'Tis the Damn Season

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Tiffany glared at her before looking at her date. "This is my boyfriend Dante Ramon of Ramon Technologies. His company did a little work for Crane Industries this year, so I figured we'd stop by and see how everyone was doing." There was something about her that just rubbed Anna the wrong way. She used to think Arielle was materialistic, but that wasn't the case in comparison to this woman.

"How've you been, EJ?" Anna wanted to roll her eyes at the nickname. "I've been great ever since I ended things with you." Tiffany's eyes became like daggers. "Who's this?" Tiffany eyed her with a palpable disgust that Anna wanted to bitch slap her. "This is my lovely girlfriend, Anna, and the reason for my smile." Anna looked up at Ethan and smiled widely. The look in his eyes made her want to dive in.

"Seriously? You end things with me to date the help?" Anna snapped her head at her so quickly. "What did you just say?" Tiffany scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Don't go getting ghetto and making a scene. This is a classy event that you have no business being at." Ethan squeezed Anna's hand to comfort her.

"Tiffany I'm going to say this once and only once. Don't you ever fix your lips to disrespect my woman again or I'll have you thrown out in front of everyone here." Her eyes were as wide as saucers at the seriousness in his tone and promise in his eyes. "If you'll excuse us, Dante, we have more important people to speak to." With that Ethan pulled Anna by the waist and walked them over to Eliza and Jo.

"I'm sorry about that, babe." Eliza crinkled her eyebrow. "What happened?" Anna shrugged. "Oh nothing, just some racist remarks from Ethan's fabulous ex-fiancé." Eliza scanned the room for her. "Where is that little bitch?" Anna grabbed Eliza and pulled her in for a hug. "She's not worth it. I'm fine." Anna gave her a kiss on the cheek and a squeeze before letting her go.

Eliza smiled at her before nodding. "If she ever says anything else to you tell me and I'll rearrange her face." Anna chuckled as she noticed Jefferson and Ivy walking towards them. "Come on kids. We've got one more meet and greet." Eliza groaned at her father. "Dad!" He shook his head and grabbed her arm. "Last one I promise," Ivy smiled at Ethan who sighed heavily. "I'll be right back, babe." He kissed her temple and followed his mother.

"You're not going with?" Anna asked Jo who shook her head. "I can only take so much of these things. My hick ass ain't made for the rich and famous." Anna laughed at her. She really liked the Crane family, but Jo was by far her favorite. They both came from humble beginnings and found themselves in positions where they had more. Granted Jo had way more than Anna being married to a Crane, but she understood her.

"You're good for him, you know. He's changed a lot in this short time. He used to be angrier, harsher, but you balance him. I appreciate that." Anna didn't know what to do with the words. They were kind, but weighted. "He makes me happy. Happier than I thought possible and it's frightening to be honest. I feel like I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop."

Jo shook her head. "Don't live in fear. Ethan has his issues and demons that he'll one day tell you about, but for now just know life's too short to be worried about what could go wrong. That's just sure-fire way of robbing the present and damning the future." Jo's wise words seemed to carry an extra punch paired with her thick Southern accent. They talked about lighter things for a while before they saw their significant others make their way to them.

Ethan kissed her lips gently before taking her hand in his. "Come with me." Anna eyed him suspiciously before waving at Eliza and Jo. They made their way to the back of the venue to a tucked away garden. "This place is beautiful." Anna admired the foliage all around. She could hear music playing from nearby speakers and smiled. "You once told me in a bar years ago that your idea of the perfect date was dinner and dancing." Anna laughed heartily thinking back to a drunken Ethan listening to her go on about her dream dates. Just then 'I'll Be' by Edwin McCain began playing and Anna gasped.

"We've had dinner albeit light, so now it's time to dance to the song you deemed your favorite love song." Anna smiled as Ethan swung her around into his arms. "You remembered." She smiled looking up to him. "I remembered." They danced in the moonlight and Anna knew she would commit this moment to memory. "I'll be your crying shoulder. I'll be love suicide. I'll be better when I'm older. I'll be the greatest fan of your life."

Ethan couldn't help but smile widely at Anna's angelic voice. She was singing for him. She was singing to him. He didn't want this moment to end. He wanted to keep her in their bubble dancing for as long as they wanted. As the song came to an end, Ethan twirled her around causing her to giggle. "That was everything, Ethan. Thank you." He pulled her in closer and kissed her lips. He begged for entrance with his tongue and she gave it to him. His kisses never got any less potent and Anna was realizing that every single one would leave her breathless.

Just like a magnet his hands found her ass even in her ballgown. "Ethan James!" Anna pulled away laughing. "You can't just grab it anywhere you please." He quirked an eyebrow at her. "I already told you it's mine. I can do with it whatever I want." He squeezed her so hard he practically lifted her up off the ground. "Ethan!" Anna laughed loudly as he nuzzled her neck and smothered her in kisses. "Come on we got to get out of here." Anna looked at him confusedly. "We've got somewhere else to be." He grabbed her hand and led her to the front of the building from the outside. He didn't want to risk getting dragged into another meeting. When the valet pulled their car around, he was quick to get Anna in and peel off.

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