"I'm an i-idiot I screwed up e-everything with J-Jimin... he hates me n-now this was our chance.. our start over a-and I messed up everything again I put something else before J-Jimin again.." I whispered suddenly I feel a hand on my shoulder I look up I see the nice waiter.

I quickly stand up embarrassed that I broke down in the middle of a nice restaurant I hold the roses and goodie bag close to my chest.

"I-I'm so sorry I caused a s-scene I'll go," I said and bowed I hear the waiter yell something but I just ignored him and left the door I slowly started walking towards the bus station and just my fucking luck it starts to pour down rain.

I gasp as the water soaks all my clothes the rain feeling heavy on my body which just stings because it's icy cold outside right now.

I start to dash to the bus station because I don't care about myself I don't want Jimin's flowers to get ruined there so pretty and must have been expensive he even had them wrapped it mint paper...

I find cover under the bus stop I take this time to catch my breath I don't know how long I ran for but my lungs feel like they're closing in on themselves.

-time skip-

After a long cold bus ride home I finally arrive at my apartment I let the warmth of my apartment hit me and I relax under it. While I was walking yes walking home from the bus stop it hasn't stop raining I just let the icy cold rain pout on me cold me dramatic but I don't care about the sky and I am both crying tonight.

I make a beeline for my kitchen to look for a vase I place the flower inside I go to my room and strip of my wet clothes and plug in my phone.

I quickly change and my phone turns on and it starts dinging like crazy.

30 missed messages from Jiminie

10 missed calls from Jiminie

1 voice mail from Jiminie

Tears start falling again as I look at all his messages they start sweet then he starts to get worried he just keeps asking where I am if I'm okay...then messages start to he sad then I read the last messages and my heart drops my tears dripping on my phone screen.

I move to click on the voicemail it was sent at 9:24 pm

"I-I don't k-know what to do anymore Yoongi...what happened? I thought we were happy again...Where did you go? Did you leave me again?? Was all this some plan to make me look foolish??.... I c-can't do this anymore its so painful Y-Yoongi to keep losing you over and over... why did you come back in my life again? ....I wish I never went to a math class that day...I wish I never dropped my keys....I-If we didn't meet back then if I didn't fall in love with you at first glance t-then... I wouldn't feel like this right now..I don't know how you feel about me? Was everything just pillow talk?... I can't wait anymore... I tried for years I did Yoongi I j-just can't anymore I'm l-letting you go I won't come looking for you anymore...Goodbye Yoongi...I love you forever and always"

The voicemail ends and I'm frozen my blood cold my heart beating so hard and my breath rapid and unstable I clench my chest near my heart at how much it hurts I fall to my knees gasping.

Jimin voice in the voicemail sounded so utterly heartbroken and with each word, he said it was like a stab to the gut

I just keep hearing the words "Goodbye Yoongi" over and over in my head we would never say Goodbye to each other always see you later that's why it stings so much.

Soon bunhong comes up to me and curls around my leg purring I choke on my sob as I pick her up she licks my tears.

She starts clawing softly at my shirt and soon her claw gets caught on my necklace I gently pull her off I look at the beautiful necklace sparkling the sun pendant still so shining and beautiful.

eskimo kisses -yoonmin-  Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang