...Ready For It?

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"Hi Mom," Anna smiled as Adaline opened the door and pulled her in for a hug. "Andrew," Ethan smiled shaking his hand. They were ushered into the living room where Arielle and Aiden were playing chess and Noah watched a game on television. "It's been awhile since we've seen you two. Everything okay?" Adaline said eyeing them both.

"Yeah. We just came over to tell you that we're pregnant." Anna rushed out closing one eye. Adaline's scream reminded Anna how much she and Ivy were alike. Arielle was in hysterics for various reasons, but the main ones being she was going to be an Aunt and Anna would have to change her dress for her wedding in September.

"Can I talk to you?" Andrew asked Ethan as he made his way to his study. Anna watched them walk away and gave Ethan a worried look to which he smiled and winked. She couldn't help but smirk and shake her head. "You're rich, so I don't have to worry about my grandchild wanting for anything, but money isn't everything. Love is. You prove yourself to be a good father by loving the mother of your child. You going to make my daughter an honest woman?"

Ethan thought on how he would respond and chose the truth. "I want nothing more than to marry your daughter, sir. Anna is strong and independent and no one is going to make her do something she doesn't want to, but I will be with her every day to support her and raise our child."

Andrew smiled happily pulling Ethan into a hug. "Welcome to the family, son." Ethan wanted things to be different. He wanted to be with Anna and not just as the father of their child. He knew he needed to continue the work he was doing to fix his messed-up mind, but he also needed to work on getting his woman back. He wanted to be with Anna more than anything in the world and he was going to make that happen come hell or high water.

They enjoyed lunch with the Andersons as Adaline planned out nursery ideas with Arielle. Anna had rolled her eyes so much he was worried they'd get stuck. "We love you guys," Adaline waved as they said goodbyes. "Love you too." Anna smiled as she buckled her seatbelt. They headed back to her townhouse in a comfortable silence.

"So, what did you and my Dad talk about?" Anna finally asked. "Men stuff." Anna scoffed pinching him before she could stop herself. He laughed at her. "I just reassured him that I will do anything I can to support you and raise our child and I mean it, Anna," he looked at her seriously. "You and Carson mean everything to me."

Anna swallowed down the lump in her throat as she looked back to the front of the car. He was pouring out emotions left and right and it was different to the man she fell for who would give it out in small doses. He dropped her off and a part of her wanted to invite him in but refrained. She didn't trust herself around him alone.

Ethan sped over to Lars' to inform him about the baby. Lars surprised him with the fact that he already knew. He had known since the beginning of June when Anna found out. "Why didn't you tell me?" Lars shrugged. "It wasn't my business to tell. She was hurting. She still is hurting and needed to get to a place where she could let you in again for the sake of your child."

Ethan couldn't help but curse himself for the mess he had made. "Where's Tasha?" Ethan asked. "Why? How can I help you?" She snapped.

"I do need your help. I need both of your help." Ethan looked so serious and forlorn that Tasha took down her anger a few notches. "I have to get her back. Not just because we're having a baby. Not just because I need her in my life. But because I'm finally getting the help I've always needed to be a better and true version of myself. We belong together I know that. If I'm being honest, I've always known that."

Tasha placed her hand on her hip. "Declarations aren't enough, Ethan. You have to do! Actions white boy! They speak loudest." Ethan nodded in agreement and filled them in on his plan so far. Lars thought he was crazy and Tasha thought it was romantic. He figured it was somewhere in between and Anna would either hate it or love it.

July was hot and miserable, but August was downright cruel. Anna continued on her dresses kick, but wore more form fitting ones to show off her bump. News spread fast that a new Crane heir was arriving which was a little nerve-racking for Anna, but Ethan was always there to swoop in whenever she was feeling overwhelmed. Over the weeks they had gotten into a groove that worked for her. Friendly banter and the laughs that she remembered when they first met.

She had an honest conversation with Tasha about her feelings for Ethan. She still loved him very much, but she couldn't forgive him for all that he'd done. The pain just cut too deep. Tasha told her to keep an open mind and heart and let his actions do the talking. She was confused by this advice, because her best friend was the conductor of the Fuck Ethan train.

It was the last week of August and Anna was coming into her sixth month. Her bump was well pronounced and she was craving every and anything she could get her hands on. Well rather what she could get Ethan to get his hands on. He did everything for her all she had to do was ask and it was nice. He was fully committed and she had to keep reminding herself he was doing all of this for Carsyn and not her.

"I have a surprise for you and I'm really worried you're going to hate it." Ethan said as he walked into her living room. She quirked a brow at him. "Well you know I love surprises, so I'm sure I'll love it." He held out his hand and she slowly took it. He walked her out the front door. "Ethan I just have house slippers on and my pajamas on."

He squeezed her hand and flashed her his bright smile. "We'll be at our destination in seconds." He walked her over to the townhouse next door and stopped. She looked at him and then the home. "What are we doing here?" He pointed at the sold sign. She looked back at him confused."I bought it." Anna's jaw dropped. "You what?!"

He rubbed the back of his head no longer sure of his plan. "I want to be close to you, Anna. I don't want to miss a moment of this journey with you. My penthouse is too far for my liking. I just I need to be near you and Carson, Anna. Please tell me this is okay."Anna saw his pleading green eyes and sighed. She rubbed her belly until she felt a kick and smiled.

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