End Game

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November was nice. The weather was perfect and Anna found herself not being as uncomfortable as all the blogs stated. She was just extremely tired all of the time. She would fall asleep in meetings all the time, but Jefferson made sure that no one woke her. It had gotten to the point that he put a cot in Ethan's office for her to nap.

She was beyond embarrassed, but if Jefferson wanted to start spoiling his grandchild early who was she to intervene. Thanksgiving was joyous because it was joint. Both families met at the Crane estate as both Ivy and Adaline cooked family favorites, while the guys watched sports in the living room. Anna slept through most of it only being awoken for dinner. Ethan worried about her being so tired all of the time, but Adaline assured him it was her bodies way of gearing up for months of sleepless nights.

Ethan noticed when she woke up that Anna was all smiles. He chalked it up to her being excited about dessert, but it was more. Anna received an email that made her night. Despite their relationship status, Anna had continued to work on finding a venue for Ethan's brewery. Her realtor had found a spot a week after they broke up. It hurt, but she wanted to do this for him. She wanted him to realize his dream and live for himself fully. She worked with contractors and designers for months all while going through their rollercoaster of emotions and pregnancy hormones.

It was December 7th and the brewery was finally done and ready. Ethan would have to get the beers to stock the brewery, but everything else was taken care of. She had her fellow private investors to thank for that. She, Eliza, Jo and Tasha all combined funds to help get the brewery off the ground.

Tasha helped design the uniforms for the staff, while Jo took care of creating and designing the website. Eliza and Anna worked on the ads for the brewery to ensure the house would be packed once opened. Anna also painted various paintings to line the walls with, as well as, a big painting of Ethan and Ezra from the night she first met them.

That night Ethan had talked about the brewery and what he envisioned it to be and Anna had soaked up every detail not knowing why, but looking back she was glad she did. She still had the crumpled napkin where Ethan drew the name of the brewery and its logo.

Ethan told her to get dressed and that he was taking her on a fancy date, but she had other plans. She was going to make him take a quick detour to midtown Portland to see his new baby. "Where are we going?" Anna waved him off as she told him to park a few stores down. "Come on!" Anna got out of the car as fast as her nine-month belly would allow. She grabbed his hand and speed waddled down the street. "Babe, you're acting crazy."

Anna hushed him before instructing him to close his eyes. "Is this necessary?" Anna glared at him. "I'm about to pop out your child, Ethan. Do as I say!" He obliged her and let her lead him until they stopped. She positioned him so that he was facing the brewery. "Open!" Ethan opened his eyes and gasped. The shock that swept over him was swift and strong.

Staring back at him was his dream. The logo for Brothers Brewery that he and Ezra spent countless nights drawing until it was perfected stood before him. He looked at the modern building and smiled. "Come on you goof! There's more to see!"

Anna took him inside and Ethan was speechless. Every detail and design seemed to have been plucked from his brain. "How did you..." Anna smiled. "The first night we met. We had a lot to talk about and it all just stuck with me. I'm glad it did. This was a project, but I had help from your sisters and Tasha."

He looked at the large steel bars and the contemporary chairs and tables that littered the brewery. He finally saw the large painting of him and Ezra at the center and smiled. The tears began to roll down on their own accord. "Oh, baby," Anna sighed pulling him in. "Thank you for everything." He whispered holding her closely. "I'm going to spend the rest of my life showing you how much I love you." She smiled up at him and watched as he got down on one knee.

Anna clasped her hands over her mouth. "I had a fancy date planned with musicians and flowers, but asking you the most important question of my life in the place I have always dreamed of seems better. Anna, I have put you through so much and you still forgave me. You gave us another chance and that is not something that I will take for granted. I love you with every beat of my heart and I will always love you until my last breath. Anna Marie Anderson, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" Anna's tears streamed as she placed her hand on her stomach. "No...not right now." Ethan looked at her confused and hurt until he heard the sound of water leaking.

His eyes fell to her feet where a puddle formed. "Oh shit!" He sprung up frantic. "Ethan, breathe." Anna gritted out before grabbing his face in her hands. "Of course, I'll marry you." She smiled, but it came out more as a grimace. They made their way back to the car after locking up. Ethan talked her through her breathing exercises as he sped to the hospital.

He called Lars and filled him in to start spreading the word. They were at the hospital in less than half an hour and Anna felt like she was going to pass out from the pain. They were admitted swiftly and in what felt like minutes her legs were up and she was being told to push. It all seemed to fast, but she was passed the point of getting an epidural and she swore she would make sure their kid knew the trouble and pain they caused.

"You can do this, pretty girl. I know you can." Ethan held her hand that she squeezed for dear life. "I can't, Ethan. I can't." Anna cried breathlessly. "You're the strongest person I know, Anna. You're brave, smart and funny. You're also already an amazing mother. You can do this." Anna nodded her head slowly before pushing with all her might. She let out a final push certain it would break her before she heard the loud cries of her baby.

The doctors and nurses worked before wrapping their baby in a blanket. "Meet your baby girl." The doctor announced handing her over to Anna. Anna had never felt love like that. It spread throughout her body the moment her daughter was in her arms. "Hi Carsyn." Anna smiled before looking up at Ethan whose eyes were filled with tears.

"Hey, baby girl. It's your Daddy." Ethan finally breathed out stroking her tiny fist. She immediately went to wrap her small fingers around his and he smiled happily. His whole world was right in front of him and he knew deep down he didn't deserve the happiness he had, but he was appreciative of it nonetheless.

"Welcome to the world, Carsyn Ezra Crane." Anna kissed her daughter's head before looking up to her fiancé. "Do you like her name?" Ethan didn't think Anna could surprise him with how amazing she was, but every chance she got she did. "I love you." She kissed his lips and smiled against him. "I love you too."

Once Mom and baby were settled the family was able to come back and see them. Ivy and Adaline monopolized their time holding Carsyn, while the others grumbled. Anna laughed at her family surrounding her and said a quick thanks to Ezra. He was the one that approached her and introduced her to a drunken Ethan.

She owed him a lot, but she hoped naming her daughter after him would show just how much he meant to their family. "Are you happy?" Ethan asked her as he sat down beside her with Carsyn in his arms. "Beyond." He kissed her lips and smiled. "You know what today's date is don't you?" Anna shook her head. A wide smile graced her lips. "A year ago today I asked you to be my fake girlfriend and you agreed and it was honestly one of the best decisions I've ever made."

Anna looked at their sleeping daughter and sighed. "We'll always have a reason to celebrate this date." Ethan nodded stroking her cheek. She smiled before kissing his lips. "I think you're missing this." Ethan smiled handing her a small black box.

Adaline and Ivy clapped happily as Anna put her engagement ring on. "You're officially mine," Ethan smiled. "I was always meant to be Mrs. Ethan James Crane. I've always been yours."

Anna had always loved the holidays and she knew then that she would forever love them as each holiday had a memory that had her heart full and her spirit thankful.

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