What if i don't wanna fall?

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                                        What if i don't wanna fall

The bell blares, sending soundwaves down the hallway, entering the classrooms.

I sat boredly in college english. The class began to shuffle and head towards the main, and back doors. 

I picked up my binder, and pen, shoving them inside my bag. Zipped it closed and headed to the door.

One more class, I thought.

I turned left heading towards my locker. Someone bumped into me, knocking off my glasses.

"Thanks." I sacasticly said as i picked them up off the ground.

The person smelled of cheap colonge and downy.

"Oh um, sorry" He was distracted by something. I turned around to see what he was staring at.

I saw a girl run up the stairs, looking back to see if someone followed.

"I think you lost her, dude." I put my glasses back on and continued my journey to my locker.

I felt a freaklishly warm hand on my shoulder. Knowing it was the same dude, i stopped.

"Yes?" I answered annoyed.

"Sorry, but that was my little sister and i just wanted to drop this off for her." He showed me a pharmacy bag. "If you see her, can you give her this?" He shot me a hopeful smile.

"Uh, sure. whatever." I took hold on the bag, but he wouldn't let go. "Anything else?"

He was staring. It freaked me out a bit.  He had nice eyes though. A nice shade of cocoa brown.

He had the right side of his nose pierced, with a ring going through It.

Nice hair i guess. Dark shade of brown, off black. It gently touched around his ears and the rest went along his forehead. 

After staring at me for i don't know 40 seconds he finally released and sighed.

"um?" The confusion spoke with my voice.

"Oh, am i staring at you?" I nodded. "It's, just. You have beautiful eyes. sorry i can't help myself sometimes." He blushed between his words.

"Thanks. Even though our eyes are the same color. Yours, a little lighter, but...Whatever. Okay so i'm going give this to your sister." 

I tried to escape and get to my locker. Ms. Norla would rip my head off if i was a minute late to trigonometry. He stopped me again. 

I shot him a sarcastic smile. "Hm?"

"I know i'm bothering you and everything, but can i at least know your name?" He smiled bright and waited for my answer.

"Aren't you a little too old to be flirting with highschool kids?" I continued walking

He followed. "I'm not flirting!" he said defenseful. "And i'm only 20." 

I kept walking, with my locker straight ahead. I turned and glanced at him.

"..And i could be a 14 year old freshman." I said as i started turning the combination to my locker.

His face went red. I grabbed my math book and noticed his face change.

He stared at the book. "What 14 year old takes trigonometry?" He gave me a smug look.

"A smart one" I glanced at my phone. 3 mintues til the bell rang. I continued to the stairs.

I felt his presence still with me. I looked up to him and stopped. "Okay, Okay."

I rolled my eyes and sighed. "i'm 18." He smiled and walked ahead of me. Leading me to the 3rd floor. "How do you know where my class is you brown eyed stalker." 

He laughed at my comment  "I went to school here." And walked me to the door "Ms. Norla right?"

I awkwardly shock my head "Now your name?" He said as he stared in the classroom and gave the teacher a wave. I stared at him.

"Austin Carlie!" Ms. Norla yelled as she aproached the doorway me and him stood at.

"Hey, Miss!" He smiled. She hugged him tight and looked to me. "One minute Ms. Montana!" she continue to the bored and wrote down some more equations.

I tried to slip past him, but he put his hand in front of me. I stopped so he wouldn't hit my chest.

"So Ms. Montana, you know who i am, who are you?"

I put my head down and sighed. "Toby."

He shot me another one of his smug looks. And i raised my eyebrow at him.

The bell rang "Gotta go, Brown eyes." I sarcasticly smiled, showing my teeth and gave his arm a punch. 

He moved his hand and let me in. I felt his eyes on me as i walked to my regular seat. The class piled in and found their seats. He stood at the door and gave me a goodbye wave as the late bell blared. He walked away. I put the medicine bag in my backpack. Class started, and the math became my temporary language.

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