We're Good

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After talking to Tasha for a few minutes, Ethan felt like he knew her. He also realized that she was the Black female version of his best friend Lars. "You love birds say goodbye because Anna has got to tackle this kitchen." Ethan looked at the immaculate kitchen and quirked an eyebrow. Anna couldn't help but chuckle at his confusion. "She means her hair, babe." Ethan looked down at her and smiled at the use of a pet name.

He let her take his hand as she walked them closer to the door. "He cupped her face so that from Tasha's angel it looked like they were kissing when in actuality he kissed the corner of her mouth gently. "I'll text you later." He whispered in her ear. Anna's eyes went wide. "We don't have each other's numbers." She whispered lowly. "I called myself from your phone. Both numbers are saved. We're good." He smiled down at her. "Also, put a password on your phone, you crazy." He kissed her nose before putting on his shoes and heading out the door.

"BITCH!" Tasha exclaimed pulling her down to sit at the breakfast table. "I want to know everything!" Anna laughed. "You already do. You asked him all the questions like you were on Dateline." Tasha shrugged. "I had to make sure baby boy was good enough for my sis. Plus, I had to rule out any serial killer vibes, you know, since he's white." Anna slapped her arm. "Tasha!" Her best friend cackled. "Girl, whatever, you ain't ever seen a black serial killer. I'm just saying."

Anna shook her head before taking out the products in the Sally's bag. "He's not a serial killer. He's a big sweety who I'm very smitten with." Tasha smiled at her friend. "You deserve it, boo. So, what does he do? White folks got more bums and deadbeats than we do." Anna shook her head as she stood behind Tasha's chair and began parting her hair. "He's a businessman. Advertisements...He's Ethan Crane." Anna knew the moment her best friend went rigid what would happen.

Tasha screamed at the top of her lungs before collecting herself. "Bitch he got mmmooonnneeeyyy!" Anna rolled her eyes and turned her best friend back around so she could start her hair. "That's not why I'm with him." Tasha nodded. "Of course not! You're a good egg. I'm just happy you snagged you a man that makes you smile, love. That's all I've ever wanted for you." Anna hugged her best friend and wished that her sister and mother were more like this when it came to her love life.

Ethan walked into his penthouse and sighed. He loved coming home. It was his favorite thing to do. When he ended things with Tiffany it was Ezra's idea for him to move and just start afresh. The building was newly built and he got the penthouse on the highest floor in record time thanks to his little brother. They decorated it themselves and it became his happy place. He walked over to a large picture of him and his siblings and smiled. Eliza hated the picture, because she didn't like her black gown, despite the compliments she received the day of the shoot. It was Ethan's favorite photo of them. They looked regal but still held smiles to show off their silliness.

He grabbed a quick shower and changed into a pair of jeans and a sweater since it was colder than usual outside. As he put on his boots, he heard his best friend calling out from the living room. "I'm in here, Lars!" Ethan watched his best friend walk into his bedroom. Ethan had known Lars Bradford since he was seven years old. He was his best friend in the whole wide world and the only other man beside Ezra that he'd take a bullet for. Ethan stood and gave his friend a hug. The two were both 6'4" with muscular builds from years of playing sports. There were a lot of people that confused them for brothers as they both sported dirty blond hair and pouty mouths, but where Ethan had piercing green eyes Lars had blue.

"What happened to you last night? You were supposed to meet me after your little event." Lars looked at his friend expecting to hear that he wanted to stay indoors. The answer he got had him reeling. "I ended up staying over at my girlfriend's." Ethan was being so nonchalant because he knew it was a rule not to tell anyone about the false relationship, but he wanted to laugh so hard at Lars' expression.

"Girl...girlfriend? Since when?" Ethan thought back to the lie he told Tasha. "Remember you tried to make me go out on my birthday and I declined." Lars nodded slowly. "I decided to go out last minute and met her at Dirty Arrow. She's really sweet and beautiful. I know you'll like her."

Lars stared at his best friend as though he had grown a head. "You're serious? You're not fucking around?" Ethan shook his head no as he put his hands on his best friend's shoulders. "Can we go now?" Ethan patted him before heading to the living room. "I can't believe this. This is great! I was so worried that you were still reeling over Tiffany. I mean it's been two years and you haven't dated since." Ethan frowned. "I dated." Lars chuckled. "You fucked. You didn't date shit." Ethan shrugged before putting on his coat. "Well, I'm spoken for. No need to worry." Lars smiled happily. "Your parents are going to freak. Eliza is going to freak. What's her name? Tell me all about her." Ethan laughed at his friend who was practically bouncing.

"Her name is Anna Anderson. She's kind-hearted, has a killer smile and is drop dead gorgeous." Ethan found himself smiling thinking about the fact that she was the first thing he saw this morning. Her sleepy face was precious. "What does she do? How old is she? Does she have any hot friends?" He laughed as they exited the elevator to the parking garage. "She's 26 and believe it or not works for Crane Industries."

Lars looked at him. "Don't you think your Dad is going to have a problem with you dating an employee?" Ethan shook his head as he unlocked his car. "She's not my employee, she was Ezra's. She works in graphics." Lars simply nodded before buckling up. He knew his friend hated bringing up his late brother. Ethan could feel the tension and quickly navigated it.

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