Green is the Colour

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Anna rolled her eyes as she sat back and pulled her legs under her. "Fine, I'll play." Ethan moved in closer to her. "I'll go first. Question #1: How old were you when you lost your virginity?" Anna knew if she were drinking her tea at that moment she would have spit the hot liquid on him. "What kind of question is that?!" Anna screamed. "A valid one. There are no rules on the types of questions asked just that they have to be answered. So, answer the question Ms. Anderson." Anna groaned loudly as she flung her head back. She rolled her eyes before glaring at Ethan. "I'm still a virgin." Ethan's eyes all but bugged out of his head.

"Are you serious?!" Anna folded her arms over her ample chest. "That your second question." Ethan shook his head. "My turn," Anna said. "Question #1: Why do you no longer come into the office anymore?" Ethan looked her in the eye for a long while. He didn't want to answer, but at the same time he felt like he could talk to Anna. Easily. He had that feeling the moment they spoke to each other. "It reminds me too much of my brother. He loved that building. He went to work every day happy to be a Crane. He bought my Dad's crap about furthering the legacy. I liked going into work because of him and now that he's gone there's no point."

Anna placed her hand over his drumming fingers. She liked the way they contrasted in color. She stroked his hand absentmindedly as she looked at him. "Do you think Ezra would want you to help out however you could to ensure your family's legacy remained intact? Do you think he'd want you to hold onto your memories together in that office...working side by side?" Ethan looked deeply into her eyes and saw something he hadn't seen in a long while, hope.

"Question #2: Why am I fascinated by you?" The question caught her off guard. "How am I supposed to answer that? I didn't know you were fascinated by me and I have no idea why you would be." Ethan took the moment to interlock their fingers. He stroked her hand and smiled. "You're one of the most beautiful women I've ever laid my eyes on. Your smile does something to me that's both exciting and infuriating. You seem like you're a genuinely good person, which is rare nowadays. And I feel like there's more to you that I have got to get to the bottom of."

Anna looked him over and smirked. "Looks like you wasted a question since you answered it." Ethan shrugged. "Did I waste it? Or do you know my intentions and feelings now?" She looked at him and then to their interlocked fingers. She didn't make a move to remove her hand and for that Ethan smiled. "Question #2: What's your family like and will they be against you fake dating a Black woman?"

"My family is fun and wild. My Mom, Ivy, is a comedian by day and a talk show host by night. She takes nothing seriously and has a funny zinger for every situation. My Dad, Jefferson, as you know is a typical business man for the most part, but he has his moments when he can be soft and fatherly. My twin sister, Eliza, is bold and brash. She has always lived by her own rules and held a middle finger to whoever would get in her way. She's known who she was for a long time and to be honest I was always jealous of that. I aspire to be like her." Anna could see the pride he held for his twin and it made her smile. "Then there's Jo. She's Eliza's wife. Jo is rainbows and butterflies with the heaviest dose of Southern charm, while Eliza is chainsaws and rock and roll. They are complete opposites, but they fit each other better than any couple I've ever seen. I guess I aspire to be like them too."

Anna stroked his hand as she watched him get a faraway look. "My family will have no issues with you being Black, Anna. Like I said before they're intelligent and progressive. My Mom will however start badgering you about children. Eliza and Jo don't want any, so I get all the pressure of being the legacy bearer." Anna whistled lowly. "That's heavy. My Mom just wants me to have a man and now thanks to you she's busy dancing and praising the Lord." Ethan chuckled heartily.

"Question #3: Who was the worst boyfriend you've ever had and why?" Anna rolled her eyes once more before glaring at Ethan. He watched her for a moment and then gasped. "No way!" He exclaimed trying not to laugh. "Am I your first boyfriend?" Anna scoffed removing her hand from his. He couldn't help but frown at the lack of contact. "You're not my first anything. This isn't real, remember." Anna pouted angrily. "Okay," Ethan stifled his chuckles. "I'm sorry. I don't mean to laugh. It's just you're gorgeous, Anna. How have you never been in a relationship before?"

"I've gone on dates. A few actually, but the guys I've encountered weren't patient or willing to put in the work for a relationship. They just wanted one thing and I wasn't giving that up to just anyone." Ethan nodded in understanding before pulling her hand back into his. "You're too good for those scumbags." Anna smiled before tilting her head. "Question #3: When was the last time you were in love and with who?" It was Ethan's turn to throw back his head in annoyance.

"Her name was Tiffany McCarthy. We went to private school together and dated on and off through college. I thought I loved her, but looking back I think it was just a relationship of convenience. Her parents knew mine and it just made sense on paper. I even proposed," Ethan chuckled humorlessly. "What happened?" Anna asked nervously. "Found her in bed with her personal trainer three months before the wedding." He couldn't help but think about Ezra's words when he told him and began chuckling. "What's so funny?"

"My siblings hated her. My Mom hated her, but my Dad felt it would be a good look for business. Like I said his fatherly moments are few and far between. Eliza didn't like her, because she felt she was a gold-digger. Ezra despised her. He said there was something innately rotten about her and he'd be damned if she got ahold of the Crane name." He smiled thinking about his late brother. "Sounds like your siblings know you well." He smirked and nodded.

"Question #4: What's your idea of the perfect date with me?" Anna smiled at this question. "I cook dinner and we talk about any and everything. You bake dessert and we enjoy it while watching Green Arrow." Ethan scrunched his eyebrows. "Is he your favorite?" Anna nodded wildly. "I read your mug. Green Arrow is my Baby Daddy. That's a bit much, don't you think?" She shook her head no. "He's everything! My second favorite is the Flash. My best friend Tasha is in love with him. She says I force her to the Comic Convention in May every year, but she's happy to go to see him."

"You're going to have to amend the rules then?" Ethan offered sitting back. "I've never seen the show." Anna slapped his arm repeatedly. "What?!" Ethan laughed at her outburst. "We're watching an episode right now!" Ethan shook his head as she grabbed the remote. "Anna, we're in the middle of a game." She sat closer and got comfortable as the theme to Green Arrow could be heard. "We'll continue it later. Now shush and pay attention. You're about to learn everything about the great Oliver Queen."

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