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They watched three episodes before Anna found herself getting sleepy. "We can't fall asleep like last time. We have work in the morning." Ethan grumbled something in her neck as he laid down on top of her with his arm around her waist. "Ethan, you need to go home." He grunted. "Too tired. Sleep here." Anna rolled her eyes as she tried to move him. "I'm not sleeping on the couch again." She huffed trying to move.

Ethan was a different person when he was sleepy. He quickly picked her up and made his way upstairs to her bedroom. He plopped her down before removing his shirt and getting in bed. Anna looked at him as if he'd lost his mind. She was going to speak up, but was interrupted by his light snores. "This fool really just waltzed in here and fell asleep." She said to herself making it to her vanity. She wrapped her long, black hair before placing her bright pink bonnet over it. As she got under the covers, she made sure her alarm was set before getting comfortable.

In his sleep Ethan had rolled over and pulled Anna into his arms. She felt the hard planes of his chest and abs against her back and smiled. Ethan was growing on her and she needed to fight the feelings that were brewing. She wrapped her arm around his and settled into bed as he nuzzled her unconsciously. Garth jumped onto the bed and made himself comfortable behind Ethan. They looked like the happy couple they were pretending to be.

It was the first time since Ezra died that Ethan slept so peacefully. He found himself nuzzling the softest skin and inhaling the sweet scent of honeysuckle and vanilla. He pulled the source of warmth and sweet smells closer and moaned happily. Anna had let herself get lost in the fairytale last night, but it was Tuesday morning and reality was settling back in.

"Ethan," Anna spoke softly. "Ethan, we have to wake up." He groaned nuzzling deeper. "Ten more minutes." Anna giggled as Ethan started kissing her neck before it turned into a full-fledged moan as he hit her spot. "Ethan..." Hearing her moan his name did something to Ethan. He could feel himself hardening and immediately removed himself. "Sorry." He offered turning around and sitting up.

Anna looked over at him and sighed. "I set my alarm earlier so you had enough time to get home and ready for work." Ethan smiled at her thoughtfulness. "I have a bug out bag in my car. Enough clothes for a full week along with toiletries and the rest." Anna nodded thinking she should do something like that in case she ever slept over at his place. She then immediately chided herself. "I like your cap." Ethan examined her headdress. Anna groaned touching her bonnet. "Thanks. It's a bonnet to protect my hair." Ethan nodded. "It's cute."

Anna rolled her eyes and got up to stretch. Ethan's eyes couldn't help but roam her body. He took in her soft arms, ample breast, slim waist and thick thighs, and an ass he missed grabbing. He needed to think and say something before his penis continued to grow. "Well since we're up you going to make breakfast?" Ethan smirked looking at her facial expression. "Boy if you don't get yo-" He started laughing. "I am kidding, babe. I'll make us breakfast and since we're early we can sneak in an episode of the Arrow." The mention of her favorite show had Anna clapping with glee.

Ethan made toast, eggs and bacon in no time. They were on the couch eating and watching television, while Garth curled up around Ethan's feet. "I'm going to need Oliver Queen to stop being so distrusting. Diggle and Felicity are just trying to help him." Anna looked at her fake boyfriend as he talked about her favorite show and smiled.

He was into it and that made her happy. "Oliver has his issues. He's had a hard past and he's not ready to face that yet." Ethan scoffed as he finished up his breakfast. "I'm just saying if it were me and people were so quick to help me out, I wouldn't shit on them." Anna wanted to say how untrue that statement was, but she bit her tongue. "We should get ready for work." Anna offered as she took his plate and made her way to the kitchen.

Ethan learned quickly that Garth truly was a dog and loved him. He picked him up easily and cradled him like a baby. Anna laughed at the sight as he walked into the kitchen. "You keep spoiling him like that he's going to expect me to start carrying him and that's not going to happen." Garth meowed causing Ethan to laugh. "It's fine. I'll carry you around, Bubba."

Anna smiled at their exchange. Garth was a dog for the most part, but he was still a cat when it came to meeting new people. He could and would be an asshole, but here he was being cradled like the big baby he was. "Let me get my bag from the car." Ethan put Garth down and ran out quickly to get his things. He was back in no time, but Anna could see by his pink nose and cheeks that it was colder out than it had been yesterday.

It was an interesting thing for Anna to share her bathroom. She had let him shower in her bathroom, while she showered in the guest bathroom earlier. But now as she stood their brushing her teeth with Ethan doing the same a few steps away she couldn't help but wonder how they got here. It was all pretend, but it didn't feel that way lying in bed together snuggled.

"What are you thinking about?" Ethan asked around his toothbrush before spitting. "What?" Anna spit and rinsed her mouth before wiping. "You do this thing with your eyebrows when you're deep in thought. I was just wondering what about." Anna debated on whether to tell him the truth or not. She didn't want to ruin whatever it was they had, but she didn't want to be the dummy who looked shocked when it was all over. "I was thinking that we make one hell of a couple. I'm finding it hard to see when the truth begins and the lie ends."

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