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It was 6:15 pm and Tasha was putting the final touches on her makeup. "You are too gorgeous, darling!" Anna smiled at her best friend before looking at her reflection. She didn't even recognize herself. "You made me beautiful." Anna whispered in shock. "Girl, please. You've always been beautiful. Now come on let's put on this dress."

By the time Anna stood in front of her floor length mirror to admire herself her doorbell was ringing. "I'll get it," Tasha smiled heading downstairs. The white and silver gown complimented her skin so perfectly. Tasha made sure the shoes were fierce, but comfortable. Her hair was done up in the most intricate of updos and showcased the dangling diamond earrings Tasha let her borrow. She could hear Ethan and Tasha talking before and smiled as she made her way down.

Ethan forgot how to breathe the moment his eyes landed on her. She was a vision in white and he just wanted to keep her to himself. "You look radiant." She smiled at him before giving him a kiss. "Thank you. You're not too bad yourself, handsome." The man knew how to wear a tuxedo and Anna felt like she needed him out of it and under her. "Alright kiddos, behave yourselves. Play nice with the snobby, rich White folks. No offense, Ethan." He chuckled. "None taken." They made their way to his car and Anna laughed as she got in. She felt like a cupcake the way her dress fit in the luxury sportscar.

"Don't leave me alone in there," Anna instructed as the got closer to the valet. "I can't promise that I won't get called to do something for my father or speak to someone in private, babe. But I will promise to come find you the moment I'm done." Anna didn't want to be clingy. She didn't want her anxiety about the event to dampen the mood. "Okay," she responded looking at all the women and men dressed in their formal wear. When their car reached the valet, a young guy opened her door. He held out his hand and let her out, while another took the keys a bit too eagerly from Ethan. "You damage her in any way and you'll spend the rest of your life paying for her repairs." Ethan warned to which the guy nodded. Anna laughed at him before taking his arm as they made their way in.

The venue was decorated to the max. It was as if Christmas politely swept through to leave some holiday cheer at every corner. Servers were dressed in red and green. The bar and kitchen held holiday themed drinks and appetizers. There was even a table for guests to grab a present on their way out. It truly was magical. Ethan saw the wonder and awe in Anna's eyes and smiled. He was glad her first time was with him.

"Let's go see my parents," Ethan said to her as he looked over to his family towards the middle of the venue. "Mom. Dad." Ethan smiled at his mother's infectious smile. "My baby. Oh, Anna it's so good to see you again. You look beautiful." Ivy pulled them both in for a hug. "It's good to see you too, Ivy." Anna noticed her pout at the lack of being called Mom and giggled. They stood there talking for quite a while before being joined by Eliza and Jo.

Anna could do this. She wished she could spend the rest of the night with the Cranes despite the looks she was getting. She knew most people there were wondering what she was doing with the richest family in Oregon as they were unaware of her and Ethan's relationship status. "Babe, we have to go and meet with our partners. You should go grab a drink and I'll come get you afterwards." This is what Anna dreaded, but nodded anyway.

She made her way to the bar and ordered some peppermint drink before she heard a voice she knew. "Hey Jamal!" She knew she sounded too happy, but she was seeing someone she knew. "Hey Anna. Wow, you look beautiful. That dress is amazing." She smiled at him before saying thanks. "How long have you been here?" He looked around and Anna knew who he was looking for. "Ethan and I got here about an hour ago."

Jamal made a quick face before wiping his expression. They talked for a while about work and the much-needed break Christmas week will provide. "Any plans for the holidays?" Jamal asked as he ordered another drink. "Nothing major. Just spending it with Ethan's family and mine." Jamal nodded but sported the same facial expression as before. "You two are serious." Anna eyed him. "Yeah, we are. Is that a problem?" He shook his head. "I just want you to be careful, Anna. Men like Ethan are problematic." She rolled her eyes. "If this is more of your hatred for interracial couples-" He stopped her. "It's not that. It's just he's a playboy and a wild card. He has a reputation that goes beyond just being the son of a multimillionaire. Just be careful."

Anna could see the seriousness in his eyes and sighed. "He's not like that anymore. He's changed for the better and I'm proud of him for that." Jamal nodded looking her over for the hundredth time. "Well he needs to take better care of you." Anna quirked an eyebrow. "If you were my girl, I'd never leave you alone looking as beautiful as you do."

Ethan wrapped his arm roughly around Anna's waist and scowled at him. "Good thing she's my girl now isn't it." Anna could see from the glares that both men sported this could go left quickly. "Hey, babe, try my drink. Isn't it delicious?" Anna said all but stuffing the straw in Ethan's mouth. He took a long sip and smiled. "It's good babe. Almost tastes as sweet as you."

Anna's eyes widened as Jamal began choking on his drink. "Come on, babe, I want to spend some time with my sisters." Anna put her finished drink on the bar and waved goodbye to Jamal before following Ethan. He pulled her hand to his lips and kissed it. "Thank you for standing up for me back there. You didn't have to, because Lord knows he was kind of right. But thank you anyways." He smiled down at her. "Also, I really hate that guy."

Anna laughed at him and went to say something before they were interrupted. "Well, if it isn't Ethan Crane." A gorgeous brunette spoke up. She stood next to a Hispanic man that looked so familiar to Anna. "Hello, Tiffany." Anna snapped back to the woman in front of her. This was thee Tiffany. Tiffany the Thot according to Ivy.

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