(17) Blinded by lust.

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"So you know what you have to do?" Spencer asks. I nod and he kisses me. I stand up and check myself in the mirror. I look at appearance checking I look okay.

I curled my hair, put on some dark but sexy makeup. Then I put on a purple tank top, black jeans, heels and I topped it off with a leather jacket with the sleeves rolled up to my elbows.

"You look gorgeous" Spencer says. I smile.

"What about me?!" Klarissa exclaims as she comes into the room pretending to be on a catwalk. I laugh and walk over to her.

"Very sexy" I smirk at her making her smirk back.

"Right, I'll see you two ladies in an hour. Be ready" Spencer says. We nod and make our way to the bar which is about 20 minutes away from here. I hop in my car with Klarissa.

"So how do you feel? Doing your first mission and all" I ask her.

"I'm excited" She says. I look at her briefly.

"No you're not. You're scared" I say to her. She looks at me baffled but quickly covers it up.

"I don't know what you're talking about" She says making me let out a chuckle.

"I've been learning how to read peoples true emotions since I was 11. No matter how good you are at hiding your emotions, I can always tell how you feel" I tell her. She sighs.

"Okay fine. I should've known it would be useless pretending anyway" She says. I put my hand on her knee.

"Relax. Once you're in there, everything will fall into place and all of your worries will be gone" I say to her softly. She smiles a little.

"What was you first mission like?" She asks.

"Mine?" She nods.


"Well, I was just like you. Scared, nervous, worried that if I did something wrong then they would hate me. My first mission was my first kill. I was about 13 or 14. The years before that I was training since I was so young. I remember walking into this drug den and let me tell you, i could've shit my pant right there" I say with a laugh making her laugh too. "But once I got into the mood and the adrenaline kicked in, my worries just flew out the window like they were never there. It was the best moment of my life. But as soon as I killed that person, my whole life changed. But it doesn't have t be that way for you.

"You don't have to kill anyone if you don't want to. Neither did I but back then, the whole gang were different. Barely any of the elders are still with us" I say and look at her for a second.

"Who was your first kill?" Klarissa asks.

"I can't remember. After I did it, I spent weeks forcing the memory of who he was and what I did to him away. I couldn't handle the guilt so I had to sort of turn off my emotions if you get what I mean?" She nods.

"Thank you" She says.

"What for?" I ask.

"Everything you've done for me lately. I'm really grateful" She tells me.  I smile at her and grab her hand giving it a squeeze before parking the car a few minutes away form the bar.

"Ready?" I ask. She nods and we step out of the car. Klarissa goes in first and I wait about 10 minutes before going in. I have half an hour to get the attention of someone from the other gang. Luckily they won't recognize me since  have a lot of make up on like  do for a normal mission but they don't know what I look like on a mission so it should be easy to lure someone in. 

When I walk in the bar, I head straight to get a drink. It doesn't take long for someone to come over to me. And their form that gang might I add. I look over to Klarissa and I nod as a signal to get the rest of the gang.

"Now what's a pretty girl like you doing at a bar all by yourself?" He asks. I smirk.

"Girl?" I tease. He smirks too.

"I'm Johnny" He says.

"Lillian" I say, giving him a fake name. He smirks and puts his hand on my knee. I almost gag at the action.

"How about you and me have a dance?" He asks gesturing towards the dance floor where there a many people.

"Sure" I say simply and drag him over to it with me. He presses up against my back and I have to keep myself from puking then and there. No one said gang work would be easy. We continue dancing for another 10 minutes before I whisper in his ear.

"Lets go some place private" He nods eagerly. I pull him into the girls bathroom but not before sending a nod towards Davina and Klarissa. They follow behind us. When we get into the toilets, I start walking backwards and pull him into the first cubicle.

He starts kissing my neck and I pretend to like it. He goes to kiss my mouth but I don't let him. Instead I start kissing his neck in attempt to pass time. A few minutes later, I have no choice but to let him kiss me. The taste of cigarettes and alcohol overwhelms me but I can't pull away.

When the cubicle door start to open slowly, I take this as my cue to headbutt him so he goes unconscious. Davina and Klarissa drag his body out of the toilets whilst I go and wash out my mouth as much as possible.

"He kissed you" Spencer says. I jump slightly but nod when I realize it's him.

"Yep and now I need to wash out my mouth for a year to get rid of the cigarette and alcohol that were living in his mouth" I say making Spencer laugh. He walks over to me and kisses me deeply. Then after a second he winces and pulls back.

"Man, does he like smoke 25 a day or something?" Spencer jokes. I laugh and rinse my mouth out once more. "Sooooo, about our date" He starts.

"Can we talk about that when we get back to base?" I ask. He nods and puts his arm around me as we take the back exit.


2 updates in 1 day!!!!!

Thanks so much for reading this chapter!

So the romance part of this book is starting to come into action!!

What do you think they want to do to Johnny? Let me know!

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