On Me

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He watched her eyes dance with excitement as the show began. He wanted to get closer, but wasn't sure if she'd push him away. After all, they were just fake boyfriend and girlfriend. He stretched his arms before placing one around her. She didn't move or recoil, which was a good sign. "Smooth move, Romeo." Anna quipped with a chuckle. They watched a few minutes and Ethan couldn't lie it seemed interesting. Anna hit pause on the remote and looked up at him. "Question #4: Why are you doing this? Agreeing to be my fake boyfriend and help me out with my family?"

"Honestly, I need the help to. I'm almost 30 with a failed engagement on my docket to show for it. I need my parents off my back. The media off my back. I wasn't thinking when I stepped in, but I'm glad I did. We can save each other." He looked down at her and drowned in her big brown eyes. He wanted to kiss her, but he knew he couldn't. There was no one around for him to say he did it for show. "We agreed this is done after New Year's." Anna said sternly, but he saw the doubt in her eyes. "Sure, Anna." Ethan had no intention of ending things after New Year's.

There was a huge Valentine's bash that he knew Tiffany would be at and he wanted to rub Anna's gorgeous self in her face. It had been two years since they ended things, but she was quick to flock her parade of men for all to see and report back to him. It was now his turn. Anna pressed play and they went back to watching. Ethan wasn't sure how it happened but by episode 5 they were laid out on the sectional. Anna rested her body on him as her head rose and fall with each breath he took. She was passed out by episode six. He turned off the tv and found himself stroking her cheek. "We're going to make one hell of a team, Anna Anderson." In moments, Ethan was knocked out.

The knocking of the front door woke them up. "What? What's happening?" Anna asked sleepily as she looked around and then back at the handsome man whose arms were around her waist possessively. "Ethan?" The memories of the prior night hit her like a freight train. "Good Morning beautiful." Ethan smiled sleepily as he turned to go back to sleep. The front door got her attention once more. "Get up. Go upstairs to my room and stay there until I can get rid of whoever this is."

Anna stood up and pulled Ethan up shoving him towards the stairs. "Why are we hiding, Anna? I'm your boyfriend, remember?" Anna thought on it, but didn't know who was knocking. She wanted to reveal their status on her own time. "Up!" She whisper yelled as she made her way to the front door. Ethan shook his head as he climbed the stairs two by two. Anna knew she looked disheveled, but she opened the door anyway.

"Bitch, you had me out in this freaking cold for what?" Tasha yelled before pushing her way in. Anna groaned forgetting that her best friend was coming over to get her hair done. "I told you I'd be here at 9 am sharp. You know I don't do CP time, so what gives?" Anna sighed pulling her friend into a hug. She was freezing. "I'm sorry I forgot. My Dad had his little event yesterday and then..." Both of their heads turned at the sound of footsteps on the stairs.

"I'm sorry, Tasha, it was my fault. I kept her up last night." Tasha's jaw dropped. She looked between the two of them. She took in his shoes at the door and his coat slung over the couch. "Bitch what? You had a whole ass booty call?" Anna wiped her hand over her face. "No!" Tasha smiled mischievously. "I don't think it's a booty call if you're dating," Ethan offered with a smile as he pulled Anna towards him. He kissed her temple before turning his attention back on Tasha. "Wait?! You have a whole man and I'm just now finding out?"

"We wanted to keep it lowkey to see if it would last. I wasn't thinking about me keeping it from you, so much as saving him from an ass whopping if he hurt me." Tasha seemed to think it over and nod. "Okay, what's your name and when did you two start dating." Anna should have known her detective of a friend would be on it with questions. "Ethan and we made it official October 31st. It was the best birthday present I could ever receive." Ethan smiled down at her. He looked so genuinely happy that Anna couldn't help but smile back.

"Where did you two meet?" Tasha asked again wanting all the facts. "Dirty Arrow." Anna said turning back her attention to her best friend. "He was there with some friends and I just wanted to get out of the townhouse for a little bit." She nodded her head as it was a believable story. Anna loved the homey bar Dirty Arrow. "Have either of you met the family?" Ethan nodded. "I met Adaline and Andrew, as well as, Arielle, Noah and Aiden. Anna is going to meet my parents next weekend when my Mom gets back from out of the country." Tasha looked him over once more before smiling widely. "Welcome to the family, Bill!" She exclaimed pulling him into a hug. "Bill?"Ethan asked looking at Anna. "It means brother in law." Anna deadpanned.

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