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The park was fun, but Anna caught Jamal multiple times trying to make a move. He had figured out she and Ethan were no longer together by her lack of appearance at work and his sad expressions in the office. She had to finally come out and let him know she didn't see him that way. He was at most a big brother to her and she knew that cut his ego, but it needed to be said.

He was no longer his charming self when he dropped her off and she figured that would happen. When she walked into her home she sighed. She would give anything to call Ethan and tell him that all of his comments about Jamal were right. He would gloat and she would roll her eyes. She walked towards the fridge feeling hungry and quirked an eyebrow at a bag from her favorite Chinese restaurant.

"He was here." She whispered to herself to which Garth meowed. She looked at the black cat and shook her head. "And you let him just waltz right in, didn't you?" Again, he replied. She heated the soup and smiled. She grabbed her phone and sent a quick text before over thinking it.

Anna: Thanks for the soup. You didn't have to do that.

Ethan laid in bed watching ESPN when his phone chimed. His heart fluttered at the name on the screen.

Ethan: It was no problem. I just want you to feel better.

Anna didn't want to start a conversation. She wasn't ready to talk to him, so she put her phone down. She drank her soup and watched episodes of The Flash before passing out right there on the couch. The remainder of the weekend flew by and Anna dreaded Monday morning.

According to Jamal, Ethan was back in the office fulltime and that unraveled her. He was putting an effort at work and actually started therapy. Where was all this when they were together? She began to think that maybe she was holding him back. Anna wondered what a baby would do to him and his newfound progress.

She walked to her office head held high as she set down her tea and muffin. Her small bump wanted to make an appearance with everything she tried on, so she wore a lose mini dress to hide it. She couldn't help but watch Ethan enter his office. He looked devilishly handsome and it irked her.

She clenched her thighs remembering the night they snuck into the office just so he could take her over his desk. Anna shook her head and focused on the tasks in front of her. She had so many projects to get done before the Fourth of July and she was determined to do so.

Ethan watched her hard at work and smiled. Her eyebrows crinkled as she bit her lip. She was beautiful and probably sketching something amazing causing her to concentrate so hard. His phone beeped. "Come to my office." His father spoke over the speaker causing him to groan.

His parents were out when he visited and Eliza could tell something was up, but didn't prod like their mother. Ethan walked out of his office and made his way across the open room to his father's. He could feel her eyes on him, but he didn't look. One look from her and he'd unravel. "You wanted to see me." Ethan closed the door and took a seat. "You fucked things up with Anna, didn't you?" Jefferson got straight to the point causing Ethan to sigh.

"I didn't deserve her when I had her. I messed up and now she's gone. I am working on fixing myself up and maybe she'll give us another chance once I prove myself to her." Jefferson stared at his oldest son and shook his head. "I know I'm not the best father. I know I'm hard on you and have angrily blamed you for what happened to Ezra." Ethan interrupted. "That was my fault, Dad." Jefferson stopped him.

"Partially, but not completely. In my need to punish someone over it I blamed you. You were hurting even back then, Ethan. I didn't want to see it. I didn't want to acknowledge that something was wrong with the way you viewed yourself, because you had everything and I didn't understand why you needed anything more. I loved you how my father loved me and that wasn't right. Crane men aren't created from a mold and I'm sorry for trying to box you in."

Ethan stared at his father shocked. Dr. Cassandra would call this a breakthrough for his father and he'd have to agree. He was seeing her at lunch and couldn't wait to fill her in. "I forgive you, Dad. We both have some learning and growing to do, I know that now." Jefferson nodded his head. "We love that girl, you know that right." Ethan sighed heavily and nodded. "Do whatever it takes to get her back." Jefferson smiled sadly.

"I almost lost your mother once due to my stupidity and I never backed down. I kept going back until she forgave me." Ethan smiled. "She loved you that much." Jefferson shook his head. "She said she was tired of me pestering her and scaring off other suitors."

Ethan laughed heartily at the picture. His father was persistent if nothing else. "I don't think that's my style, Dad. I think the right thing to do is to focus on getting me in a headspace where I can love her the way she deserves and go from there."

"You know her best." Ethan nodded before standing up and walking over to his father. He gave him a quick hug before leaving his office. On the walk to his office, Ethan looked over to see Anna watching him. He offered a small smile to which she returned one surprising him. "Baby steps." Ethan whispered as he made it into his office.

Everyone was on crunch for the Fourth of July deadlines. There were late nights and early mornings, but once July 3rd rolled around, they were all done and ready for presentations. Anna had bought a whole new set of dresses to aid in her concealment. As she stood in a bright red baby doll dress with a blue and white bow around the collar presenting for the executives, she couldn't help but feel happy. Her hard work was gaining the attention of important people at Crane Industries. Though Ethan was in the room she paid him no attention and soldiered on until she got a round of applause.

"Very nice, Anna," Jefferson smiled. "Thank you." She took her seat by Jamal who squeezed her arm in congrats. Once his pride had healed, he was back to being himself, but with a more friendly appeal. She even managed to set him up with one of the new receptionists to keep him busy.

Jefferson had announced that the office was closing early for the holiday and everyone was beyond ecstatic. "What are you doing for the fourth?" Jamal asked her as the headed towards the elevators. "Probably nothing. Watch the fireworks from my house. You?" Jamal smiled widely. "Hannah and I are going to a show downtown," Anna smiled before pushing the lobby button. Before the doors could close a hand stopped it. Ethan walked in and saw them together before getting in and turning around.

The silence was awkward and uncomfortable. This was the moment the baby decided to act up and hit Anna with a dizzy spell. One moment she was standing upright the next she was falling to the side. "Anna! Are you okay?" Jamal asked worriedly. Ethan was on her in seconds. He pulled her close and pressed his hand to her forehead and cheek. "What is it, baby? What's wrong?"

Anna grabbed his biceps to steady herself before blinking and shaking her head. "I'm fine. I'm fine," she said getting out of his embrace. "I just got dizzy." Ethan watched her wearily as she put more distance between them. "You shouldn't drive." Anna shook her head. "I'll be fine." The doors opened and Anna was the first to walk out. Jamal looked at Ethan and then her before following. "Anna, maybe you should let him take you home." Anna looked at him with wide eyes.

"Et tu Brute?" Jamal chuckled as Ethan walked up to them. "At least let me follow you home, so in case something happens I'll be there." Anna wanted to lash out. She wanted to say she didn't need him, but she also knew she needed to put her baby before her pride so she agreed.

As Ethan followed her, he realized Jamal and her were nothing or else he would be the one driving her home. The thought brought a smile to his face. She drove normally, which he was thankful for but he was still worried about her. First, she was sick for two weeks now dizzy spells. He would see if she would go to his doctor for a second opinion on whatever might be going on.

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