This Is Me

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Ethan smiled down at his phone before stretching. He was certain he'd be going into the office and decided to get ready for that. He knew what he wanted to wear. A suit that had the ladies drooling and the men envious. He had everything he needed in his portfolio and in his office. He knew physically he'd be fine, but walking back into that building after Ezra was going to do a number on him mentally.

He looked up at a picture in his home office of him and his brother. They wanted to do their best serious model pose and though the picture came out excellent they still laughed at it whenever they saw it. "I miss you, E." Ethan whispered with a chuckle before turning off the light. Times like these where Ezra was heavy on his mind, he would drink himself under the table and call up one of the dozen girls that were ready to get his dick wet.

He always had a destructive bone in his body. Ezra was always trying to save him, but ultimately it cost him and their family so much. Ethan was trying to keep the negative thoughts and damaging habits at bay, but as he thought of his brother, he didn't know how long he could keep it up.

Ethan scrolled through his phone when he got a text message.

A: Save me.

The text was accompanied by a photo of her Mom and sister who looked ready to lay into her without knowing their photo was being taken. He couldn't help but laugh and fire off a text.

E: I'm there in spirit. You've got this, babe.

Anna huffed as she put her phone away and listened to her sister fire off question after question. She sipped her lemonade slowly as she felt a headache coming on. "I mean seriously, Anna, you don't tell us that you're dating thee Ethan Crane and just poof he magically appears at the event and you think it's all cool." Anna looked at her sister and wanted to figure out what the issue was. She didn't know why or when Arielle became so obsessed with her life, but she had it.

Adaline could see the look on her youngest daughter's face and knew this was going to take a turn. "Can you just be happy for me for once in your life? You rag on me from the moment I got breasts about having a boyfriend and when I finally have one there's still an issue. What is your problem with me? Why can't you be a good big sister and just take solace in the fact that I have a great guy who makes me feel good?"

Arielle stared at her with her mouth slightly open. She didn't know what to say and Anna didn't wait to hear it. She made her way to her Dad's office to get away. When Arielle and Anna moved out her parents decided to scale back. They bought a nice home in the upscale part of town that allowed them enough space for themselves, guests and Aiden who was just a sophomore in college.

Anna liked the home for them. It was welcoming and thanks to her mother's ability to keep everything without blossoming into a stage 5 hoarder there were things from their Oakland home throughout it that made her smile. "Hi Daddy," Anna smiled as she entered his office. "Hey baby girl. Was that you I heard yelling at your sister?" Anna looked down but nodded. "She just makes me so mad sometimes. She has her own life to live, but yet she's all up in mine. It's infuriating." Andrew Anderson laughed at his youngest daughter before removing his glasses that hung on the bridge of his wide nose.

"Your uncle Archer and I were just like you two. He used to hate me always butting in, but that's the job of the oldest sibling. You have to look after the younger ones." Anna shook her head. "That's not it, Dad and you know it. She doesn't care about Aiden the way she "cares" about me." He chuckled. "You two are so different. I think that maybe Arielle admires you for being who you are so effortlessly and unafraid that she doesn't know what to do with that. Cut her some slack, baby girl."

Anna huffed before looking down at her father's work. "Got another book in the series, huh?" He nodded with a smile. "I do and I need your drawing expertise on a new children's book I'm writing. It's my first one, but I was hoping that I can one day read it to my grandbaby." Anna smiled at him. "You better be looking at Arielle with those brown eyes of yours, because you ain't getting one from me anytime soon."

"I don't know. The way Ethan was staring at you last night I think I might get one from both of you real soon." Anna scoffed as she headed towards the door. "Keep talking like that and Aiden's going to surprise you with twins." Andrew shook his head. "The way that fool parades his girls around I wouldn't be surprised. I buy his condoms from Costco for that very reason."

Anna laughed loudly at her father who followed her into the dining room. The delicious smells brought everyone into the room as Adaline set down her final dish. They took their seats and Anna noticed that Arielle barely looked at her. She rolled her eyes and clasped hands with her mother and brother as her father said grace.

The rest of the night went on without a hitch. Her parents told them stories about the neighbors and a call they got from their Aunt Sheila back home in Oakland. Both of her parents were one of five kids, so Anna had many Aunts and Uncles, as well as, cousins and 2nd cousins. She loved how big her family was and around the holidays she especially missed being in Oakland with everyone. Garth ran around with her mother's grumpy French bulldog, Otis.

Anna couldn't help but smile at her wild feline and the grouchy pooch that was literally an old man trapped in a dog's body

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Anna couldn't help but smile at her wild feline and the grouchy pooch that was literally an old man trapped in a dog's body. "Say goodbye Garth." Anna called out as she put her coat on. She moved her hair out before grabbing her purse and hugging her mother. "I love you, sweetheart." Anna kissed her cheek. "I love you too, Mom." Anna said her goodbyes knowing Arielle was holding back for a reason.

When she finally made it to the door, Arielle stopped her. "Can we talk?" Anna nodded reluctantly as they made their way onto the front porch. It was cold out and Arielle didn't have a jacket on, but didn't seem to mind. Garth sat at Anna's feet looking between the two as if they were crazy for being out. "I'm sorry for earlier. You are right. I need to just be happy for you. I just want to make sure you're alright and that he's treating you well."

Anna remembered the words her father shared. "I'm more than fine, Ari. I'm good and Ethan is wonderful. There's no need to worry." Arielle smiled and reached for a hug. Anna squeezed her tightly causing her to laugh. "Oh, if you want something to worry about then know that Dad is expecting a grandchild from you shortly." Arielle rolled her eyes. "The wedding is in a couple of months and even then, I'm not popping anything out until I've made junior executive."

Arielle was a woman with a plan about everything. They were so different in that regard. Anna had nothing planned for her life outside of the essentials and was perfectly happy with that. Arielle had planners for her planners and would be a complete wreck if anything were to happen not according to schedule. "Goodnight, sis." Arielle called out as Anna made her way to her side after letting Garth in. "Goodnight."

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