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Anna felt a yawn coming on and covered her mouth. She wanted to wait and see her friend, but she was also tired. "Anna! Ethan!" They heard from behind them in the lobby. "You guys came!" Tasha ran up to them and gave them both a hug. "Of course, we did! I wouldn't miss this for anything!" Anna smiled. "Your designs are beautiful, Tasha. You should be really proud of yourself." Tasha smiled at Ethan's words before looking between the two.

"Judging by the looks on your faces you'll be opposed to joining me at Dirty Arrow for celebratory drinks." Ethan looked down at Anna who was fighting another yawn. "Raincheck," he smiled that smile that always got him what he wanted. "I need to put my lady to bed." Tasha wiggled her eyebrows. "I bet you do, J. Holiday." Anna rolled her eyes and pulled her in for a hug. "Bye wench." Tasha giggled as she hugged Ethan. "Bye guys. Get home safe."

Ethan had offered to drive and as he looked down at her sleeping form, he was glad he did. She was knocked out before they got on the highway. He pulled into her garage and turned off the car. He went out to get his own car and pull it also into the garage. It's not that he didn't trust her neighborhood, but he also didn't feel like leaving his prized Porsche out again for the plucking when he didn't have to.

Ethan closed the garage before scooping Anna into his arms. The way she instinctively snuggled into his embrace was not missed. He greeted Garth before making his way to the room. He laid her down gently before removing her boots and socks. He debated on whether to undress her, but he knew she'd be uncomfortable sleeping in her dress. He had no idea where her sleep clothes were, so he dressed her in his t-shirt. Her skin was sinfully soft as he removed her dress. He didn't spend too much time eyeing her chest or thick thighs.

Once she was dressed and under the covers Ethan got undressed himself and under the covers. He immediately snapped up and remembered the most important thing. Her bonnet. He didn't know how she managed to wrap it all up, but he did his best to ensure it all laid the same way and was protected in the cap. He laid back down and smiled as she nuzzled onto his chest and wrapped an arm around him. "Goodnight, pretty girl." He whispered before kissing the top of her head. He knew the next few weeks of Christmas festivities would fly by and he had yet to figure out a way to get Anna to prolong their arrangement. He couldn't show up to the Valentine's Fundraiser alone. He needed to rub it in Tiffany's face that he was happy and perfectly fine without her. He would think of something that would get Anna to stay.

Anna smiled as she listened to Ethan's light snores. She moved from his embrace gently so not to disturb him and made her way to the bathroom. She didn't remember getting home or putting herself to bed, which meant Ethan had. Judging by the oversized 2 Pac t-shirt and her hair not being wrapped, but still in a bonnet she knew her suspicions were right. She smiled as she got in the shower and made quick work of getting ready. Today was the day she was going to meet his mother, twin sister and sister-in-law. She couldn't help but be a ball of nerves. She was going to make a strawberry shortcake to bring to dinner and had to hurry and get ready to do so.

She tipped toed into her closet and scoured for an outfit that was perfect. Nothing seemed to catch her eye until she zeroed in on a bright high-waisted red skirt Arielle had never worn and didn't want. She paired it with a crop cream-colored sweater that came down a little past where the skirt began. She picked up her nude heels and made her way back into the bathroom to do her hair. She settled on a high ponytail and curled her ends. She wore her favorite set of pearls to complete the look and smiled. "You look like a housewife." Anna said to herself and sighed. "You look beautiful." Ethan corrected causing her to jump. "Geez, Ethan you scared me." He chuckled before kissing her temple. "You look beautiful." He repeated himself before making his way to the shower.

"I'm going to go make my desert for tonight." Ethan shook his head. "You don't have to do that, babe." Anna gave him a look. "I'm not showing up to your parents' house empty handed." He knew he wasn't going to win so he shrugged. Anna made her way down stairs and laughed at a brooding Garth. He was a "Black cat" according to her mother and not just for the color of his fur.

Garth knew not to jump on counters or tables, so when he wanted her attention he would jump in a chair or on a stool to show he meant business. Anna looked at Garth sitting on a stool near the kitchen island and laughed. "Can I help you, little boy?" Garth meowed loudly. "What is it, honey bunches?" Garth jumped down and walked over to his food bowl. Anna sighed. "You need a job, Garth. You're going to eat me out of house and home." She got him situated before making her way to her pantry.

By the time Ethan had made his way down Anna was halfway through with her dessert. It was her plan to take it into the office and put it in Ethan's personal fridge so they could just leave from the office to the Crane estate. She prayed the day would take its time, so she could further prepare herself for meeting the rest of the members of one of the richest families in the country.

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