What brings me back? I don't know

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Sorry it took so long for me to post this! But here it is. I'm working super hard at making this interesting! Hope it's working. I'm open to anything seriously! 

Also dedicated to Magicmuffins, because she's like the only one reading Haha! Thanks <3

"Where are you this time? You never showed, 

I'll never know, How could you just let me go." Ryan sung, into the mic.

Strumming his guitar with passion. His eyes focused on the small garage window. He smiled bright as he sung the song. He told me that this was one of him and Levi's favorite songs to perform and write!

My thoughts drifted else where. I was worried about the guys leaving. The summer is the last chance i get to spend with Levi. When he gets back August 30th, i'll be leaving for college four days after. I'm going to miss him, like crazy. I love him. I love him more then i love myself. I never thought i would ever fall so deep in a trance, with anyone. Ever! I could see me marring this knuckle head. He's just perfect to me. He could never do wrong to me, he wouldn't dare. Ditto for me.

I smiled, as he preformed his heart out. He screamed the words that meant the most to him. I remember the day he told me about his dad. About how much he loved him. Their relationship was inseparable. I loved it. Sometimes i wished his father was still alive, so he could see the man Levi's becoming. He's maturing, aging and getting hotter by the minute. Happy to call him mine, all mine.

"Hey Mister, where have you been? 

I'll never get to live this life again." Levi roared

He pounced around the small tiled floor, swinging his ginger mane back and forth. His nose flared whenever he yelled. I loved to watch him perform. His passion. His life. It was all right in front of me, written in lyrics. Sung in harmony.

I was slowly pulled out my trance by my vibrating phone. It buzzed my pocket, repeatedly. I gave the guys a small smile. Levi smiling back,and getting ready for his cue. I slowly got up and walked the hallway, to Ryans kitchen. I sat on a dining chair and swiped my phone unlock. It was my mom. I smiled, reading her message.

Big Big news, Call me when you see this!

Curiosity flooded my mind. I didn't waste time. I quickly pressed 4, speed dialing my mothers number. She picked up in seconds.

"Oh Joanne! You're not going to believe it baby girl!" She yelled through the phone. I laughed at her excitements.

"What what!" I shouted back, now figiting in the seat.

"You know that college you picked right?!" She questioned. I became confused. "Yeah, why?"

"Okay so, i know you got accepted into the New york one, but i know you really wanted to go to the paris campus." She paused

"So i made a couple phone calls and you're in!" She squealed. My heart drop. Was i not just thinking about NOT leaving Levi? Now i'm going to be even further then i thought. At least at new york, i could come visit, or he could visit me. We could sit in my dorm room and play Zelda all night, while listening to my endless supply of usher Cds. This could never work if i'm across the world. I know i really wanted to go to France, but that was before Levi came prancing in my life. Before he changed me. Before us. A tear dropped from my eye.

"Jo?" My mom questioned from the other end. A small whimper escaped my lips. "Yeah mom, i'm so excited." I sobbed. To her it sounded like tears of joy. To me, tears of confusion. How was Levi going to take this. He's been so honest to me. He's going to hate me. I hate me.

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