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"Leave the boy alone, Ives. He's obviously learned from the error of his ways. He knows now to listen to the advice other's give." Anna didn't know what it was but the room seemed to get colder. The look shared between Jefferson and Ethan was a harsh one. "He's not the same arrogant man he once was who did as he pleased. No, he listen's now, because he knows when he doesn't it could be fatal."

Eliza dropped her fork and crossed her arms, while Jo shook her head. Ivy seemed to glare at her husband who seemed unbothered. Ethan stared at his father hard before scoffing and getting up. He threw his napkin over his dish and walked away. Anna didn't want to seem rude, but he was her main priority. She excused herself from the table and went in search for Ethan.

Piper came trotting alongside her and she smiled. "Where is he, girl?" As if she understood, Piper led her to the back of the house where she saw an open door leading to the back porch. Anna gave Piper all the pets before walking outside and taking a seat on the swinging porch set. She sat close enough to him that she could interlace their hands and lie on his shoulder. She didn't want to press him. He needed to come to her if and when he wanted to.

"I'm no good for you, Anna. This thing we're trying to start. It can't happen." Anna stroked his hand and listened to the wind. "Prunes." Ethan couldn't help but smile at their strange pact. "I've been lying to you." He looked down at her as she stared straight ahead. Those were not the words he was expecting. "I knew who you were before we met at the event." Ethan nodded. "Of course, you did. Everyone knows who I am." She sat up and looked at him. "I officially met you two years ago with Ezra at Dirty Arrow." His eyes grew wide. "You were drunk as a skunk and Ezra was trying to reel you in, but he was just as drunk. I played babysitter and it was like wrangling kittens." She chuckled at the memory.

"You kept flirting with me all night. You said it was because I was the prettiest girl in the entire bar, but I think it was due to the fact that I obviously didn't want to be there and you wanted a challenge." Ethan tried to rack his mind for a hidden memory, but nothing came up. "I ended up spending the entire time with you and Ezra and it was honestly the best night of my life for a number of reasons. The main one being seeing firsthand just how much your brother loved you."

Anna held his hand tighter and looked deeply into his eyes. "If you truly don't want to pursue something with me then we can go back to how things were. We'll do this until New Year's and go our separate ways. But if you're only saying this because you think you don't deserve good things then stop. You deserve every good thing that comes your way and you deserve to enjoy them, because that's what Ezra would want and you know it."

Ethan felt the first tear fall and it shocked him. Anna quickly wiped it away and smiled at him. He pulled her in by the back of her neck for a searing kiss. The kiss was deep and emotional and left them both breathless as they rested their foreheads against each other. "Anna, I..." She placed a finger against his pouty lips. "You don't have to say anything yet. Let's just go get some dessert, play with Piper and say our goodbyes, okay?" He pulled away to look at her and smiled. "Okay." By the time they made their way back to the dining room the table was cleared. "We're having dessert in the kitchen." Jo offered as she walked into the room. "You okay, brother?" Ethan gave a small smile and nodded. Anna squeezed his hand as they followed Jo.

"Anna!" Ivy smiled brightly pulling her in for another hug. "How did you know?" Anna was confused. "How did I know what?" Ivy pointed at the strawberry shortcake that was already cut and plated. "Did you know strawberry shortcake is my go-to? Whenever the kids had a bad day at school, I would bake it and it would cheer them up instantly." Anna smiled at them and found Ethan looking at her with a mischievous glint in his eye.

"It's my favorite go-to as well." Ivy clapped happily as she handed out plates. It was clear tension was still high between Jefferson and Ethan, but Anna was quick to stroke his hair or give him tender kisses to chase away the strain. They kept the talk to lighter subjects until everyone had their fill. Piper was a welcome distraction and offered entertainment for everyone. It was 9 o'clock when Anna found herself yawning. Ethan quirked an eyebrow at her and chuckled. "Come on old lady. Let's get you to bed."

They said their goodbyes much to Ivy's disapproval. "I need more time with my future daughter-in-law." Ethan just rolled his eyes. "We'll be back another time I promise." Anna offered giving Ivy yet another hug. "I'll hold you to that." Ethan made his way towards his car not acknowledging his father. Anna waved goodbye before entering the car. Ethan closed her door and made his way over to the driver's side. He didn't want to talk about it. He didn't want to talk about anything. He wanted a drink, but he knew that would make things worse in the long run. He wasn't sure how they got back to Anna's townhouse so quickly and safely, because he was definitely not paying attention. He could tell Anna was worried about him, but he just needed time. Anna opened the garage from her phone and looked up at him. "Are you spending the night again?"

He knew he should. Being with her was the safest bet for him especially with the mood he was in. Ezra would tell him to stop being an idiot and stay with the girl who clearly liked him and who he liked in return. But there was that destructive side to him that always seemed to scream louder. "Stay with me, Ethan. Please." He saw the pleading in her eyes and it made him melt.

He gave in and nodded before pulling into the garage to park. They got out and made their way into the home. Garth was ready and waiting. He sniffed them and meowed loudly as if they had cheated on him with Piper. Anna laughed at him and knelt down for a quick snuggle. They were changed into their sleepwear in no time and on the couch snuggled up and ready for Arrow.

They were able to get three episodes down before calling it quits. They made their way to bed and Ethan watched as Anna wrapped her hair before putting her bonnet on. "Why didn't you tell me that we met before? That you knew me and my brother." Anna sighed as she made her way to the bed. "I knew you didn't remember and I honestly didn't think you'd ever care. I didn't know we'd find ourselves in the position we are now and I just took it as a sweet memory for me to cherish."

He thought on it as she lay beside him. "I wish I could remember." Anna smiled. "It was a great night. You two love to talk when you're drunk. I could've been a reporter for all you knew ready to air out the Crane family secrets." Ethan chuckled as he pulled her onto his chest. "We're only talkative to people we like and trust. Ezra was always good at reading people." She could sense the shift in Ethan. He was headed down a dark tunnel.

She grabbed his chin and pulled him down towards her. Their lips met and did a dance all their own. It was gentle. It was sweet. It was weighted with words that neither could say, but felt. "I want to be with you. No gimmicks. No falsities. You and me." He stared in her eyes searching for a sign that she might change her mind. "I'm not running and I don't want you to either."

He cupped her face and stroked her cheek. "I'm going to destroy you." Anna rolled her eyes. "Now is not the time to brag on your penis, Ethan." He shook his head and pulled her chin so she faced him. "I'm no good for you. You're too pure and I'm too damaged." Anna pulled close and laid on his chest. "I want you. All of you. If even just a small part of you wants me too then you should honor it."

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