(14) Watch where you put your files.

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Davina's POV

"Is she going to be okay?" I ask quickly as soon as the doctor comes out of the room. He sighs then smiles slightly.

"Your friend is going to be just fine, you don't need to worry. However she will need to be on bed rest for a few days" The doctor says. I snort.

"Like that's going to happen" He shakes his head and walks away.

"Is she going to be alright?" Sky asks as soon as I walk back over. I nod my head and smile. Everyone sighs in relief. Everyone but Maisie. I shake my head and go and sit down.

4 hours ago.....

"Where are you?" Spencer asks. Now shit's getting real.

"I don't know so trace this call as quickly as you can. Ashley's injured and Kira's here. She was held at gunpoint so she's a bit shaken up" I say as I keep the pressure on Ashley's wound.

"I'm on it. Stay with them" Spencer says.

"Wasn't planning on leaving" I hang up the phone and check on Kira quickly.

"Auntie Davina, is Ashy going to be okay?" She asks. I smile softly and kiss her forehead.

"She's going to be fine Kira" I say in a supportive tone. She looks down to where my hands are.

"Why is Ashy bleeding?" She asks.

"Because that mean man on the floor shot her and now she's hurt. But don't worry, she's going to be okay. I promise" She nods and sits down on the other side of Ashley. After about 20 minutes the gang comes rushing in. Well that didn't take long at all.

"No time for a family reunion, she's losing blood quickly, we need to get her to the hospital as soon as possible or she might not live" I say quickly as I grab Kira. The gang nods as they acknowledge me quickly and they rush Ashley out to one of their cars. I put Kira in the car with me, Spencer, Frances and some other guy.

"I'm Jase" He says as he holds his hand out for me to shake.

"Davina" I say and shake his hand. He smiles so  smile back.  look down at Kira and see she's asleep.

"Who is she?" Jase asks.

"Ashley's little sister" I say and stroke her hair in a comforting way. He nods and turn around in his seat.

"We have some new gang members" Frances says. I face him.

"Really?" I ask. I thought they couldn't get anymore gang members.

"Yeah, but we only really like one of them. She's called Klarissa Eaton. She was found by Ash in an alleyway outside of a club" Spencer says. I nod at him and sit back in my seat. I just got out of my kidnappers hands and now I can't even rest because the girl who is like my sister has a bullet wound in her stomach and needs to go to hospital. What even is life?

When we finally arrive at the hospital we run straight to the emergency room.

"Can someone please help us?" I yell out. Some nurses and doctors come rushing over and they start pushing us away so they can get some room. I sigh and start to push everyone back to help them. When everyone is out of the way one of the nurses smiles thankfully which I happily return.

"Let us know how she's doing" I say as the doctors take away Ashley.

Rico's POV (Same time as the four hours before) As requested by: @mmmaeinfiniyy

I groan in pain as I slowly start to wake up. I attempt to sit up but end up screaming in pain. I look down and see my stomach is impaled with a knife. I don't try and take it out since it's probably stopping the bleeding right now and I'd rather not bleed to death.

I reach into my back pocket slowly in an attempt to search for my phone. Where is everyone? Why isn't anyone down here? I lift my head slowly and see Ashley, Davina and the kid gone. I sigh and look straight ahead when I see large writing on the wall.


What the hell is she talking about? I hear someone banging on the doors which sound like the ones from the floor above. Bitches locked the door.

I hear footsteps from down the hallway so I shout for help. I see her come around the corner and curse. After a second she rushes over to me and lets her hands hover around my stab wound.

"How are you even still alive?" She asks. I smirk a little.

"I'm indestructible baby" I joke making her smirk and chuckle lightly. She grabs the handle of the knife.

"This is gonna hurt like a bitch" She says. I nod and let her pull out the knife.

When she does, blood starts oozing out of the wound making her curse loudly. She rips part of her shirt and presses it firmly against the cut. I look up at her and she stares back. I then let my gaze fall back on to the wall. She follows my gaze.

"Watch where you put your files-someone might just steal them, -Davina. Fucking hell. So they've stole some of the files? Great, just fucking great" She says loudly. I look down at the floor.

They've stole our fucking files!


Sorry that this one is a little shorter than usual but I wasn't really in the mood for a long chapter.

Just so you know, I do read all of your comments it's just very rare that I'll reply to one:)

But I'm feeling better now so if anyone needs to talk about anything, I'm always here! Don't be afriad to message me.

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