I Am

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E: How's your day going?

A: It's not too bad. I can't complain. What are you doing?

E: Hanging out with my family. They know all about you and can't wait to meet you. Speaking of, we're doing dinner here on Wednesday.

A: ...Great I now have 3 days to be riddled with anxiety about meeting the parents.

Ethan couldn't help but smile because he could imagine the facial expression she was making.

E: There's no reason to be nervous. They already like you.

A: ...

E: Before you ask, yes, they know you're Black.

Anna couldn't help but chuckle to herself.

E: What are you doing?

A: Right now, I'm watching The Flash with this nugget.

Ethan looked at the picture of Anna looking as cute as ever with a headscarf cuddled up with the largest cat he had ever seen. It looked so regal with its black fur and amber eyes.

E: That's one fat cat.

He couldn't help but laugh at himself.

A: Are you pleased with yourself? I know you're laughing.

E: I am very pleased. How come I didn't see that jaguar when I was upstairs?

A: Garth doesn't like new people, so he was probably hiding in the closet.

E: Please don't tell me you named that majestic beast after Garth Brooks.

A: ...fine I won't tell you

Ethan laughed heartily. They spent the next hour texting one another and it was the most fun that either had in a long while.

A: I have to get ready for dinner with my family...I so don't want to go.

E: Why not?

A: The Flash is calling me. I need to watch season three for the fifth time or else.

E: You're a nerd.

A: You say that like it's a bad thing!

He shook his head and typed.

E: Go get ready. Tell your folks I said Hi. Oh, and send me a pic of what you're wearing.

A: ...

Ethan looked at the picture of his fake girlfriend rocking baggy sweatpants and a hoodie.

A: Don't I look pretty?!?

E: Prettiest girl I've ever seen!

Anna couldn't help but smile. They were doing this to get people off their backs, but no one was watching them presently. No one could read their texts and yet here they were. This is just a part of the rules. Open communication. It doesn't mean anything special. Anna told herself as she questioned whether to text back or not. She shook her head and kissed Garth on the head before heading up the stairs.

It was almost 6:30 and dinner would start promptly at 7. She didn't know why her parents didn't subscribe to CP time like most Black folks. She dressed in black leggings and knee high black boots with a cream-colored cashmere sweater. She decided to wear her blown out hair down, so they caressed just below her shoulder blades. She did her make up and accessorized in record time. She passed her floor length mirror before doubling back.

Anna took her phone and snapped a quick picture and hit send before overthinking it. She threw her phone in her purse before attempting to pick up Garth. "I don't even know why I try to carry you anymore." Anna said to Garth who just looked at her with his ever-present mean mug.

She opened the door to the garage and let Garth through before unlocking her car and letting him in

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She opened the door to the garage and let Garth through before unlocking her car and letting him in. She was in the driver's seat in no time and backing out of her spot. She could hear her phone chime before it started ringing and connecting to her Bluetooth. She saw Best Boyfriend flash on the screen and smiled. "Can I help you, boyfriend?" He chuckled lowly on his end and it did something to her that she wasn't ready to acknowledge. "Have you ever heard of the term thirst trap?" Anna laughed loudly as she pulled up to a stop sign. "I have heard of it, but how does it apply?"

"Your picture. That is the definition of a thirst trap." Anna laughed loudly. "I don't think anyone has ever described me or my pictures as a thirst trap." Ethan hummed. "Well good. I don't want you hanging around anyone that would." She noted the pinch of jealousy in his tone but shook it off. "What are you doing?" She asked him as she turned onto the highway. "I'm finally back in my penthouse relaxing. I need to get some pitches done for work, but I think I'll just do that in the office tomorrow."

Anna's face was one of shock. "You're coming in tomorrow? Into the office?" Ethan knew she was shocked and for good reason. He hadn't stepped in the office in over a year, but he didn't like the stories his father had regaled him with when it came to the men of the office and Anna. He wanted tomorrow to be special. He was going to let the office know ahead of the ball that she was his.

"Yeah, I was thinking about it. We'll see if I follow through." He wanted to surprise her. He could only imagine her facial expression and wanted to see if he was right. "But, if I do come in, you have to go to lunch with me." Anna hadn't thought about what the repercussions of dating the boss' son would be for her career or relationships at work. She wouldn't say she had work friends, but she had strong acquaintances that she feared would look down on her now. She was the only female in her department and feared the guys would think she was sleeping her way to the top. The other departments had more women and she didn't want to be the center of gossip.

"You sure that's a good idea? I mean, what will people think?" Ethan huffed as he got more comfortable on his couch. "We're doing this because we want the people to think and talk about how awesome we are as a couple. This will be the best holiday, because we no longer have to listen to people rag on us for our singleness. Trust me, babe. I won't steer you wrong." Anna smiled at the pet name and nodded as if he could see her. "Okay. I trust you."

She pulled into her parents' driveway and sighed. "What's wrong?" Ethan asked hearing her shift in tone. "Nothing. I'm just at my parents. I know Arielle is going to berate me with questions and I just want her to be a normal sister and just be happy for me." Ethan could hear that she was emotionally drained. "Tell her to be happy for you. Tell her that's all you need in a big sister is to be happy that you're happy. If she doesn't back off after that then she's got bigger issues."

Anna sighed with a smile. "Thanks, Best Boyfriend." Ethan chuckled at the name he saved himself under. "What am I saved under in your phone?" He sat up looking at his phone. "That's for me to know and you to maybe find out later on." Anna booed as she retrieved her cell and got out of the car. "No fair!" She opened up the passenger seat and watched as Garth jumped out. "Come on Garth." Ethan chuckled. "You took your cat to your parents. Aren't you afraid of him running away?" Anna laughed as she watched Garth walk right up to the front door. "Garth is a dog in a cat's body. He likes walks and cuddling. I mean he's as big as a medium size dog as it is."

Ethan found her pet as interesting as she was. "I never would've guessed you for a cat person." Anna wanted to continue the conversation, but she could see her brother walking to the door. "There's a lot you don't know about me, but I'm more than willing to tell you later. Can I call you when I get out of here?" Ethan smiled and said yes. Aiden opened the door with a smile. "Bye, baby." Anna smiled before hanging up. She knew Aiden would share that tidbit with their mother and she needed the fuel.

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