I dont really think what you need can be considered me...

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Austin's Point of view...

Day 2 of our fall tour, we've been touring with Woe is Me and Issues. It's been going pretty good. Every show fills the void of missing my girls at home. The fans have given me nothing but acceptance, and well as our new vocalist, Aaron. When I wasn't enjoying the music and the fans, my mind trailed back to Anne. Amber doesn't talk much about her when I call, same for Anne.

It's like they're both hiding something from me. Do they think they can't tell me things? Do they even trust me anymore? My pondering thoughts stopped with a empty bottle to my face. I looked up at Tino swallowing the rest of the water that was in the bottle. "It's like you don't know when it's soundcheck, come on, fool." He laughed pointing at the trash.

I sighed, tossing the bottle in the trash. "Oh!" Alan yelled. Tino, and Phil stopped in between the door, and Aaron stopped mid air from getting up from the couch. "I gotta pee first, hold up." He smiled walking towards the bathroom. They all sighed, walking out. Both doors closed, leaving me to my thoughts once again.

I ran my hands through my hair. "Ahh" I moaned. "What's going on?" I whispered to myself. "I think I'm going insane." I grabbed my phone out my pocket, and clicked on Anne's name. My finger twitched over the call button. I just need to hear her voice. I clicked it, and put my phone to my ear, sitting back. I closed my eyes and awaited her voice.

"Hello." I smiled. "Hey, babe how-" Alan grabbed my phone. "Hey sexy, it's Alan." I got up to grab my phone, but he ran around the room. "Austin just wanted to check up on you, he's busy right now though, speak soon bye bye." He ended it and handed my phone back to me. "Ew it's wet, gross." He smirked. "At least you know I washed my hands." He flicked water in my face.

I sighed, rubbing my phone on my shirt. Alan looked around. "I could of sworn I told them to wait up, fuckers." He wiped his soaked hands on his shirt, then looked towards me. "What?" I questioned. "Stop being all depressed and what not, aight? Anne isn't hiding anything from you, and Amber is perfectly fine. You're got like 10,000 teenagers that they look up to you because you help them to NOT be depressed. Are you being a contradiction, huh, Austin?" He scoffed.

As stupid as he is, he's right. I'm overreacting, I need to be strong not only for myself but for my fans. I slapped the back of his head. "Since when did you use such big words." I laughed. He laughed as he pushed the door opened. "Oh shit." He gasped. He hit someone with the door.

I walked out, behind him. It was a girl, she was short and blonde. "Are you okay?" I asked smoothing her arm. Her hands covered her face. Alan grabbed them to see her face. "Let me see if I bruised this pretty little face." He smiled.

"Babe, Is Alan bullying you again?" Someone laughed from down the hall. Austin. "W- you know her?" Alan asked. I let go of her arm. Austin noticed me, and gave me a small smile. "It's Gielle, Alan." I sighed, walking away.

"Oh, damn Gielle. I smacked the shit out of you, you okay?" He laughed.


Levi's Point of view...

Her laughter was all I craved to hear for the past two weeks, her smile, her touch, her voice. No one's perfect, but I some how expected Anne to be. She may not be the best sister in the world, but she's still mine. The only one I have at that. "..and she was like...'why's everyone laughing?'..." She stopped to laugh. She gasped, and held her leg, while the other hand held the cold rag to her purple eye. "..but little did she know, her whole front of her...pants were soaked." She laughed, hunched over.

I smiled. It felt good to smile again, especially if she was the reason. "How'd that happen?" She looked up to me. "I don't know." She snorted. She still didn't tell me what happened to her, and why her eye was still a throbbing mess. She just told me stories about her friends, and the band. I didn't mind at all, if it made her happy, I was happy.

I didn't even notice her hand slowly rise to my face. She rubbed my cheek, and under my chin. "You're a man now, Levi." She grinned. Her fingers played with my stubble. "Does that scare you, Anne?" I wondered. Does me growing up, change anything between us? Is growing up as scary as I think. We're both still so young, but were aging so fast. She shook her head.

"It's great." She got up from her floor and crawled into her bed. She tossed around a bit, before finding the perfect spot. Then her room grew quiet. I thought she fell asleep, so I turn her light off, and as I walked towards the door. "..It's great because now you can take care of me. Y'know; since I've been a horrible big sister to you." I was going to comment on how I didn't mean what I said.

"It's okay, it's true. Show me how it's done big bro." I could feel her smile. It made my heart race faster then any drug I can ever take.


Shayley's Point of view...

My heads been a mess the past two weeks, I can't even think straight. Anne really knows how to fuck a person up, in a good way at that. Did what we did mean anything? Or was she just trying to give me something to hold, and obsess on? She hasn't even answered my phone calls.

I sighed reaching for my bottle on the floor, putting it to my mouth. A few tiny drops onto my tongue made me realize I was out of booze. I haven't been sober in so long. I've wasted over 200 bucks on beer and booze and I drove to the gas station and got a DUI. I smiled, looking at the tickets and bills that laid on my table.

"I don't even give a fuck anymore." I laughed, digging into my pocket looking for my wallet. I had about 7 bucks left and a pizza coupon. My door bell rung, giving me a humongous headache. No one even visits me, who's the lucky victim to come be graced with my presence.

They kept ringing it over and over. "Open the door, I know you're home!" Who the hell is that? I dragged my self to the door. "Okay, I'm coming, damn." Looking into the peep hole, I saw a pink paper. I sighed, swinging the door open to see a very unhappy blue eyed girl. "Shay, what is this?" She complained, staring at the paper. "I don't know." I sighed, grabbing it. 'Eviction Notice'. She shrieked as I read the paper that said I had 10 days to move out. "What?" I questioned, eyes still on the paper.

It said I was 1,200 dollars behind in rent. I growled gripping my hair. She still didn't answer me, but instead covered her mouth and pointed at my half naked body. I didn't even care. I gave her back the paper and walked back into my house.

I heard her take a few deep breaths. "What are you gonna do, Shayley?" She asked quietly, closing the door behind her. I laughed. "Absolutely nothing." I climbed my stairs, and she followed. "Are you crazy? Shay, you're gonna be homeless in like 10 days. You need to do something."

I looked back at her, her big blue pools begging for an answer. "Listen, I'm broke, I got 7 bucks to my name. There's nothin' I can do Am." I climbed in bed. She bit at her lip, and hesitated for a second. "I can help you. I have money in my college bank account." She sat at the edge of my bed. "..And I can get a job at the mall. I-"

I sat up. "Why the fuck would you do all of this?" My vision was blurry, and it was too dark in my room, but somehow she scooted closer to my face, I could feel her icy breath on my capped lips.

"..because I love you, Shayley Bourget." She whispered.

yo. hey I went so M.I.A it's crazy, but I still checked up on my account. I literally just grew soo lazy idek. it's crazy. I hope u guise like this shitty chapter & still love me!!! Also, If u wanna harass me I made a instagram for u guys!! so if you got one follow me ~~~~> "@byunchichi"


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Seahaven- Flesh

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