(23) First date //Part 2//.

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"I had a really great time tonight" I say as me and Spencer walk to his car hand in hand. He smiles at me.

"Me too" He says. I sigh.

"But as soon as we get in that car, everything goes back to the way it was" I say. Spencer stands in front of me and grabs both my hands.

"What do you mean?" He asks.

"I mean that when we get in your car, this whole day would've been for nothing because when we get back, it's going to be hectic. We're trying to find out what the fuck is going on in this town and why everything is happening and I know we're going to forget about tonight and grow apart because of it" I say in a breath. Spencer sighs.

"Ash, when we get in that car, it's still our date, when we get out that car, we'll still be together, when all of this is over, we'll still be together. No matter what" He says softly. I nod but then freeze.

"Oh shit" I say quietly. Spencer looks around but I stop him as quick as I can.

"Ashley, what's going on" He asks.

"Don't move Spencer until I tell you to" I say sternly. He gives me a confused look. I look up at him. "Someone has a gun pointed at us. Well not someone. I think it's Rico" I say as I squint my eyes to look ahead. 

"Rico?" Spencer asks in a low tone. I nod.

"But don't move. You can't see him. I can" I tell him. Spencer growls slightly.

"Yeah, but I can see someone else" He growls.

"More?" I ask. He nods. I sigh and look him dead in the eyes. "Lets do this"

"Tell me when" He says staring at me. I nod and look over his shoulder. I see Rico turn on his target light.

"3........2........1.........NOW!" I yell loud enough for all the people who have guns pointed at us to hear.

The bullets start coming towards us just as me and Spencer jump out of the way. I rush my hand inside my jacket pocket and pull out my knife. Spencer looks at me with wide eyes.

"You brought your knife with you on our date?" He asks breathlessly as we hear footsteps.

"Oh give it a rest, I know you have a gun in your suit" I say. He sighs and pulls it out but then he pulls out another one and gives it to me. "I know you prefer knives but it's just in case" He says. I nod and remove the safety.

"Look at us. Getting targeted on our date" I say with a small laugh. Spencer laughs and takes his safety off the gun. I nod at him and stand up slowly with my back against the wall.

"Come out, come out wherever you are" A voice rings. I instantly recognize it.

"Who is that?" Spencer asks.

"It's Rico" I say and slowly look out from behind the wall. I then turn back around to Spencer. "You have to trust me" I say. He gives me a confused look.

"What are you talking about?" He asks.

"I'm going to go out there. When I give you a small thumbs up, you're going to throw me the knife" I say as I pass him my weapons. "When Rico's down, you come out and help me fight anyone in the way of the car. We get in and get out" I say.

"And risk you getting killed? I don't think so Ashley" He says sternly. I give him a small smile.

"Out of anyone in the whole universe, you know me better than anyone. Even my mom. You won't lose me" I reassure him. He sighs and nods.

"How should I throw the knife?" He asks.

"On the blade so I can grab the handle but be careful it doesn't cut you" I say. He nods and kisses my forehead.

"I love you" He whispers. I look up at him and smile again.

"Here goes nothing" I breathe and step out.

Davina's POV

"Davina what are we doing?" Jase asks as we walk over to where Ashley and Spencer are.

"As much as I hate to crash their date, we have to tell them this" I say. Jase nods and follows me.

"They're defiantly in there Rico" Someone says.

"Shit" I whisper and pull Jase behind a wall.

"Who is it?" He asks.

"It's Rico" I say. "How the fuck is he still alive?" I mutter to myself.

"Rico? The guy that kidnapped you and Ashley?" He asks me. I nod.

"Yeah but  threw a knife at him so I don't understand how he's alive" I say. Jase's phone suddenly beeps. I turn aroundto him and give him a confused look.

"Peekaboo, I see you-GM" He reads off of his phone.

"Fuck" I curse. Suddenly 5 people come to where we're hiding. I throw the gun I have and I take out the knife. I go up to the person who's closest to me and stab their back. The guy yells in pain. I kick the back of his knees  so he falls. Just when I'm about to attack him properly, I sense someone coming up behind me. When I feel their presence very close to me, I elbow them which hits ther face. I turn around and see another guy.

"You should know better than to sneak up on a lady" I say and kick his head on the floor hard enough to kill him. When I see the blood come from his head before I turn around and finish the other guy off.

Once I have, I go over and find Jase standing with a girl who has a mask on and he has her in a tight grip. I look on the floor and see a woman and a man dead.

"Jase what are you waiting for? Just kill her!" I yell at him.

"Look at her wrist" He says sternly.

"What?" I question in confusion.

"Look at her fucking wrist!" He yells at me. I go over to her and pull up he sleeve. She struggles against Jase but she doesn't get away. That's when I see why he wanted me to check her wrist.

Before me lies a tattoo. It's a raven clawing on to a ribbon with 'Stellar Rippers' written on it.

The gang's tattoo.

"Oh fuck no" I curse loudly. Suddenly the girl kicks Jase hardly making him fall and then punches me making me fall too. I try and get up quick enough but it doesn't work. She's already gone.


Thanks for reading you guys! I hope that you enjoyed this chapter!

I put Jase in this chapter because he's been missing from a few chapters lately so he's back!!!

So I did say there's going to be more action from now on and I'm doing so from this point on wards!

Also, I might finish the book at maybe chapter 35 or something. But I'm not sure yet.

Also remember that I have a new book called Deadly Viral which is coming out in March so don't forget to check that out!

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