Season 2 Episode 18: Born this way

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"Are you sure one of them isn't a glass eye?" Santana asked me smugly.

"No, they're real." I answer back.

My dancing kind of bothers me. Uh, it almost killed Rachel, but I like the way I look." Finn adds on.

"Oh please. You have weird, puffy pyramid nipples. They look like they're filled with custard, or you could dust them with powdered sugar and they could pass for some sort of dessert." Santana tells Finn and Sam tries to touch Finns nipples but he pushes his hand away.

"Look, maybe Rachel's fine with having an enormous beak. Maybe she needs it to crack hard seeds. All I'm saying is that if you look in the mirror and you don't like what you see, you should change it." Santana tells the whole class, but is talking about Rachel.

Then Mr. Shue yells at us about what we are saying and how it goes against everything we stand for. Even thought it was Santana saying all of that. Then he tells us the thing we want to change about ourselves is the most interesting part of us.

"Well maybe, but at this school, the thing that makes you different is the thing people us to crush your spirit." Mercedes adds.

"Yeah, Azimio keeps calling me a space freak because of my eyes. Which doesn't make sense but." I tell him and Rachel takes a seat.
Santana's POV:

I was drawing on Quinn and Finns face over a poster. I can't believe Shawn let them run for prom King and Queen together. Quinn is probably cheating on her with Orca. But Shawn cheated on her with me so. And how dare Shawn deny me? I am so much more hotter than tubbers. Ugh, life isn't fair.

I should be prom Queen at this school. If I were prom Queen, I could get Shawn to drop tubbers and go for the real Queen. I deserve to be with Shawn, not stretch marks. That's never gonna happen. I'm not even out yet, and I don't have the votes. Unless, I could get the jock block.

"Jack Ryan, you've just boarded the Red October." Trouty says walking by "Sean Connery."

And god knows Sam doesn't have the heat at this school yet. Hold on, there's someone at this school who just might have the juice... Dave Karofsky. Just then I saw Dave look at Sam's ass when he was drinking water. Holy crap. I'm a closet lesbian and a judgmental bitch, which means one thing: I have awesome gaydar.
I was staring at Shawn and Quinn as Quinn was rubbing whipped creme on Shawns nose. Ugh. Shawn is gonna be mine soon though.

"You haven't asked us anything about our New York trip." Mercedes tells Kurt and Blaine as we were in a cafe.

"Is it because it's too painful?" Tina interjected.

"Yes, as a matter of fact, but while the new directions are preparing to perform at Nationals, the Warblers are preparing to perform at a nursing home in a strip mall next to a National Bank." Kurt informs us "But I'm so proud of you guys."

"We miss you so much." Tina tells him genuinely.

"Isn't there any way you could come back to McKinley?" Mercedes asked with some hope.

"I told him, I would be all for it if it wasn't for Karofsky." Blaine confirms.

"Wait, what did you just say?" I snap out of my daze and turn to Blaine.

"Kurt needs to be safe."

"Okay, can we please change the subject?

That's it. Kurts the trick to winning prom Queen and getting Shawn, not to mention totally boosting our chances at Nationals. If I could get Kurt back, I'd be a hero. Even Quinn and Finn would vote for me. And the key. Karofsky.

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