Chapter Sixty Seven

Start from the beginning

"Hey, flower.", he said quietly, smiling at her.

"Mum.", Lily said, before hugging her.



"Well, come on, Lily, wave your wand and fix his tumor.", Petunia said snobbily.

"What?", Lily blanched.

"Wave your wand. Fix him."

"Petunia, that's not how-- that's not how it works.", Lily said frustratedly

"Then what's the point of your freakish ability?", Petunia yelled.

Lily looked at her, hurt.

"Don't fight.", Mrs. Evans said, blowing her nose.

"Sorry, Mum."

Vernon, James, Marlene and Alice walked in, awkwardly.

"Ah! Lily's friends! Nice to see you.", Mr. Evans said, surprisingly cheerfully.

"Hello, Mr. Evans.", James said charmingly, shaking his hand.

The doctor walked in, making introductions to everyone.

"I ran some tests. I'm so sorry.", she said, bowing her head.

"How much time do I have?", Mr. Evans asked weakly.

"It's hard to tell. We have a surgery scheduled, there's a chance you may not make it to the surgery, or even during. You might pull through, but we think at the end of the month.", she said gravely.


Lily felt empty. She sat next to her father, holding his hand tightly.

Lily's friends and Vernon sat down silently, not wanting to interrupt.

The room was silent, muffled sobs were the only sound.

"Would you like me to go get something to eat?", James asked quietly.

"Yes, that would be wonderful. Thank you.", Mrs. Evans sniffled.

Lily smiled softly as James took the carefully packed Muggle money out, before kissing her goodbye as the door closed.

"He really loves you, doesn't he?", Mr. Evans said.

"He does.", Lily sniffled.

"I'm going to miss you so much.", Lily sobbed, leaning into him.

Mr. Evans put one arm around Lily and the other around Petunia, closing his eyes.

James came up with the food, handing it to everyone.

"James, can I speak with you?", Mr. Evans asked, after a silence.

"Me, sir?", James asked, surprised, but then nodded.

The remaining people left the room, apart from Mrs. Evans, closing the door quietly behind them

"Now, I know you love my daughter, and she loves you. I knew it would happen, since she came home complaining about the messy haired, arrogant, annoying boy in her year.", Mrs. Evans laughed.

James flushed, "I was a git back then, sir."

"There's something you want to ask us, isn't there?", Mr. Evans asked.

"I'm going to ask after we graduate, sir, but I would like your blessing to marry your daughter.", James said, running a hand through his hair.

"Yes, James, you have my blessing.", Mr. Evans said warmly.

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