I Will Make You Cry

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August and September flew by in a blur, but that didn't stop Anna or Ethan from ensuring that almost every night ended in orgasm. Ethan realized the pregnancy was supercharging her libido. She was never as insatiable as he was, but now she was surpassing him and he obliged. They enjoyed finding new positions to work with her growing bump and recently Anna would lay in his arms as he rested his hand on her bump.

The first night she fell asleep in his arms Ethan wanted to freeze time. He had taken the time necessary to work with his therapist about his deep seeded issues tracing back before Ezra's death and though difficult he knew the importance of addressing it all. He spent time with his father during the past months talking over things his therapist and him unraveled, as well as, visiting Ezra's grave for the first time since his funeral.

Ethan was doing the work and Anna noticed it. In the past couple of months, they had conversations that made her question if she was talking to the same man she had dated. It was weird, but nice. He was slowly becoming one with himself and she loved it. She also questioned if he was only able to do so because they were no longer together.

The moments they had sex Anna found herself getting lost in the fantasy that they could be together. She questioned herself on whether she could forgive him for all he had done. There was also the issue of whether being with him would stunt or hurt his progress. She would eventually overthink and give herself a headache that he would unknowingly soothe with temple massages.

The more nights Anna found herself sleeping over his place the more Ethan knew he had to up the ante. Garth had his own food and water bowls at his place and spent more time there than at Anna's. He needed her to see they were good for each other. He needed her to see that he realized all the ways in which he failed her the first time.

He sat across from Lars and Tasha who concocted a plan she was sure would get them back together. "You want me to wear this?" Ethan pointed to the green leather outfit on the chair. "Yes, tomorrow night for Halloween." Ethan looked from Tasha's smiling face to Lars with a quirked eyebrow.

"Hey, don't look at me. She's the best friend. If she says it'll work, I believe it." Ethan shook his head before looking over the outfit. "I'm going to take care of decorating her rooftop. You just have to tell her to meet you there by 8 pm. She will fuss and argue, but get her on her roof. There will be a zip line rigged from your roof since it's taller than hers. You just slide down it and land gracefully in front of her and give your speech." Tasha clapped happily at her plan. "What speech?" Tasha rolled her eyes and groaned. "The speech where you tell her you love her. That you can't live without her and that you'll spend the rest of your life proving to her and the world that she's all you've ever wanted."

"That's a good speech, babe." Lars complimented. "Thanks honey." Ethan smiled at the two. Tasha went over how she was going to get Arielle to take her out for a spa day while she decorated her roof. She would then hangout with Anna when she got back while the zip line folks rigged the line. She would leave promptly at 8 pm to which Ethan would call and set the thing in motion. It sounded straightforward enough and he hoped it went accordingly.

That night he could barely sleep. He went over in his mind what he would say a dozen times. "Just be honest." He heard Ezra say in his mind and smiled. His therapist suggested every time the negative voices would appear to imagine what Ezra would say in retort. It was weird at first, but it forced him to think of so many memories and the comfort the technique provided was welcomed.

Anna felt so good. Arielle had taken her on some impromptu spa day that had her body feeling nice. Carsyn was a kicking fool, but after her pregnancy massage they were sound asleep. Tasha was over and they had spent the past couple of hours catching up on shows.

"This was really nice, T. Thank you for hanging out with my big self." Tasha laughed and rubbed her belly. "Your beautiful boo and I had fun, but it's time to get back to the man." Anna smiled but it didn't quite reach her eyes. Tasha caught it and pulled her into a hug. "It's going to be alright, love bug. I can feel it in my bones." She gave her a parting squeeze before heading out the door. Right as Anna locked the door her phone rang. She smiled at the caller ID before picking up.

"Hey." She could hear some movement on the other end before he answered. "Hey, can you do me a favor?" Anna didn't know what it was but his voice sounded off. "Depends. What is it?" He chuckled causing her to smile. "Can you go to your roof?" Anna scrunched up her eyebrows. "Why?" She whined already thinking about the steps. "Please, it's important. I need you to get something for me."

Anna huffed for three minutes putting on shoes and climbing the stairs before she opened the hatch leading to her roof. She gasped loudly at the sight. Roses were everywhere while a blanket lay on top of an air mattress off to the side with a cooler near it. She could hear soft music playing from somewhere, while lights decorated everything. "Ethan..." Anna said into the phone. "Go stand where the x is." He instructed as Anna looked around to see a big x made of flower petals. "What's going on?" She asked, but he had already hung up.

"Rude." Anna said before she heard a shuffling. She saw an arrow shoot to the side before Green Arrow came sliding down. He jumped off and did a quick roll before standing in front of her. Anna didn't know whether to laugh, gasp or jump his bones right then and there. "Anna Anderson, I have failed your heart and for that I will forever be sorry. You are the best thing that's ever happened to me and have given me the best gift any man could ever get."

He placed a hand on her belly. "I did so many things wrong that I wish I could take back. You deserved better and for the last few months I've been working on being better." She saw the tears well up in his mask covered eyes and fought her own. "I love you, Anna Marie Anderson. I've loved you since the night you sang 'I'll Be' to me. You didn't have to try and save me, Anna, because you already did the moment you entered my life. You knew who I was even when I didn't. You are unlike any other woman I've been with and I will forever cherish you because of that."

"I want to be with you, Anna. I want us to be together. Will you take me back?" Anna looked at him and watched as the tears fell. She pulled his hand off of her belly causing him to crinkle his eyebrows."No," she answered looking into his eyes.

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