(9) Good luck with that Fran.

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"I'm sorry for your loss" Klarissa says as she sips on her coffee. I sigh and nod.

"Me to" I whisper. I shake my head and smile at Klarissa. "You tired?" She nods. "I'll show you to the guest room" She smiles at me and follows.

Once I know she's asleep I go back downstairs and open up my laptop. I listen to some music for a bit before deciding to go to bed. Just as I'm about to walk up the stair-the door goes. I set down my mug of coffee and go to open the door. When I do, there he stands.

"Hi Ashley" He says.

"Why are you here?" I ask. He sighs and looks beside me, into my house.

"Can I come in?" He asks. I step aside and he walks in.

"Be quiet, my friends asleep" I say.

"Friend?" I nod. "Just a friend? Not a boyfriend? Not a.........girlfriend?" I sigh.

"So you're not just a dick in school" I state and walk into the kitchen after grabbing my coffee again.

"I'm Jase Vixen. I'm always a dick" He smirks.

"How did you know where I live?" I ask taking a sip of my drink.

"I live down the street,remember?"

"Well I didn't expect you to know where I lived" I mutter. Jase suddenly puts on a serious face.

"I know you're in a gang" He says. I stare a him in shock. "I had a background check done on you. Have to be careful these days"

"What do you mean 'these days'?" I ask.

"You never know who's watching" He says. I stay silent. "Your gang needs my permission to stay here"

"Permission my ass. They don't need anything. You know the Stellar Rippers reputation which is why you're consulting me, not Spencer" He's about to answer when someone walks through the front door.

"Ashley?" My moms voice call out.

"In here" I say as quietly as I can because of Klarissa.

"What's with the mothers meeting wth the Red Bar's leader?" Mom breathes as she comes into the kitchen.

You see: My mom knows all about the gangs in many towns. She knows I was in one, she knows everything about it. She also knows every leader of every gang my gang have ever came in countered with. She an awesome mom for letting me stay with the gang.

"Mom this is Ja-" She cuts me off.

"Jase, I know" Jase looks between us

Gang Girl: Book 1 **REWRITING**Where stories live. Discover now