Small Things

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Before Ethan could use his key to open the door it flew open. "Oh my word, you must be Anna!" Anna smiled at the older woman. Ethan had her eyes and her smile. Her blonde hair was extremely light in comparison to Ethan's sandy blonde locks.

"Yes ma'am. It's a pleasure to meet you." Anna barely got it out before she was pulled into a hug. Ethan grabbed the cake from her hands before it tumbled over. "Mom, can you let us in first." Ivy waved him off as she pulled Anna into the home. She was enamored by the décor. There were paintings everywhere that all seemed to pull the rooms of the home together. Anna didn't know how, but she was going to figure out a way to go explore and see all of the paintings. "You're absolutely gorgeous."

Anna turned around to see a smiling Mrs. Crane. "Thank you, Mrs. Crane. You're quite beautiful yourself." She shook her head. "You call me Ivy or Mom, whichever works for you." Ethan's eyes widened. "Mom!" Ivy snickered as she pulled Anna further into the house. "Let me take your coat." Anna watched as the fun and spunky woman took both of their coats into a nearby closet. Almost instantly a beautiful Black Labrador came running to them. "Hey Piper!" Ethan smiled, but she paid him no mind. Her sole focus was on Anna as she sniffed her thoroughly. "You smell Garth don't you." Anna said scratching behind her ears. Anna knew immediately she was going to like this pup.

"I'm sorry in advance for my mother. She doesn't know when to quit." A brunette woman said walking down the steps. She was beautiful and looked very similar to Ethan and Ezra only feminine. "I'm Eliza Crane, this dork's twin sister." Anna laughed at the faces they made at one another. "Anna Anderson, this dork's girlfriend." Ethan pinched her side and scoffed. Eliza laughed heartily. "I like her already."

Another brunette with blond highlights made her way down the stairs. "Anna, this is my wife Jo." Anna extended her hand, but Jo shook her head. "I'm a hugger." Jo said in the thickest country accent Anna had ever heard. They both laughed into the embrace and Anna found herself mellowing out. She liked them. They were cool and sweet and funny. "So, just really quick, because I know my idiot of a twin didn't warn you. My mother is most definitely going to throw in something about a baby or babies. You don't have to answer her. It's probably best to ignore her."

"What lies are you telling that poor young girl?" Ivy questioned as she walked up to them. "Nothing, mother." Eliza snickered as she grabbed her wife's hand and made her way to the dining room. "I made this for everyone." Anna said taking the cake from Ethan. "That is so sweet of you darling. I'll put it in the kitchen. You two head to the dining room." Ethan grabbed her hand and led her to where she assumed was the dining room, but stopped at a painting on the wall. It was breathtaking. "This painting." Ethan seemed to watch her with a keen eye. "It's beautiful." The various shades of green seemed to tell her a story. "It's called Peace is a Lie. It's from an underground painter in Paris. I never put it up. When I moved it had seemed to find a place here after so long so I left it."

"You're stupid." Anna said without removing her eyes. "I'd take this painting wherever I went." She looked at him and it unnerved him. She wasn't looking at him, but rather in him. "It reminds me of you. The greens. They tell a story. Your story." Ethan had no idea how she could possibly know that. Leo Jousset was his friend from Paris and well-known underground artist. When Ezra died Ethan had fled to Paris to get away from the reminders that fed his self-loathing. Leo was there for him and it was then that he painted the masterpiece they stood in front of. "Come on lovebird's my woman is hungry." Eliza called out snapping them out of it. Anna grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze before walking further down into the dining room.

Ethan still watched her as she took a seat across from Jo. Ethan sat beside her closest to where his father would sit and across from Eliza. Ivy sat down the last of the veggies and everyone could feel their mouths watering. "This looks amazing, Ivy." She began to pout. "I so wanted you to call me Mom, but I guess we can wait until there's a ring on it." Ethan called out. "Mom, please!" Ivy waved him off before taking a seat. Jefferson Crane made his way into the room with a wide smile on his face. "Well, if it isn't the beautiful Anna Anderson." Anna smiled shyly before saying hello. Grace was said and food was being passed around as light chatter was made.

"So, Anna, tell me about yourself? Any siblings? You close with your parents? Do you want kids?" Ethan choked on his wine. "Mom!" Anna giggled at his reaction and also remembered Eliza's warning. "I have a younger brother, Aiden, and an older sister, Arielle. My parents and I are very close, but I'm definitely a Daddy's girl." Ivy smiled. "I'm sure they're very proud of you. I'd love to meet them one day." Anna nodded. "You've met them. Her dad is Andrew Anderson." Jefferson informed.

Ivy dropped her fork and clapped with glee. "You're the daughter of the best writer that's ever written?" Anna laughed quietly. "I'll be sure to let him know someone thinks so highly of him." Ivy placed her hand on her chest. "I adore his books. His spy series is by far the best written drama in history." Ivy spent the next moments bragging on Andrew while they ate and how they most definitely had to do something with both families.

"Now, I get to brag that my future daughter-in-law comes from an upstanding family unlike Tiffany the Trollop." Ethan shook his head. "Mom!" Eliza snickered as she popped a Brussel sprout in her mouth. "Don't you Mom me. What were you thinking even dating that...Jo what is it you kids call hussies nowadays?" Jo looked to Ethan's irritated face and then her mother-in-law. "Thot, Mom." Ivy smiled.

"Yes, Tiffany the Thot. You had no business dating that wench. This is who you belong with. A woman that is smart, poised and makes you smile." Anna didn't know what to do or say, so she reached her hand down and rubbed his thigh. It was the only thing she could think of to offer some comfort. When he placed his hand over hers and squeezed it, she smiled up at him.

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