"Hey baby I see you still chew on your pen," he said quickly take the pen out of my mouth and blushed we haven't seen each other since that Saturday morning.

"Oh Uh...yeah you're here and in expensive suits," I said he chuckled.

"Yeah we came straight from work and I said I would come plus I missed you," he said I hear seokjin chuckle I blushed again.

"O-Oh I missed you too," I said

"Okay you two can flirt here but can Jinnie and I go inside I'm hungry," Namjoon said I look at him.

"Oh Hyung's, of course, you two look amazing by the way," I said they both smiled

"And Jimin was right Yoongi you got cuter," Seokjin said he said while I rip three tickets off and they handed me the money I shake their hands.

"T-Thank you enjoy!" I mumbled as the two olders walked pasted me.

Jimin stayed back and he moved to sit next to me at my table I look up and see the two other volunteers looking at us they are young highschool girls making googly eyes at Jimin.

"You're not gonna go inside?" I asked he shook his head.

"Why would I go when your right here?" He said I blushed a small pink " But if you want anything I could go run in a get you something?" He added

"I'm kinda thirsty.." I whispered he stood up.

"Okay I will bring one of those big lemonades they sell" he chirped and ran off I let out a breath then I hear giggling and lookup.

"Nurse Min is that your boyfriend?" One of them said.

"N-No he's not" I huffed they whispered between each other.

"He's like really handsome...well since he isn't your boyfriend can I shoot my shot?" The blonde one asked I looked her up and down she is very pretty.

"Oh w-well I-I don't know" I mumbled

"Why you said he isn't your boyfriend just a friend right?" The blonde said I look down fiddling with my pen.

"W-Well I-" my sentence got cut off when Jimin sat down next to me again wearing a big smile and lots of food in his hands.

"I'm back baby and I got your lemonade the extra-large one and I saw they had caramel apples and I know you like sweets so I got you one plus I saw they had Tteok Kkochi so I got us some" he huffed and place all the food down in front of me I blink at it.

"Woah this is a lot you didn't have to," I said

"Well in the past I could never afford to buy you snacks or the extra-large drink but now I can and... I just wanna shower you in sweets and goodies because you deserve it and all week you were worried about everyone else having a good time today but you also should have a good time because your amazing baby" he spoke and I feel my heart sore the butterflies going crazy in my stomach.

I smiled at him and lean forward to kiss his cheek he blushed a bit I move to pick up the caramel apple the. unwrapped it and took a bite.

"Thank you, darling, for everything,"  I said he nodded and ran his fingers through his hair.

I hear the girls scoff and whisper "he said they aren't dating but hottie over there is giving him heart eyes" they whispered I smiled more at Jimin.

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