Chapter 15: Read All Day

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You were lying in bed that night when you remembered. You smiled at the memory. It made you want to relive that all over again. Why couldn't you? Why did you have to lose everything.

You sighed. You then had an idea. You got up, trying to be as quiet as possible. You crept towards Mark's room. You opened the door, making it creak a little. All of a sudden you heard Mark's voice, "Squeeeeak." He said it very sleepily, so you weren't exactly sure if he was awake or not.

You heard extremely slow breathing. You were sure he was asleep now. You crept over to the bed, sitting down and putting the cover over top of you. You kept a little distance from Mark, but not too much. He turned over on his side, facing you, his hand touching your arm. As soon as his hand hit your arm he jerked awake.

"(F/n), what's wrong? Are you okay?" He looked at you confused on why you were in here. You just shook your head. You didn't really have an explanation. You just wanted to sleep in the same bed with this man. He really was a keeper.

He must've gotten the gist on why you were in here, because he pulled you closer to him. You tensed up for a second, but then you felt yourself relaxing. He was really warm. And it felt good to be in his arms. In that moment you felt something bigger than a like like. But it wasn't quite complete love either. Or maybe it was. This was all very confusing.

In a matter of seconds, you had fallen asleep in his warm arms.

It felt like seconds later you had woken up. Mark was still asleep, holding onto you like you were his giant teddy bear. Or maybe his Tiny Box Tina instead of Tim, since Y'know Tim's a boy.

The idea made you smile. You heard Mark take a deep breath and move his head around. "(F/n), what are you doing in here?" He said when he realized you were in there. He looked confused and kind of afraid. Maybe he thought he had made you sleep with him.

"I came in here last night... don't ask why because I couldn't tell you," you explained.

"Oh, well okay then," he responded. He hesitated in moving his arms. He didn't seem to want to let go. "Mark..." you weren't sure what to say, but you didn't want him to let go either.


"I think, maybe I do love you now," you said, smiling.

This made Mark beam from ear to ear. "I love you too," he said. He was a little bit towering over you from where you were laying, holding himself up on his elbow. He then leaned down to your lips with his. His lips were as soft as velvet. You felt a sensation you'd never felt in your entire life. Well maybe you had, but you didn't remember. Kissing him was as natural as a book having the words written on them. The book was just waiting to be read, just like his lips were just waiting to be kissed.

Your lips moved together like the speed at which you'd turn the page of the book. A part of you wanted to read his lips with yours all day.

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