Christmas Time Is Here

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They were at the Crane estate by 5 o'clock in the evening and Anna learned that they do things differently. For starters, the food wasn't done. Secondly, they opened gifts before dinner. Anna sat on the floor with Jo as they passed around gift after gift. Anna was overwhelmed by the mountain of presents that sat next to her. "I love that ring, Anna." Ivy cooed as she admired her left hand. "I especially love the finger it's on."

Ethan groaned causing Anna to laugh. "We good? Everyone have their presents?" Eliza was the biggest kid when it came to presents Anna learned. She was ready to rip into them. After everyone confirmed they had everything it was a mess of wrapping paper flying in the air. Anna received expensive clothes after expensive clothes from everyone making her wonder how they knew her size or what they thought of her current wardrobe. Eliza and Jo adored their gift and squeezed her tightly.

Ethan smiled happily at his new bug out bag kissing her gently. "Jefferson, Ivy...I don't really share this part of myself with many people, but I really felt this was the best gift to give you." Anna unwrapped the canvas before turning it around for them to see. Ivy gasped loudly why Jefferson smiled widely. Anna could see the tears forming in Eliza's eyes and the shock in Ethan's. "It's perfect." Ivy said as tears fell.

She went up to hug Anna. Jefferson stood up and took the canvas from her. "You're one talented little girl, Anna Anderson. This means the world to me." She smiled at him before looking at Eliza who was crying. "Thank you," she whispered before wiping her eyes. Anna nodded before heading over to Ethan. "You're amazing." He said to her as he cupped her face and kissed her passionately. There was so much emotion in the kiss it left Anna feeling overwhelmed.

"Well, my gift isn't going to top that." Jo said loudly causing everyone to laugh. Jefferson was already getting screws to hang up the canvas. The remainder of the night was a complete success. Dinner was delicious and everyone couldn't help but retire to the living room to appreciate the painting. Ivy regaled them with stories of that day and how it took forever for Eliza and Ethan to behave and stand still long enough for the picture to be taken. The trip down memory lane seemed to do wonders for the Crane family, except for Ethan. Anna couldn't shake the melancholy vibe he was spewing out.

As they drove back to her townhouse, Anna couldn't help but ask. "Are you okay, babe? Did I do something wrong? Should I not have painted that picture?" Ethan kissed her knuckles and sighed before he parked the car. "You did nothing wrong and that painting brought so much joy to my family, so thank you for that." She gave him a small smile, but he didn't answer her initial question. "Are you okay?" Ethan caressed her cheek before kissing her. "I'm just really tired. It's late. We should go to bed." He got out of the car before she could say anything. They were dressed and ready for bed in no time. Garth took his spot on the ottoman at the foot of the bed as Anna snuggled up to Ethan.

"When you keep everything bottled up that's what makes you feel like your drowning. You have a bunch of people to lean on, Ethan. But I want you to remember that you'll always have me." He pulled her closer willing the tears not to fall. Seeing that painting of his family with his baby brother so young and full of hope. Ezra had a life of possibilities ahead of him and he robbed him of that.

"I have never been a good person. Even as a child I was driving my family crazy with the latest trouble I could drum up. Eliza said I was doing it as a cry for help and maybe that's how it started out, but as I got older it became a layer of me. I was constantly fighting people, gambling and drinking excessively and on a daily. Ezra helped me get my act together initially. I was able to go back to work with the family and everything seemed copasetic."

"Until it wasn't. I had just ended things with Tiffany and I was a wreck. Looking back, I don't know why I gave that woman so much power over me. I guess it's because she liked me for me. The bad guy not the mold I had to fit to carry the Crane name. I know she was after the Crane fortune and fame, but she didn't chide me for the things I did. I wish she had. I wish more people tried to talk sense into me. It would've saved Ezra's life."

Anna could feel his body tense and wanted to tell him he didn't have to continue, but he soldiered on. "We were at a dive bar in Gresham after a conference and I was in a sour mood after my father laid into me about a story of me and some models in a tabloid. I was so sick of the Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde personality I was juggling, so Mr. Hyde won out."

"I got plastered that night. Ezra kept telling me to slow down and stop, but I wouldn't listen. There were these three guys that had been watching us all night, but I didn't listen when Ezra said we should go. The only time I went to move is when the entrance was swarmed with paparazzi. I told him to take the back way like an idiot. Looking back, everything was wrong about that night. The guys had followed us and tried to rob us. Ezra gave them the $700 he had in his wallet, but when they asked for mine, I wouldn't give it to them. I yelled, taunted and cursed them out until the main dude whipped out a gun. By the time I saw it he had already pulled the trigger and Ethan had pushed me out of the way."

Anna knew he was fully crying at this point and simply drew soothing lines along his chest. "My brother died because I wouldn't give those pieces of shit the $550 I had in my wallet. I killed him. It's my fault he's dead and I will never forgive myself." Anna let him cry it out. She knew it was pent up and had been there for a while. As his breathing leveled out, she leaned up and rested her chin on his chest.

"What happened was an awful tragedy, Ethan, but you have to stop blaming yourself. It's not right and it's not what Ezra would want." She stroked his hair. "You don't have to be Dr. Jekyll or Mr. Hyde with me or anyone else. You can just be Ethan James Crane." She wiped a rogue tear. "I think you should see a therapist, babe. I know a great one and she'll be able to help you figure out the underlying issues that are stopping you from grieving healthily and moving forward like Ezra would want you to."

If Ethan had a dollar for every time someone suggested therapy, he'd be richer than he already was. He simply nodded his head at Anna not wanting to speak anymore. He laid there as she rested her head on his chest and stroked his arm. They laid in silence for quite sometime, but neither was asleep. Anna wanted to reassure him. She wanted to tell him that everything would be okay, but she could see in his eyes that he was not finished with his destructiveness. It was around 2 am when they finally drifted off to sleep. Ethan's was fitful, but every time he groaned or jerked Anna would nuzzle into him calming him and his mind.

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