What Now

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Ethan had returned to the office and it made work so much fun for both of them. Days flew by thanks to lunchtime trysts, while nights were filled with double dates with Tasha and Lars or cuddles on the couch with Garth. The families were well acquainted as well. Ivy and Adaline had too much in common. Anna didn't know when one mother started and the other ended. They had all taken a St. Patrick's Day trip to California to stay at the Crane beach house and it was perfect.

Three days of sun and sand with both of their families. Anna couldn't be happier. Arielle had dropped not so subtle messages of not losing Ethan and getting him to put a ring on it to which Anna shook her head and waved her off. Ethan still hadn't said he loved her, but she knew he did. They had been having a lot of sex, but March set a whole new record. It wasn't just sex either. Every time was passionate and primal and weighty in message.

Anna knew he was telling her how he felt in his own way and she was fine with that. Their relationship was blossoming despite him not going to see the therapist she recommended. She knew people were finicky about mental health, especially men, but she knew he needed it. He hadn't had any breakdowns about Ezra and outside of a few comments here and there he seemed to be doing okay.

April was proving to be perfect with scenic weather while Ethan and her traveled all around Oregon for impromptu dates and overnight stays. They even had an eventful Easter. Ethan being born and raised Catholic should have clashed with Anna's Baptist roots, but it didn't.

Ethan swore they'd be able to go to both services so neither family felt left out Easter morning and he was right. Anna couldn't keep her jaw closed when the Catholic Mass ended right at one hour. Eliza laughed at her shocked expression. They had more than enough time to eat a decent breakfast.

Anna warned him that they were about to be in church for three hours, but he didn't believe her. When they finally left the Baptist church, it had been three hours and fifteen minutes. It was Anna's turn to laugh at his shocked and exhausted expressions. Everything was going swimmingly. Their friends were happy and smitten. Their families adored one another and them. They were happy. All was well. She wasn't worried.

She wasn't worried until recently. She had barely heard from Ethan for the past three weeks and May was almost over. He no longer came into the office and according to Jefferson he had pawned off more than half of his responsibilities on his assistant. She would stop by his penthouse weekly now that she had a key and it was the same image. Empty bottles all around with a passed-out Ethan in the midst of it.

She would nurse him back to soberness and they would talk and for a day or two it would seem okay until he was back on the same cycle. Today was the last straw. She stood with his family and Lars celebrating Memorial Day and he was nowhere to be found. She had called but his phone went straight to voicemail. She had no idea what could've gone wrong. She lost count the amount of nights she stayed up and alone wondering what happened to turn her somewhat caged boyfriend to a completely jaded jerk.

"Penny for your thoughts," Lars smiled handing her a drink. "You know what I'm thinking about." Lars sighed as they took a seat on a nearby bench. They watched as Tasha played with Piper, while Eliza helped Jefferson with the grill. Ivy and Jo were in charge of fireworks and seemed a little too giddy. "He's pushing me away. I made excuses for his behavior the first two weeks, but it's so obvious now and I don't know what to do." Lars' heart broke at the forlorn expression on Anna's face. "I was hoping with him having you that he wouldn't do this again. I prayed last year would be the one and only time he isolated himself and revert back to doing things that would only get him hurt or killed."

The confusion on Anna's face was clear. "Ezra died Memorial Day weekend. This year marks two years and despite him having you Ethan has decided to go the toxic route." Lars sighed leaning back. "Last year, Ethan left Oregon all together the entire month of May. He found himself in New York getting in bar fights every weekend until I finally tracked him and brought him home. This is what he does. He pushes us away to wallow in self-loathing and hatred of himself instead of doing what we all have said and get help." Anna stood up. "Where are you going?"

"I have to go to him. I have to make sure he's alright." Anna moved to walk away, but Lars grabbed his arm. "Anna, you are a light. You shine bright and for a man who wants to be surrounded by darkness he may say something to try and dim you. Just be careful." Anna looked in his eyes and saw that there was more to tell. She would ask him later on for sure, but her focus was getting to Ethan.

She said her goodbyes despite Ivy's requests for her to stay. It was apparent that Jefferson and Ivy Crane were also aware of Ethan's Memorial Day weekend habit and were over it. She could see how they would be tired of the way he behaved, but she wished they would have just done more to help their hurting son. She got in her car and tried her hardest not to speed to get to the man she loved.

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