(6) I think I'll stand.

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There is some swearing in this chapter so if you don't like swearing then sorry!


"In there," Maisie says pushing me into a large room in the abandoned building the gang brought me to. I stare at her and glare for a few seconds. Finally I walk into the room. I look around and see that all that is in there is a desk and two chairs with some office supplies on the desk. I then look ahead and see a woman over by the windows with her back towards me.

She finally turns towards me and gives me a sickly smile. I take in her appearance, a blue blazer with a matching blue tight skirt and a white top with black heels. She walks over to her desk. The sound of her heels echoing through the abandoned room.

"My name is Serine Medler. And we are going to come to terms." She says as she takes a seat in her chair.


"Please sit." She says and gestures to the chair opposite her with an open hand.

"I think I'll stand," I say. She sighs. Before I know it, I'm forced down into the chair. I look up and see two buff guys with their arms crossed. I glare at them and the turn back to Serine.

"What is this? Why am I here?" I ask. She looks at me then back to the computer screen.

"Do you have any idea who this is?" She says slowing down her words at the end of her sentence. She turns the compute screen towards me and my breath catches in my throat.

"That's my little brother." I say trying to sound unaffected by the photograph on the screen.

"Right and where is he now?" She asks turning the screen towards her.

"At school," I say. She nods like she didn't know the answer.

"And what do you think would happen to him if I told you that your family was in danger?" She questions.

"I don't know," I say quietly. She looks at me sternly.

"Your family are in danger Ashley," She tells me. "And I want to help you."

"Can we deal with that later? Now tell me why are the Stellar Rippers here? They didn't tell me the truth so I want you to tell me." I say harshly. She sighs again.

"The Stellar Rippers are here because I brought them here. They need more members and I am willing to let them recruit here in this town. However I shall only let them recruit on one condition."

"And what is that condition?" I ask.

"Davina dies."


Sharon's POV

"Why would you bring her here Maisie?" I ask crossing my arms over my chest.

"Because she needs to know the truth. You can't just lie to her. There's no way she's going to let Davina die. Spencer told us to get Ashley back so we can get Davina and new members. With Ash here, she can help us get Davina back." She spits. I sigh.

"You know what? You and Spencer seem to know everything. Why won't you tell the rest of us what's really going on because we all know that's bull shit!" Frances spits at her. No one stops him from getting in her face. Maisie glares at him.

"That is the truth so if you don't like it then you can get out!" She snarls at him.

"If Ashley comes back, we are going to find out what's going on and wen we do..." He pauses. "You're dead." He whispers like it's a secret that only we can hear then he walks away. Fear is written all over her face and she tries her best to hide it. She fools the others but not me. Ashley had taught me how to tell someone's emotions even when they have hidden them. And right now, she's screaming in fear inside.


Jase's POV

"Boss it's done" Martin says. I walk over to him.

"Alright what've you got on her?" I ask taking a seat next to him. He stares at me.

"You're not gonna like it" He breathes.

"Hit me" I breathe.

"She moved here about 1 year and a half ago. She moved here with her brother, sister, and mom-"

"Why wouldn't I like this. So they're happy families?" I question cutting him off. He sighs and shakes his head.

"She moved because she left a gang. Stellar Rippers to be exact. She has been to jail times for murder but didn't spend long in there because of how rich she was. She was second in command-like Craig. It says here that she was feared more than the leader of the group who's name is Spencer Woods" He says and turns towards me again.

"Can you print me off what you've found and have it sent to my office please?" He nods so I thank him and walk away. I get greeted again on my way to my office but yet again I ignore them all.

When I arrive at my office I quickly take my seat. After a while of just sitting there the office phone rings.

"Hello?" I say.

"Mr Vixen there's a visitor here to see you" The voice I recognize as the base's secretary says. I hang up and go to the man office to see who's there. I look around warily to see who it is. I spot someone in the corner of the room. I walk over to the person and they stand up.

"Who are you?" I ask.

"My name is Jeff Bowers. I call all the meetings for the gangs and spread information for each gang" He says. I nod my head and gesture him to follow me into my office.

"Please have a seat" I tell him politely. He smiles as a thanks. "What brings you here to the Red Bar's base?" I ask him.

"There's a problem at one of the abandoned buildings and since your gang have to allows other gangs onto your territory, we would like you to help us out" He says.

"Who's we?" I question.

"The towns gang monitors" I nod my head.

"So what's going on?"

"Well about 5 months ago, we received an email saying that there was a new gang headed to San Francisco. We held a meeting with some of your advisers which was apparently then run by you then you allowed permission for this gang to come on to your territory" I nod my head as I remember the events.

"Well we suspect that this gang have something to do with the disappearance of another gang's member who have just moved onto your territory. They are called the Stellar Rippers and we suspect the other gang have abducted Davina McWilliams. The Stellar Rippers guns woman" Jeff says.

This day just keeps getting better. Note the sarcasm.


Davina's POV

"Help......." I say towards the security camera. I look around and see the guards are gone. "If any of you are watching this, the please help me" I say as my voice grows weaker.


Two chapters in one day :O!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. And! You got a little tiny bit of Davina's POV. Why do you think she's been kidnapped?

Is Serine's statement true or do you think Frances is right about the whole gang no being told the truth?

Gang Girl: Book 1 **REWRITING**Where stories live. Discover now