit again it's not just me who will be gone. Okay?" He nodded heeding her words before capturing her lips again. They stood there kissing for what felt like hours before pulling away. "Come here," he said pulling her over to the blanket. He helped her get seated before following suite.

He pulled out her favorite cupcake, donuts and cookies making her cheer happily. "I'm big enough as it is, Ethan." He shook his head. "Who is Ethan? I'm the Green Arrow." Anna laughed giddily at his spot-on voice impression. "Well since it's not every day you get to be in the presence of your favorite superhero can I ask you a question, Green Arrow?" Ethan smiled at her and nodded. "Have you ever made love outside? Specifically, on a beautifully decorated roof."

His eyes went wide as Anna pulled him in for a kiss. She pulled off her oversized shirt revealing her braless chest before taking off her shorts and panties. Ethan was in a daze as he watched her. It all still seemed surreal. He was waiting for the moment he would wake up from this beautiful dream, but when that didn't happen, he immediately took off his shoes, hood and pants. Anna smiled at him as he chose to leave the mask on. He kissed her passionately before laying her on her side. He wanted to make sure she was comfortable. He lined himself with her core rubbing the tip of his penis across her clit and lower lips.

"Ethan," she moaned letting her head fall back onto his shoulder. "That's not my name," he replied in his Green Arrow voice before slapping her ass. Anna yelped and grinned before kissing him over her shoulder. He slowly entered her causing her to groan out loudly. He prayed none of their neighbors would decide to go onto their roofs.

He stroked her steadily and slowly as he rubbed circles on her clit. "I love you, Anna." He breathed out as he picked up the pace. "When you smile my whole world makes sense. I can't be without you, pretty girl. I can't." Anna felt the power in his words with each stroke and shook happily. They had made love before but never like this. Never so vulnerable and open. "I love you, Ethan. I always have and I always will."

She squeezed his arm as he thrust deeply into her. She could feel her orgasm building and felt dizzy. "Baby, I'm going to-" Ethan captured her lips as Anna moaned loudly. Her climax ripped through her causing her legs to shake and her stomach muscles to tighten. Ethan groaned into her shoulder as he reached his own climax. They lay like that for some time bathing in the afterglow. "We're partners, Anna. I won't try and do this alone anymore. I'm letting you in. You have all of me."

She looked up at him and smiled lazily. "That's all I've ever wanted, Ethan." He kissed her forehead before laying back down. "Let's get you to bed, pretty girl. I'll take care of all this stuff." Anna shook her head no and nuzzled into him. "I want to sleep with you." She whined causing him to smile. "Okay, I'll clean up tomorrow. Let's go to bed." He helped her up making sure no one was up to see their naked bodies. They showered and dressed in record time before they were both out for the night.

The next day Ethan went to the rooftop to find everything was cleared out. He smiled as he shot Tasha a thank you text. She let him know he needed all his time making it up to her best friend and he did. They spent the majority of that weekend in bed. When they weren't, they were sharing the good news at a joint dinner with the families. Both Ivy and Adaline shared that they knew the two would get it together eventually. Everyone was happy, especially Ethan and Anna.

"He'd be proud of you." Eliza said to Ethan in their family den. Everyone else was still in the dining room laughing and talking. "I just want to make him proud. Stop wasting the life he sacrificed his for." They both stared out the window and smiled. "You need to marry her."

Ethan smiled as he looked back and caught a glimpse of Anna. "I just got her back I don't want to scare her off." He chuckled nervously. "You won't. She never stopped loving you and that girl has done so much to make sure you have the best life. You got another second chance, twin, don't waste it." She patted his back before heading back to everyone.

Eliza didn't know that Ethan had a large diamond ring in his safe waiting and ready. He had it with him the night on the roof, but chickened out last minute. He didn't want to bombard her with too much. Now it was November and Carsyn would be here any minute. He just wanted the moment to be right. "Your lady is getting tired," Jefferson said cutting him from his thoughts. "Yeah, the closer we get to the due date the more tired she becomes." Jefferson nodded remembering Ivy's pregnancies.

"Enjoy the sleep while you can now, because the moment your bundle gets here there's no more time for that." Ethan laughed and nodded. "I'm both proud and happy for you, son. I don't tell you that enough." Ethan looked at his father and smiled. "Thanks, Dad." He pulled him in for a surprising hug. "Babe, I need bed. Now." Anna mumbled between a yawn. He chuckled pulling back and making his way towards his girlfriend. "Yes dear." He kissed her temple before saying their goodbyes and heading home.

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