Stab my back, its better when i bleed for you

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Levi's point of view...

You my friend are the piece of shit. You just punched your sister in the face. You just probably ruined her life, while you stepped all over her ego. I spit on her pride. I ripped apart her dignity.

My phone rung in the cup holder. I hesitated, at first. What if it's Austin? How do you tell someone why you punched someone in the face? Especially their girlfriend. I looked to see Jo's name. I picked it up.

"What?" I hissed. Why am I'm mad at her? Don't ruin this. "Sorry I mean yeah?"

She was quiet for a bit. Probably taking in my bipolar hello. "Uh, okay." She laughed. "Whatcha doing later?" She asked. I could see her smile. Sweet and shy.

I had to talk to Farrah later. How was I going to tell her that? I mean she must understand she's the mother of my child right? "I got work all day, sorry." I lied. One little white lie, won't do much. Right?

"Oh." She said sadly. I sighed. "I'll come tonight."

"And I'll leave my window unlocked."

"Okay, bye I love you."

"I love you more." For some reason. Saying that to her felt better. It didn't stung like when I said it to Farrah.

Just thinking of her, and what I did to Anne makes me angry. I gripped the wheel. I just need to go home and relax the best way I know how to.


Toby-Anne's Point of view...

It was dark, and my body ached, as well as my head. It throbbed as I moved around. My eye stinging. I could hear a faint sound of music. It's base booming through the walls. It had to be past eight. Did I sleep all day? I soon noticed the comforting arms not attached to me.

Austin was gone. "Austin?" I croaked out. I got up, dizzy from my aching headache. I held my side as I traveled through Austin's dark room. I walked to his bathroom, preparing myself for the burn of the light, and the black and blue on my face. I sighed, flicking it on. At first I stared at his tiled floor. My eyes getting used to the brightness.

With much deliberation, I picked my head up and stared into the mirror. I looked like shit. A piece of shit to be specific. My bed hair laid all over the place. My makeup made long black lines down my cheeks. The left side of my face was the worst. I had a big red fist mark on my cheek, while the bottom lid of my eye, was a purplish blue color.

It swelled up, covering a majority of my eye. Nasty eye gunk stuck in the corners. I quickly grabbed an extra rag from his shelf. I soaked it with water and soap. I softly rubbed off my makeup. I rinsed off all the soap, before softly rubbing the rag over my big eye; removing the nasty eye gunk. After cleaning my face to the most decent it could be, I digged through my bag of clothes which he brought upstairs for me.

I put some pajamas on. I wrapped my hair up in a bun, and walked out his room in search for his warmth. The music grew a bit louder as I walked their hallway. I walked down the steps, to now hear the T.v.

Some reality show played, and you could hear Austin's soft snickers. I walked in to see his big freckled smile, staring intently at the screen. He was shirtless, and had basketball shorts on. The light made his tattoos look even better. I slowly walked behind him.

I knelt down to smell him. He must of just taken a shower, he smelt amazing and fresh. I smiled. I pushed my hands down his chest. He jumped, but soon relaxed when he noticed the hands that touched him belonged to me. He leant his head back, staring up at me.

I leaned down to kiss him softly. I pulled away and walked around to sit next to him. He pulled me to his lap, with my back leant against the armrest. I smiled as his hand traveled up and down my legs. "Sorry I wasn't there when you woke up." He softly moved some hair from my face. "Staring at you for hours got a little boring." He admitted, with a smile.

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