Kiss Me More

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Anna began chuckling. "What'd we get?" Anna cleared her throat and smiled. "We will be living in a mansion with our 3 kids who when off to school will take pride that their parents are a cartoon animator and brewery owner." Ethan knew it was just a silly old game, but the choices they got made him happy and hopeful. "That's a pretty sweet deal." Ethan smiled. "I guess I can compromise and give you 3 kids, but I want a dog."

Ethan laughed loudly at her. "You can have a dog, babe." Anna heard the small voice in the back of her mind that said this is supposed to be fake, but doesn't feel like it. She knew she should put up some defenses as all of this would be gone come January 2nd, but the bigger part of her wanted to enjoy it. She had never had a boyfriend before and definitely never had a man interested in her as handsome as Ethan Crane. She stifled the small voice and told herself to enjoy. "I'm such an idiot. I don't know why I didn't do this sooner." Anna didn't know what he was talking about until she heard the familiar facetime ringing. She shook her head before connecting. "Can I help you Mr. Crane?" He chuckled as he admired her dark brown skin and bright smile. "That's my father, try again."

She giggled as they continued talking about random things. It was after midnight when they finally got off the phone. Anna reprimanded him in advance for the bags she'd have under her eyes. "You'll still be perfect, pretty girl." Anna wasn't sure why but that pet name did something to her. As they both lay in their beds, they went over the lines set that were so easily crossed. Anna reminded herself that this was all for show, while Ethan told himself he couldn't afford to like a girl like Anna. He didn't deserve her.

The next morning Anna found herself looking over her outfit and make up. She went light with the makeup and presented a natural look. She pulled her hair up in a high ponytail and lightly curled the ends. She wore a navy-blue pencil skirt with a white blouse and nude pumps. She loved dressing up, but also hated it. She dreamed of the day she worked as an animator and could come to work in jeans and graphic tees. She wanted to head out early to grab a coffee for Ethan and a raspberry tea for herself just in case she caught him in the office. If he didn't show she'd give his coffee to Jamal. He was a fellow graphic designer and someone she considered a cool acquaintance.

After twenty minutes, Anna found herself pulling into the Crane Industries parking garage. She swung her purse over her shoulder before grabbing the two drinks and two muffins. She made her way to the 18th floor and set her things down at her desk. The Cranes all had an office on this floor. The graphic designers and the sales team were the only departments on the floor making it quiet on one side and rowdy on the other. She looked over to Ethan's desk and was surprised that he was in. His shades were pulled up giving everyone a clear view of him. She knew he hadn't seen her yet as his back was turned looking at the skyline, but she smiled anyway.

"Hey Anna Banana!" Jamal smiled at her. He set his things on his desk beside her before pulling her in for a hug. Anna never knew why he was always hugging her. She chalked it up to him probably being a Scorpio or just touchy feely. "Hey Jamal. How was your weekend?" He began telling her tales of football games and bar hopping when she noticed Ethan's door open. He had a look on his face that Anna couldn't read, but steadied herself as he moved in closer.

Ethan stared out of his floor to ceiling length window and sighed. He didn't know coming back would be as hard as it was. Everything around him brought up memories between him and his brother. Ezra's office was next door to his and remained vacant for the past year and a half. He could still hear his brother beat boxing on the wall to annoy him. "I'm sorry, Ezra." Ethan whispered as he blinked back tears. He didn't know if he could do this. He turned in hopes of collecting his things and leaving until he saw her. She must have just arrived. Anna looked beautiful and as he looked over her outfit, he couldn't help but smile. They matched. His navy-blue suit with white button down complimented her navy-blue skirt and white blouse perfectly. "We're that matchy-matchy couple goals." Ethan laughed to himself.

He noticed a tall, light-skinned man speak to her before embracing her and he couldn't help but twitch. She looked uncomfortable, but hid behind a smile. She went back to fixing things on her desk and he watched as the man eyed her ass. Ethan smirked to himself before heading out of his office and towards her. She was watching him now and he couldn't help but smile. The floor was pretty much filled, so Ethan figured he could kill two birds with one stone. He heard the man talking but didn't care. He quickly cut in with a smile. "Babe, I've missed you." Ethan cooed as he pulled Anna close to him and kissed her.

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