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She studied his face to see if he gave anything away, but he didn't. He just continued to brush as though she said nothing. He rinsed his mouth and wiped before grabbing her waist and pulling her flush against him. "That's what makes us great actors, pretty girl. No one will be the wiser and we will end up making everyone jealous and envious." He kissed her nose before heading back into her bed. Anna sighed as she looked at her reflection. "Well there's my answer." She whispered before making it into her closet.

She found a gray sweater dress that she loved and always kept her warm. She paired in with some black boots and simple accessories and went to tackle her hair in the bathroom. She stopped in her tracks when she spied Ethan in her room with nothing but his briefs. He was facing the window, so she had a nice view of his muscled back and plump rear. She just wanted to leave bite marks everywhere. She was so lost in her lusting that she didn't notice he had turned around and was smirking at her.

"Again, like what you see?" He snapped her back to reality. "Oh...I'm so sorry...that was so rude of me." Anna was thankful for her dark skin because she knew she'd be red as a tomato. "It's all yours, babe. No need to be embarrassed." He chuckled before grabbing his pants. Anna all but ran into the bathroom and closed the door. Her chest rose quickly as she tried to center herself. "How does he get to say things like that and not expect me to think there's more to this than just a fake arrangement?" She asked herself as she began to undo her wrap and brush out her long tresses. She decided to let her hair fall straight below her shoulder blades for the day. She swept her long bangs into a side curled swoop before applying light makeup. When she stepped out she saw Ethan fully dressed in a gray suit playing with Garth.

"We match...again," Anna spoke up catching his attention. It was as if Ethan's breath got stolen from him. She looked beautiful in any and everything he had determined. He had seen her in formal wear, professional wear and even casual nighttime wear and every time she was gorgeous. Bonnet and all. "We need to be cataloging these moments for the Internet. That's going to really get the message across to our crazed fans."

Anna laughed at him, but realized he was serious when he pulled out his phone. He pulled Anna close and took a quick, but perfect photo of her looking at the camera smiling while he smiled down at her. "Hands down the best person to wake up to." Ethan captioned the photo with a smile. "What's your IG name?" Anna gave it to him and as he typed to tag her it showed that they were already following one another.

"How are we already following each other?" Ethan asked as he put his phone away. "I think I sent you a request a long time ago and you being you just accepted me. I figured you just add everyone that sends you a request." Ethan nodded. That was true. "Yeah, but I don't follow just anyone." Anna had to think quickly. She wasn't ready to tell him the truth. He wasn't ready to hear it. "So, you don't follow every pretty girl that sends you a request?" She quirked an eyebrow causing him to laugh. "You got me there and you are the prettiest girl that ever was."

Anna found herself wrapping her arms around Ethan's neck as he stared deeply into his eyes. She couldn't help but play with the hair at the nape of his neck. Ethan wanted to kiss her. He wanted to capture her lips and not for the sake of those prying into their personal lives, but because he wanted to taste her once more. He felt himself closing the distance between them and watched as her eyes fluttered shut. He was less than an inch away when his phone began ringing scaring her.

Anna let her arms go and whispered something about setting Garth's food out before leaving the room. Ethan cursed lowly before reaching for his phone and then groaned. It was Tiffany. He couldn't help but roll his eyes and smirk. He should've known she would call the moment she saw their picture and seeing as how he just posted it, she must have been on the outs with her latest lover if she was stalking him. He ignored the call and made his way downstairs. "Be a good boy for Mommy, okay?" He heard Anna coo as she petted Garth. He purred happily before running to the couch. The television was on PBS and Garth sat comfortably as if he was actually paying attention. Anna followed Ethan's gaze and chucked. "He loves that channel. I swear Arthur is his favorite show."

Ethan couldn't help but chuckle as he gave Garth a pat. "We taking my car or yours?" Anna's eyes widened. "Ethan you don't have to come back to my place again. I honestly didn't think you'd come last night. There's no one here for us to show off to, so really there's no point..." Ethan placed a finger over her lips. "I like hanging out with you, Anna. I also think it's important we be comfortable with each other if people are going to buy this. If you don't want me to come over or take you to work that's fine." Anna shook her head. "It's not that. I like spending time with you too." He moved her bang and smiled. "Okay then. My car or yours." Anna was about to answer when she remembered what today was. "Dang it!" Ethan looked at her concerned. "Tonight, is Tasha's fashion show." Ethan looked confused.

"You remember Tasha. My best friend." He nodded. "She's a fashion designer. She makes the best creations and tonight she's being featured in this major fashion show and I promised I'd go to support her." Ethan pulled her close. "Then we'll take your car and go together." Anna looked at him crazily. "You'll go with me...to a fashion show...to support my friend." He nodded before kissing her nose.

"Any friend of my girlfriend is a friend of mine." She grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the garage exit. She made sure she had everything she needed before opening the door and unlocking it. She set her alarm and followed Ethan into the garage. As they got settled in Ethan took a look around at the Jeep. "I was never a fan of tall vehicles. I like to be as low to the ground as possible."

Anna chuckled as she exited her garage. "That's because you're tall. You're used to breathing the air from up here, but us shorties know there's a whole new realm of possibilities up here." Ethan laughed heartily as he looked at her. "You're a hoot, you know that." Anna shrugged as they cruised to work in a happy and comfortable silence.

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