Pretty little lady with the swollen eyes...

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Toby-Anne's Point of view...

11:30am. We were driving up to Austin's house. The guys were planning a small breakfast/goodbye party for Shay. Also they were going to film their goodbye video. I knew the emotions that would be in such video. Their fans will be devastated. I still wanted to know why Shayley wanted to leave. He never made it clear to me. All he did was admit his love for me and practically begged me to leave Austin.

Would it be wrong to say I consider? But only to keep him happy, and keep the band going. I don't know what he's going to do after this. They have a new clean vocalist now. Aaron Pauley. He's more of trying out. Seeing how well he works with the fans. He'll be accepted, I know it. From the videos Austin sent me, he seems great.

I can just tell all of this is hard on him as well. I can't begin to imagine the stress Austin's going through. Him and Shayley have an amazing bond. One stronger then ours. I loved that about Austin. He was able to make anyone like him and with such little effort. His wit and charm. He dazzling smile that made his freckles pop!

His bright brown eyes that went perfectly with his hair. That hoop that casually went through his nose piercing. His laugh, so hearty and humble. He covers his mouth and kicks his feet; and if you tickle him good enough, you'll get a snort out of him. I just missed him in total. I wanted to be in his warm and comforting grasp.

He was an escape from reality. With him I felt like I entered another world. He cares so much about me. He makes me feel safe no matter what. He takes my mind off of situations I didn't want to worry about. He's perfect.

I stared out the window. The smell of morning dew and California sunshine filled the air. I could almost taste it. The sun nicely beamed on my skin, as a slight and calming breeze blew in. Southern California is amazing. I need to move here.

I looked over to Levi. He was focused on the road. It's still pretty weird seeing him drive a car. He's actually really good, better than me. I sighed remembering yesterday and our half-ass conversation minutes before this hour car ride.


"Okay, my mom got picked up by her boyfriend so we have the car, but Levi has to go to work.." I sighed.

I didn't want to ask him, especially after our argument last night. There's still a thick tension in the air

"Look I can call us a cab if you want. I'm sure Alan'll pay for it." Maddie smiled

"So would Austin." Amber added. I waved my hands at them. "No no no! Your house is an hour away in Southern California. Do you know how much that cab would be?"

They nodded realizing no one wants to pay 80 dollars for a stupid cab ride. "I'll just ask him." I smiled, dimly.

We walked down the steps, them following behind me. He sat on the couch, as usual watching early morning cartoons. Amber and Maddie waited by the door. Their red and purple hair, bright and colorful.

I walked over to the couch. Watching as he stared at the T.V eating his cereal. He paid no mind to me. I sat next to him. Keeping space. "Hey." I whispered. He ignored me.

"Okay fine, can you drive us to Austins please?" He stood quiet for a second, before sighing. He scooped the last of his cereal in his mouth. He quickly looked over at me. I sent him a shy smile, as he rose from his seat and into the kitchen. I looked back to Maddie and Amber who looked confused by his weird actions.

Then he walked out and right past us, out the door. I got up to see him get in the car, starting it up. I guess that's a yes. We followed. Maddie and Amber in the back while I sat awkwardly in the passenger seat.

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