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She was home in no time and put the lasagna she was planning on making in the oven. She had changed into some gray leggings and a white flannel shirt with red Christmas socks. She opened a glass of red wine and heard the doorbell. She set out two glasses before opening the door. "Hey." She smiled up at him. "I come bringing sweets." Anna clapped happily at the Christmas sugar cookies in his hand. "How did you know sugar cookies with icing were my favorite?" Ethan shrugged. "I honestly don't know. I just felt like you'd like it."

Anna let him in and locked the door. "Dinner will be ready in an hour and a half, which gives us enough time to watch Sixteen Candles." Ethan made his way into the kitchen to place the cookies on the table before taking off his jacket. Anna couldn't help but look at him. He obviously went home before coming over, because his navy-blue suit was replaced with gray joggers and a white V-neck with Adidas sneakers. Ethan caught her looking at him and smirked at the hint of lust in her eyes. "Like what you see?" He mused.

Anna shook her head as if to clear a fog. "I like your outfit. I like seeing laid back Ethan." He took a seat on the couch looking over to her. "I envision laid back Ethan when I think of brewery owning Ethan." He smiled widely at her before shaking his head. "That version of me isn't happening." She sat beside him and pouted. "But MASH results are like premonitions. They always come true." She giggled poking him.

"Then I guess you're giving me 3 kids then." Anna stopped laughing. He smirked at her nervous expression. "Speaking of kids," Ethan began. "If we were to have kids would their names start with A or E. I notice that you all have A names and my siblings and I all have E. Who wins?" Anna chuckled at him and shook her head. "Neither. Our fake kids' names would begin with the letter C. Arielle's future kids' names will start with J since Noah's last name is Johnson. It's an alliteration thing with my family."

Ethan thought on it and smiled. "I like that. Christian Crane." Anna laughed loudly. "We are not naming our son or daughter Christian. Yuck." Ethan raised an eyebrow. "What did you have in mind?" Anna wanted to repeat that this was not a part of the deal. There was no one around for this conversation to fool, but she let herself get lost in the fantasy. "If we have a son or daughter their name will be Carson. Well Carsyn with a y for the girl."

"I like that, but we're having three total so what are the other two." Anna laughed as she heard soft pitter patter on the stairs. "We'll cross that bridge when we get there." They both noticed she said when. Before Ethan could say anything, he felt eyes on him. He looked down and recoiled at the jaguar staring at him. "What the fuck is that?!" Anna sucked her teeth. "Language, Ethan! This is Garth. Hi, baby." Anna cooed to the giant feline who made his way over to her.

She rubbed behind his ears before patting the couch space beside her. He jumped up never taking his eyes off of Ethan. Ethan wasn't afraid of cats, but he knew they were assholes in comparison to man's best friend. "He won't bite you...I think." Ethan gave her a look that had her smirking. "Garth go say hi." The cat looked at her unamused. He was the king of resting bitch face.

"It's alright. You can stay over there, cat." As if not liking to be told what to do, Garth crossed over Anna and made his way into Ethan's lap. He stared at him some more before turning his back to him and sitting upright. They sat like that for minutes and he could tell Anna was dying of silenced laughter. "What is he doing?" Ethan whispered not wanting to move. "Showing you whose boss." Anna laughed loudly.

Ethan tried to move the cat, but Garth just turned around and gave him a taunting look as if to say I wish you would. "Just pet him. I'm sure he likes you." Ethan slowly began petting the large cat. He began moving and Ethan sat still. In seconds Garth curled up and began purring in Ethan's lap. "See, I told you!" Anna smiled happily that her two guys were getting along. "I'm going to bring us some wine and then we can start watching Sixteen Candles!"

The movie had them laughing at the fashion and teen angst. He was getting into it and Anna liked that. They quickly switched over to Green Arrow once they were done as Ethan wanted to continue where they left off. "You kind of look like him, you know." She sipped her glass looking over at him. Ethan looked at the television at the man clad in green and shook his head. "I don't see it." The timer went off five minutes into the episode alerting Anna that dinner was ready.

"Do you want to eat on the couch or at the table?" Ethan pointed to the large feline in his lap. "How am I supposed to move?" Anna shook her head and smirked. "Garth, let your prisoner go, okay?" The cat raised his head to look at her before meowing and slowly getting up and off the couch. "Come on, let's eat."

Ethan paused the television and followed Anna into her kitchen. He took a seat and watched her as she made a plate for him. His eyes took her in and settled on her ample behind that he wanted to grab all over again. His hands felt drawn to her like magnets. Anna turned around with two plates in her hand and caught Ethan staring at her ass. She laughed internally thinking on a memory.

"I hope you like Italian." She placed the plate in front of him before placing her plate down and grabbing the premade salad behind her. "This looks amazing, pretty girl. My mom is going to love you. She loves a fellow chef." Anna chuckled. "I don't know about me being a chef, but I do love to cook. I also love Italian dishes, so this is a twofer."

Ethan watched as Anna said a quick prayer before digging in. "That's surprising," he said. "What is?" He shrugged. "You didn't force me to pray with you. My mom does every Sunday." Anna laughed. "I'm never going to force you to do something you don't want to, Ethan. If you don't want to pray that's your business. I'm sure you have your reasons and I respect that." Ethan looked at her with a new level of admiration. His relationship with God was complicated and had been for a while, but after Ezra it was downright strained.

"I think we made a lot of headway today at work." Anna nodded taking a bite. "I'm sure everyone knows now, which will make Saturday interesting or uncomfortable or both." He took her hand. "It's going to be fine. You're helping me out and I'll be sure to do the same at your family's Christmas gathering." Anna didn't know why it stung a bit, but it was a clear reminder that what they were doing was just for show.

She needed to wrangle in her emotions that were clearly getting out of hand. Ethan noticed her tight-lipped smile and how silent she became and wondered why. They talked a little over dinner, but something was off. Ethan offered to clean up, while Anna poured more wine. They finally made their way to the couch with the cookies and Anna smiled happily as she bit the candy cane shaped cookie.

There was more distance between them than earlier and Ethan didn't like that. "Come here," he said before she could take another bite. She moved closer to him but he grabbed her and pulled her in closer until she was practically in his lap. He took her hand and looked into her eyes as he took a bite of her cookie. The expression on Anna's face was murderous.

"You butt! Why didn't you get your own cookie?" Ethan tried to take another bite, but Anna pinched him. "Yours just looks like it tastes better." Anna snorted. "My cookie tastes amazing." Anna caught herself and the heavy innuendo and made a face at him. Ethan chuckled heartily as he pulled her closer. "You're funny, pretty girl. You know that?" Anna shook her head taking a bite. "I bet your cookie is delicious." Ethan stared into her eyes with a smirk. Anna couldn't help the way her body ignited, but she would never let him know that. She rolled her eyes and hit play on the remote.

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