(4) Is this how we greet each other now?

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Lunch comes by quicker than I thought it would. I grab my lunch and sit down at my usual table. I start to eat when about 5 minutes later, someone's hand slams down on the table. I look up and see the school's Queen Bee: Abigail Waters. I hold in a sigh and look at her signalling for her to speak.

 "Stay away from those new kids, I know you want to be friends with them but they would never go near you in a million years" She growls at me. I just smirk which takes her back a little but she covers it up quickly and looks at me expectantly.

 "You don't know anything" I spit at her and stand up to walk away. I get outside and take a deep breath before deciding to find Sharon to ask her something. When I find her I pin her against the wall in the middle of the hall not caring who looks.

 "Is this how we greet each other now?" She asks in a strained voice because my arm is against her throat.

 "I realized you're missing someone," I start. She looks at me confused. "Where's Davina!" I demand. Her eyes sadden but she doesn't answer so I put more pressure against her neck. "Where is she?" I whisper menacingly.

 "What the hell is going on here?" A voice booms. I turn and see Frances Woodley. I let go of Sharon and walk over to him.

 "What happened to Davina, Fran? And you better tell me the truth." I say as calmly as I can. Frances sighs.

 "She's being held captive." The words shock me.

 "How long has she been there for?" I whisper.

 "10 months," I gasp and cover my mouth with my hands. "The kidnappers said they will only give her back, once we fight. But they won't fight without you against them."


 "Hey man." I say as my best friend Craig gets in my car. 

 "Wassup? I saw you talking to that freak girl yesterday." He says.

 "How the hell did you see?" I ask starting up the car.

 "It's my job as second in command to protect all gang members," He says in a 'duh' tone. I sigh and nod. "So why did you talk to her?" He asks as he lights up his cigarette.

 "There's just something about her man. She's different." I tell him.

 "I can do some digging, and we can stalk her!" He says excitedly making me chuckle.

 "Okay, we won't stalk her but we will follow her. She may be part mute in school but she probably isn't like that out of school." I say.

 "Deal." He says happily. Craig has always loved stalking people. It's what he does best. No one can spot him when he's following you. Not even other gang members which is what makes him deadly.

 We arrive at school and see a circle of people who are surrounding something. We just ignore it and walk away. 

 At lunch we decide to try and follow Ashley to see if she is up to anything suspicious. Gotta see what makes her so different. We walk past the library which makes me think.

 "She could be in here?" I suggest pointing to the library door. Craig nods and we walk in. I see her over by one of the corners filled with computers. Since Craig can hack we decide to go to the other side of the room where more computers are and try and see what she's doing.

 After 5 minutes Craig is hacked into the school's library cameras and we are watching Ashley.


 I sit and wait by the computers for the rest of the gang. I decided to help find Davina. When they finally arrive they all sit down and look at me expectantly. 

 "Lets do this." I sigh. I turn towards the computer and start to trace one of the phone calls they have received. It takes me a while. By the time the bell for the end of lunch has already went I still  hadn't traced the call although I don't care the bell has gone and neither do the others since our next lesson is in the library anyway.

 "How long is this going to take?" Jonah asks. Sky nods in agreement to Jonah's question.

 "Not long now," I say keeping my attention on the computer screen. A few minutes later the call is traced. "Hey guys I got a place." I say knowing they aren't paying attention.

 "Where is she?" Maisie asks. 

 "An abandoned building 2 miles up North." I say.

 "Can you get into their camera system?" Sharon asks. I turn to her and smirk then turn back to the computer and start hacking into their cameras. It takes a while but I do it. Suddenly images of a building pop up onto the screen. On one of screens I zoom in and see someone tied up in a chair. I look at the wrist of the person and see a tattoo. I look down at mine to confirm it's Davina.

 And it is. Same tattoo. A raven that's clawing onto a ribbon with the gangs name on. I sit back in my chair and smirk.

 "Bingo," I breathe with a smirk. The gang turns to me. "There's our girl." 

Gang Girl: Book 1 **REWRITING**Where stories live. Discover now