(28) Closure.

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"You sure this is the right place?" I ask Johnny. He nods his head when I look at him. I sigh. "Don't even think of moving" I order him and lock the car after I get out.

I take a look at my surroundings.

Abandoned buildings, rats, homeless people. All in all, a horrible area to live. I sigh and walk over to the building which is in front of my car. I walk up to the alcove of the building and then turn to look at Johnny. He holds up 4 fingers making me turn to see the buzzers with numbers. My fingers press the button which has the number 4 next to it.

"Who is it?" A gruff voice asks.

"My name is Ashley Palmer. I think you might have something that I'm looking for" I hear a noise and then the door clicks open. I walk in straight away and take a quick look before heading towards the stairs.

I find the door with the number 4 on it but before I can knock, it opens.

""What's a Palmer doing on this side of town?" The same gruff voice asks.

"I'm looking for something and I was told by a friend that you might have it" I tell him. He nods and tells me to come in. He closes the door behind me.

"Would you like anything to drink?" He asks.

"Water's fine, thank you" I say with a small smile. He nods and leaves room for a few minutes before coming back in with two glasses of water.

"So what is it you're looking for?" He asks as he gestures for me to sit.

"A note" I say as I sit down on his couch. I cross my leg.

"What kind of a note?"

"That's the thing. I don't know what kind of note it is. I've never seen it before" I admit. He stands up and tells me to follow him.

"Do you know the initials of the person who wrote it?" I nod.

"E.W. Erick Woods" He looks at me and then to a cupboard which when he opens I see holds many letters. He flicks through many of the letter  before he pulls one ou and holds it out me.

"Erick Woods" He says. I slowly lift my arm to take the letter.

"Thank you" I say my voice barely above a whisper.

"My pleasure" He says. I finish my water and then we say goodbye.

"Thanks again. For the letter" I say holding it up slightly. He nods.

"Take care of yourself Ashley" I smile and begin to walk to the stairs but then turn around quickly. "I never got your name" I say.

"Jack" He says. I nod and walk down the stairs. I hop in my car and start driving quickly.

"Did you find it?" Johnny asks. I nod my head. I drive to the gang's base and help Johnny out. "When are you gonna let me go?" He asks. I give him a small smile which surprises both of us.

"You can't go home looking like that" I say ad he follows me inside. I lead him to the bathroom and tell him to have a wash and that I'd leave some clean clothes for him outside the door. He thanks me and I go and get some clothes. I leave them on the side and go into Spencer's room.

I sit on the bed and sigh. I stay there for a few minutes before changing my clothes. Just as I'm about to change my top Spencer comes in the room. I stand there for a few minutes before Spencer finally notices me.

"Thank god! I was so worried!" He says as he pulls me into a hug. I laugh.

"I'm Ashley Palmer. You don't need to be worried" I tell him. He laughs a little. I pull back from the hug and change my top. When I'm done I sit at the desk in the corner of his room and sigh.

"What's wrong?" Spencer asks as he comes over to me. I slam the note on the table. "Is that what I think it is?" He whispers. I nod.

"1 task down. 2 to go" I tell him.

"What are the other 2?" He asks worriedly.

"Kill Maisie, and get revenge" I say sternly. Spencer brushes it off.

"Have you read it yet?" He asks. I shake my head.


"Do you wanna?" I shrug.

"I don't know" I tell him as I look at it intently. I look at Spencer. "Can you read it?" He nods and grabs the letter carefully.

"Are you sure?" He ask. I nod.


I'm glad you've finally found this letter. You need closure. And that's exactly what this letter is going to give you.

If you're reading this then that means I'm gone and someone, somehow, has told you about this note. But before I say anything about what happened, I want to say I'm sorry for everything. You thought your father left you when in reality: I killed him.

I was on a mission. I don't understand how your father was there at the time because he wasn't in the gang.

I was sent to kill a small gang of about 10-20 people with a few other gang members. When we got there your father was lurking behind one of the men. I didn't know it was him. I thought it was one of whom we were sent to kill.

So I shot him.

I'm sorry.

~Erick Woods, leader of the Stellar Rippers."  Spencer finishes. I sit there in silence.

"Ash?" Spencer says. I stand up. "Where are you going?" He asks.

"I need some time to think" I say and leave the base.


Hey guys!

SO sorry I haven't updated as quickly as normal but I've been really busy!
I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

This book will be finishing in about 7 chapters so shits gonna go down now. That's not including the epilogue.

Remember that it's only 2 chapters until you can see the sequels teaser trailer. Or you can view it now on youtube. The link will be in my bio!

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